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Results 52801-52810 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
23 February 1803, House of Representatives. States that Col. Abraham Trigg of Virginia and Robert Williams of North Carolina wish to be appointed commissioners for disposing of the lands in the Mississippi Territory. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Trigg”). 1 p. Docketed by Jefferson. Printed in Carter, Territorial Papers, Mississippi , 5:190. Thomas Terry Davis (d. 1807)...
23 February 1803. Has been appointed a judge in Maryland. State laws require him to resign any federal commissions. Asks JM to notify the president of his resignation as bankruptcy commissioner for the District of Columbia and the reason for it. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LRD ). 1 p. Docketed by Jefferson.
Letter not found. 23 February 1803, Philadelphia. Acknowledged in Brent to Yard, 14 Mar. 1803 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as enclosing two copies of a petition. Brent stated that JM had forwarded the petition to George Logan and Michael Leib to be presented to their respective houses of Congress and referred Yard to them for information on his prospects. Shandy Yard, a free black mariner from...
It is upwards of a twelvemonth since my attention was drawn to the importance of a road which should enable the inhabitants of Tenissee & Kentucky to seek a market on the Savannah, and instructions were immediately given to our Commissrs. Genl. Wilkinson & others to negotiate with the Cherokees for permission to the states interested to open the road through their country. it was stiffly...
Je me suis acquitte Vendredi dernier, de votre Commission à l’égard du Colonel Monroe—J’aurais bien voulu pouvoir accompagner d’une lettre le présent flatteur que vous faites à Mr Volney, mais le départ précipité du Colonel, qui n’a resté qu’une heure à Philadelphie, m’a empêché de remplir ce désir de mon Cœur—J’ai ajouté les sermons du Racine de la Chaire française à vos autres livres—Le tout...
It may be stated with truth, I believe, that the Secretary of the Navy has made his estimate on the present state of things in the Mediterranean, and the possible necessity of keeping that up, by sending a relieving squadron in place of the three frigates which are under orders to return. tho’ this could only be necessary in case our warfare there should become much more extensive, yet...
Before I ventured to write you my letter of the 8th. inst. I entered into arrangements with my banker in Georgetown to be sure that I could punctually comply with what was therein undertaken. immediately on the reciept of yours to-day I went to him again to see if he could throw the two paiments of 500. D. each promised for March & April into one of 1000. D. for March. on examining the state...
Fully impressed with the importance of Your Station, and proportionately enjoying the Blessings derived under Your mild, benevolent and wise Administration, by the people of these United States: I feel myself emboldened to assume what You have acknowledged a “Right” but which in a former time would have been termed “an insolent liberty” That Sir, of personally addressing You; and upon the...
I lay before you a report of the Secretary of state on the case of the Danish brigantine Henrich, taken by a French privateer in 1799. retaken by an armed vessel of the US. carried into a British island, and there adjudged to be neutral, but under allowance of such salvage and costs as absorbed nearly the whole amount of sales of the vessel & cargo. indemnification for these losses occasioned...
I have been gratified with the perusal of Mr Williams’s Observations, on the temperature of Sea Water at differt depths. And the publication is the first of the kind I have seen, or heard of, and suppose the Thermr. may be very usefull to mariners, if properly attended unto. The Gulf Stream, I am of Opinion, Occasions the sudden transitions from Cold (very Cold) to temperate and Warm—in our...