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Results 52801-52830 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
the frequent use of Division and Brigade Courts Martial is distressing to the officers of the army. in our present Scituation we may have nine of those Courts at the same time, employing at least 126 Officers. I am Convinced the whole busyness might at present be done by two Generals Courts Martial at which the Judge advocate and his Deputy may attend. the busyness would be more regularly...
I have been honord with your Favor of the 2d instant—& have to give you my sincere Thanks for your kind wishes & offers to do all in your Power to forward our intended Operations. I could wish your Stay in Congress might be continued longer than you intimate—as your Efforts there, from your Knowlege of Military Matters, might be of essential Service to our Designs—The Army is now drawn near to...
I have recd yours of the 19th of June—previous to the acceptation of your Resignation you must lodge Certificates from the pay Master General & Auditor of Accounts that you have no public money charged against you, and you must obtain an approbation of dismission from the Colonel or commanding Officer of the Regt to which you belong. I am &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I am honoured with your Excellency’s letter of 25th June last—with a copy of one addressed to you from General Parsons enclosed. Your feelings of distress, excite a sympathy in my breast, a readiness to do all in my power to remove the occasion—That the Committee from the Connecticut line of the Army did not accomplish a full settlement, was to me a matter of sorrow, and fear for its...
I have before me Your Excellencys Letter of the 1st Instant—Enclosed is the result of a meeting of Commissioners at Providence the 26th June—For the month of July it was thought best for every State to get forward their whole quota of fresh beef as fast as possible. For this State Colo. Champion was first furnished with £500—and now with near £800 more in hard Cash—with which to purchase—and...
Many weeks have elapsed since I have had the pleasure of rec g ^ been fav d with ^ any Letters from you— I have rec d . a Letter from Col. Laurens dated at Sea & covering the one herewith enclosed for you. A Vessel has arrived at Bilboa in 24 Days from Salem. I rec d . by her some Family Letters which came under cover to others ^
Observing by your Correspondence with Congress that you are put to a great deal of Expence by American Seamen arriving from Captivity at Cadiz where they also grow very troublesome— I offer the following Proposal to your consideration— Authorise M r Harrison or whoever may be your Agent at Cadiz, to enter into Contracts with Such Americans as present themselves for the Bounty of their Country...
RC (Historical Society of Pennsylvania). Written by Meriwether Smith, except for the signatures of the other delegates. Docketed: “1781 July 12th. From Delegates of Virga State respg. property of Virga. attached by Simon Nathan.” The underwritten the Delegates attending in Congress from the Common Wealth of Virginia, beg leave to communicate to the supreme Executive Council of the Common...
52809Tuesday July the 10th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning at about half past nine o’clock Mr. Dana, his servant and I set away from Utrecht, and arriv’d at Ni j megen at about 8 o’clock P.M. the distance, is about 50 Miles; We pass’d along thro’ the province of Utrecht, the land is very bad and gravelly. Nimegen is the last City in the Republic, in the Province of Gelderland; the land in this Province is much better than in that of...
Amsterdam, 10 July 1781. RC and signature in John Thaxter’s hand PCC , No. 84, III, f. 268–269. printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 4:556–557. John Thaxter wrote this letter during John Adams’ absence at Paris. It contains an English translation of an article that...
The day before yesterday, my angel, I arrived here, but for the want of an opportunity could not write you sooner. Indeed, I know of none now, but shall send this to the Quarter Master General to be forwarded by the first conveyance to the care of Col. Hughes. Finding when I came here that nothing was said on the subject of a command, I wrote the General a letter and enclosed him my...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress Last Night I received your 4th Letter on the Same Subject. You are anxious to carry the Money with you, because it will re-animate the Credit of America. My Situation & long Acquaintance with Affairs relating to the public Credit enables me, I think, to judge better than you can do, who are a Novice in them, what Employment of it will most conduce to...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 3d Instant, inclosing the Accounts of the military Stores sent and to be sent, and of the Cloathing furnish’d by Messrs. Sabbatier & Desprez. I am exceedingly oblig’d by the Goodwill you so kindly express towards the United States, and by your friendly Suggestion of the Propriety of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society If it is in your power to obtain intelligence from London, concerning the proceedings on my Appeal, which you was so kind as to negotiate for me, during your residence there, and on which a hearing was expected soon after you left England, and you can learn whether any Judgment was given thereon.— I shall esteem it a singular favor, if you will please to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Samuel Powel Griffitts is my great Nephew, who has studied Physick under Doctr: Kuhn of this City, much to his Credit and reputation, he has taken his Degrees in our University with applause, and great Satisfaction to his friends, and in order to compleat his knowledge in Physick &c. he has taken a Voyage to France, to vissit the Hospitals there,...
