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Results 52801-52850 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I thank you for your attentive favor of the 16th. which gave me the first intelligence of the...
I have recd. your favor of the 18th. instant, & delivered into the hands of Mr. Rush the...
J. Madison has recd. the polite invitation of the "Penn Society" to their anniversary dinner on...
I thank you for the pamphlet you were so kind as to send me by mr Harris, which I have read with...
I have received your favour of the 10th: of this month with your oration on our anniversary...
I have received your friendly letter of the 18th. inst. The few lines which answered your former...
On my return, the day before yesterday, after a long absence from this place, I found here your...
I have never seen Mr Madison so well fixed any where as on his estate in Virginia , not even...
Your letter of the 21 st found me in a commencement of convalescence after a severe illness of...
I have recd your letter of the 26. Ult: referring to a pamphlet previously sent me; and for which...
Philosophy and Theology being my principal Studies I am ill qualified to correspond with you upon...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr Ingersoll with many thanks for the Copy of his Address on...
Mr. M. being at present too much indisposed to use his own pen desires me to acknowledge the...
I thank you, tho’ at a late day, for the pamphlet comprizing your address at New-York. The...
confidential I have received my dear Sir your favor of with a copy of the address of the late...
I have recd. your letter of Jany. 21 asking 1. Is there any State power to make Banks? 2. Is the...
Your favor with a statement of my debt for the Analectic Magazine is at hand. the former on the...
I have received a letter from Capt Nathaniel Freeman of the 4th instant of which the following is...
I duly received several letters from you dated Feby. 26 April 3 May the 20th & 23d. and the third...
I have just received a letter from Capt. McClellan, intimating a wish that one John Fitz should...
I have been informed that there are at West Point some copies belonging to the public of the...
I have received your letter to Major Brooks of the second of Sepr., and have given orders for the...
You will cause the companies now at West Point under the command of Captains Freeman Read and...
I have received your and opened your letter to Major Brooks of the twenty Second of January...
Your letter to Major Brooks of the 27th of January arrived in the here during my absence, and was...
All the Garrison Posts within the Vicinity of the Sea Board in the States of Maryland Delaware...
I have just received your two letters of the 20th. and 23 of May instant. According to your...
Lieutenant Drancey will repair immediately to Fort Woolcot on Rhode Island where he will receive...
Captain Eddens informs me that there is a man on Governor’s Island who goes at large and has not...
In the absence of Major Brooks I address myself to you on the subject of your letter to him of...
I have received your letter of the twenty fourth instant. The articles mentioned will be...
ALS : New Haven Colony Historical Society I thank you for your kind Congratulations. It gives me...
The President directs me in reply to your letter of this day to observe that nothing can be more...
ALS : Yale University Library Mr. Holt, late of your Town, Postmaster, having fallen in Debt to...
Extract from a transcript: Massachusetts Historical Society Governor Hamilton of Pennsylvania and...
I have received and read with pleasure, and with gratitude the Circular letter, and the Memorial...
The very great pressure of business for some time before and after the meeting of Congress,...
Your letter was delivered me in court to-day when it was impossible for me even to read it. I...
Your scruples on that part of the answer which denies your having in your hands effects of any...
Inclosed are six Passports for American Vessels, one of which You will please to deliver to M r....
I am ashamed to have, let your Letter remain so long unanswered— I did not know untill I rec’d it...
When I requested you to procure a Gardener for me in Holland, which you was so obliging as to...
Albany, March 6, 1801. Acknowledges receipt of Ingraham’s letter of February 26, 1801 . Regrets...
Assurances of attachment & support from any description of my fellow citizens are accepted with...
Returning to the scenes of my birth & early life, to the society of those with whom I was raised,...
In the great Conflict which agitates this Continent I cannot doubt but the Assertors of Freedom &...
The unnatural Contest between the English Colonies and Great-Britain, has now risen to such a...
I express with great pleasure my obligations to your goodness, and my gratitude for the...
I receive your congratulations on my arrival in South Carolina with real pleasure, and I confess...
I have heretofore intimated my intention, of pursuing the Tories, through all their dark...