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Results 52801-52850 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
23 February 1803, House of Representatives. States that Col. Abraham Trigg of Virginia and Robert Williams of North Carolina wish to be appointed commissioners for disposing of the lands in the Mississippi Territory. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Trigg”). 1 p. Docketed by Jefferson. Printed in Carter, Territorial Papers, Mississippi , 5:190. Thomas Terry Davis (d. 1807)...
23 February 1803. Has been appointed a judge in Maryland. State laws require him to resign any federal commissions. Asks JM to notify the president of his resignation as bankruptcy commissioner for the District of Columbia and the reason for it. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LRD ). 1 p. Docketed by Jefferson.
Letter not found. 23 February 1803, Philadelphia. Acknowledged in Brent to Yard, 14 Mar. 1803 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as enclosing two copies of a petition. Brent stated that JM had forwarded the petition to George Logan and Michael Leib to be presented to their respective houses of Congress and referred Yard to them for information on his prospects. Shandy Yard, a free black mariner from...
It is upwards of a twelvemonth since my attention was drawn to the importance of a road which should enable the inhabitants of Tenissee & Kentucky to seek a market on the Savannah, and instructions were immediately given to our Commissrs. Genl. Wilkinson & others to negotiate with the Cherokees for permission to the states interested to open the road through their country. it was stiffly...
Je me suis acquitte Vendredi dernier, de votre Commission à l’égard du Colonel Monroe—J’aurais bien voulu pouvoir accompagner d’une lettre le présent flatteur que vous faites à Mr Volney, mais le départ précipité du Colonel, qui n’a resté qu’une heure à Philadelphie, m’a empêché de remplir ce désir de mon Cœur—J’ai ajouté les sermons du Racine de la Chaire française à vos autres livres—Le tout...
It may be stated with truth, I believe, that the Secretary of the Navy has made his estimate on the present state of things in the Mediterranean, and the possible necessity of keeping that up, by sending a relieving squadron in place of the three frigates which are under orders to return. tho’ this could only be necessary in case our warfare there should become much more extensive, yet...
Before I ventured to write you my letter of the 8th. inst. I entered into arrangements with my banker in Georgetown to be sure that I could punctually comply with what was therein undertaken. immediately on the reciept of yours to-day I went to him again to see if he could throw the two paiments of 500. D. each promised for March & April into one of 1000. D. for March. on examining the state...
Fully impressed with the importance of Your Station, and proportionately enjoying the Blessings derived under Your mild, benevolent and wise Administration, by the people of these United States: I feel myself emboldened to assume what You have acknowledged a “Right” but which in a former time would have been termed “an insolent liberty” That Sir, of personally addressing You; and upon the...
I lay before you a report of the Secretary of state on the case of the Danish brigantine Henrich, taken by a French privateer in 1799. retaken by an armed vessel of the US. carried into a British island, and there adjudged to be neutral, but under allowance of such salvage and costs as absorbed nearly the whole amount of sales of the vessel & cargo. indemnification for these losses occasioned...
I have been gratified with the perusal of Mr Williams’s Observations, on the temperature of Sea Water at differt depths. And the publication is the first of the kind I have seen, or heard of, and suppose the Thermr. may be very usefull to mariners, if properly attended unto. The Gulf Stream, I am of Opinion, Occasions the sudden transitions from Cold (very Cold) to temperate and Warm—in our...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance and recommending to your attentions the Earl of Selkirk a young Nobleman whose merits you will soon be able to appreciate and respect. I shall be excused for my motive’s sake, which is not only to render him Service but to assure you that neither time nor distance have diminished the high sense I entertain of the attentions with which you...
The Secretary of State has the honor to report to the President of the United States, upon the note of the Minister of his Danish Majesty, Dated on the 9th. inst, as follows. That it appears that the Danish Brigantine Henrich, Capt. Peter Scheele, sailing from Hamburg, loaded with an assorted Cargo, and bound to Cape Francois, was captured on the 3d. of Octr. 1799 by a French Privateer, and on...
I have received your letter of the 6th of October last, and several of intermediate dates from the 29th December 1801. It appears that you accepted your Commission in a letter dated on the 21st. Jany. 1800, and that Mr. Riggin was appointed to the same Office on the 4th Feby 1802 and before the receipt of your letter of the 29th Decr. 1801 announcing your arrival at Trieste. As during this...
I return you the report, and have prepared a message, tho’ I confess myself not satisfied on the main question, the responsibility of the government in this case, and with our taking wholly on ourselves the risk of the decision. For to enable Congress to judge for themselves the record must go; & the printing that would prevent it’s being taken up this session. If we do not send in the record...
I arrived here on saturday so much overcome with the fatigue of the journey that I kept my bed yesterday & was attended by a phisician. To day I am better tho confined to my room. In a day or two I shall be well. A ship was engaged for me, the cabbin prepared, & she detained sometime at my expence, & finally sailed, on acct. of the great expence of her detention and the uncertainty of my...
My last informed you of my return in the Spanish Squadron from Leghorn to Spain by water, by which I avoided the being obliged to return by land, by a very long route & over a Country, nearly the whole of which I had already seen, by which means my journey was so much shortened that I returned to this Country two weeks after the Court returned from their Tour, and reestablished themselves at...