52816[Diary entry: 10 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
10th. A Letter from Governor Trumbull, inclosing the proceedings of a convention of Eastern Deligates gives better hope of a regular supply of provision than we have been accustomed to for more than two years as the business seem to be taken up Systematically and regular modes adopted to furnish supplies at stated periods. General Heath also writes very favourably of the disposition of the...
52817General Orders, 10 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorow Major General Lord Stirling Colonel Webb for Picquet Major Gibbs Inspector 2d Connecticut brigade Two Field pieces in the Centre of the second line of the American Camp will be fired as a signal of Alarm in case the enemy should attempt to advance in force: the Troops thereupon will immediately form the Line of Battle in front of their respective encampments and be ready to...
I was honor’d with your Excellency’s favor of the 6th inst. in Season to countermand the Embarkation of the 2d Regt agreeable to your Direction, the rest of the Troops haveing previously sailed. This Regiment will now encamp in this place and the Transports shall be kept in perfect readiness to receive them on the shortest Notice. I am sorry to inform your Excellency, that the first Regiment...
I have to acknowledge the Honor done me in the Receipt of your Excellencys Favor of the 3d instant—covering the Resolutions of Congress of the 2d—The Corps of Rifle Men, requested from the State of Pensylvania, I am anxious to obtain, as I am more & more sensible of the important Benefit we may derive from their Services in our approach to New York. Your Excellency’s agreable Favor of the 6th...
My Health is so much impaired by long Confinement & Application as compels me to retire from Congress. I have the Pleasure to inform your Excellency they have elected his Excellency Thomas McKean Esqr. to be their President. It also gives me much Satisfaction on retiring, to see our public Affairs in many Respects wear a more promising Aspect than heretofore. The Enemy at present in every Part...
Your favor of the 20th ulto by Post, came to my hands the evening before I marched for this part of the Country—The attention necessary to these kind of movements occupy all ones time, and must plead my excuse for not answering your favor sooner—I question now, whether I shall be able to write so satisfactorily as I could wish, or as you may expect. I thank you for the promise of writing to...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s favor of the 29th June. It is with very great satisfaction I observe the proceedings of the General Assembly of your state which you have been pleased to communicate to me The exertions of that Legislature have heretofore been laudable and I am exceeding glad to see the same spirit still prevailing—For my own part I have not a...
For the Benefit of the Army, & the Encouragement of the Inhabitants—you will be pleased to publish the inclosed Proclamation in your useful Paper. I am sir your St By his Excellency Geo. Washington Esqr. Genl & Commander in Chief of the Allied Army. A Proclamation Be it known—That Every Day, during the Time the Army remains in its present Position, from Day Break till Noon, Two markett Places...
I was honored with your Excellencys favor of the 6th instant in due time. The whale boats were Collected as speedily as posible, and delivered to your last order. Not knowing that they were appropriated to any particular Service, one of them was Sent down to row Guard at night a Cross Kings-Ferry, to give me the earliest advice of the approach of the Enemy; should he pass the boats below...
In consequence of a request from me to Mr Lowrey, that he would continue to purchase and forward Flour to the utmost extent of his Commission, he informs me that he has compleated the purchase of 2000 Barrels and that he has began upon that of 1000 more; but of this he desires me to give you notice; meaning I suppose that you may put a stop to it, if it should not meet your approbation. I have...
According to your Excellency’s Direction, I am to State in writing the Claims of the different Ranks of officers in the Connecticutt Line to a Board of officers to settle their relative Rank: or that your Excellency would decide the Claims without a Board. Captains Bulkley & Morris at the Time of settling the Rank of Captains were Prisoners and have never had Opportunity to be heard & suppose...
I have been favour’d with yours of the 24th ultmo & 4th inst. I am pleas’d to find by the first that the Assembly of Pennsylvania have at length passed a Law which seems likely to procure the number of Men voted. You certainly misunderstood me when you was at New Windsor, if you conceiv’d it was my intention that you should serve this Campaign with the Army in this quarter; I at that time...
I have the honor to inform you that the Honble Samuel Huntington having informed the United States in Congress assembled that the State of his health would not permit him to continue longer in the exercise of the duties of President and requested leave to absence, Congress have this day proceeded to the Choice of a president and have elected the Honble Thomas McKean. I am Sir Your obedient...
I have recd your favr of the 2d. I can only direct you as I did before to apply to Majr General Greene, who has power, if he thinks the former Court illegal, to disapprove of the proceedings on that account, and to order a new trial, at a proper season. I am Sir yr most obt Servt. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I feare your Excellency will think me Very troublesom—But as I concieve my life and happiness entirely depends on the decision of the present dispute—hope you will pardon me—Since I wrote you my last The Board of war, has furnish’d me with an Copy of the proceeding of the Court Martial—which I do myself the honr to transmit to you (by advice)—With a Certificate from the British officer who...