22 February 1803, Washington. “I am directed by the American Board of Agriculture to request thy attendance, in the Library, at the Capitol, 7 o’clock this Evening.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p. Dated “21st. of 2nd. Mo. 1803” by Briggs. Date corrected here on the basis of circumstances described in n. 1. According to both the National Intelligencer and the “Journal of the American Board of...
1803 Februy.   The President of the United States to George Andrews Dr s  d [lo] 73 Setts of Corinthian frieze ornaments @ 4s/10d ⅌ £17 12 10 130 pair of Scrolls for Corinthian Blocks a 5 ⅌ 2 14  2 130 leaves for Do a 4½ ⅌
I return you the report, and have prepared a message, tho’ I confess myself not satisfied on the main question, the responsibility of the government in this case, and with our taking wholly on ourselves the risk of the decision. for to enable Congress to judge for themselves the record must go; & the printing that would prevent it’s being taken up this session. if we do not send in the record...
I take the liberty to enclose you the Bill to reduce the Marine Corps , together with the Communication from the Secretary of the Navy to the Committee. This communication exhibits an apparent necessity for the Continuance of the whole number of Lieutenants now in service, and may possibly induce some Difficulty in passing the Law—I wish therefore to know whether you have any Objection to my...
Be pleased to accept a few copies of my bill of mortality for Portsmouth, N.H. for 1802. With great respect Sir, I have the honour to be your humble Servt. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 3 Mch. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure: Lyman Spalding, “Bill of Mortality, For Portsmouth, Newhampshire, for A.D. 1802,” a printed table...
The Secretary of State has the honor to report to the President of the United States, upon the note of the Minister of his Danish Majesty, Dated on the 9th. inst, as follows. That it appears that the Danish Brigantine Henrich, Capt. Peter Scheele, sailing from Hamburg, loaded with an assorted Cargo, and bound to Cape Francois, was captured on the 3d. of Octr. 1799 by a French Privateer, and on...
The inclosed report as altered is acquiesced in by Mr. L. In two instances recurred to Congs have already interposed; one of them the Paoli at last Session. The judgmt. of the Court agst Capt. Maley was pd. by Congs. Several Dutch & British precedts. can also be cited. The 7 Art: of the British Treaty & 21 of the Span: go on the responsibility of those Govts. for irregular acts of the Officers...
21 February 1803, Baltimore. Sends another parcel of Leiden Gazettes up to 24 Dec. 1802 and notes that the latest issue contains an account of the arrival of General Victor at The Hague, together with the staff of the army destined for Louisiana. “Indeed no further doubts can now be indulged as to the certainty of the preparations making for that expedition.” Captain Gardner has just arrived...
21 February 1803, London. No. 15. “All the Consuls have not yet transmitted their Accounts for the last half-year, that of Mr. Fox for the reasons stated in a former letter cannot yet be compleated; and as we have now no Fund for settling the ballances which may be due, I have thought it best to refer them over to the next half year, and no longer to delay sending my Consular, and Seaman...
21 February 1803, Treasury Department. Transmits a copy of a letter from the collector at Baltimore enclosing various documents containing “all the information that can be obtained in relation to the complaint made by the Spanish Minister on that subject.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Gallatin. For enclosures, see n. 1. Gallatin enclosed a copy of...
I send you within another parcell of Leyden Gazettes up to Decr. 24h. & in that number we find the accot. of Genl. Victors arrival at the Hague with the Staff of the Army destined to Louisiana. Indeed no further doubts can now be indulged as to the certainty of the preparations making for that expedition. Capt Gardner who has just arrived here from the Texell gives the names of several Amn...
All the Consuls have not yet transmitted their Accounts for the last half-year, that of Mr. Fox for the reasons stated in a former letter cannot yet be compleated; and as we have now no Fund for settling the ballances which may be due, I have thought it best to refer them over to the next half year, and no longer to delay sending my Consular, and Seaman Agency Account up to the 31st. of...
Your favor of the 2d. has been duly recieved. in the early part of my life I paid a good deal of attention to the state papers of Virginia , and in some degree, to those of the other states. the result of my enquiries is contained in the list of statepapers at the end of the Notes on Virginia, and so far as I possessed any of these papers they were communicated to mr Hazard to be published in...
Your’s of the 10th. was recieved on the 16th. I shall leave this about the 6th. of March, unless unexpected business, bad roads or bad weather should delay it a little. I am happy to learn that I shall meet Maria & yourself at Monticello. my stay there will be of two or three weeks, the visit being for the purpose of planting trees, in order that they may be growing during my absence. as Lilly...
The inclosed report as altered is acquiesced in by Mr. L. In two instances recurred to Congs have already interposed; one of them the Paoli—at last Session. The judgmt. of the Court agst Capt. Maley was pd. by Congs —Several Dutch & British precedts. can also be cited. The 7 Art: of the British Treaty & 21 of the Span: go on the responsibility of those Govts. for irregular acts of Officers...
The three boxes mentioned in your letter of the 7th. inst. were addressed to me by mr Arnold Oelrichs of Bremen, through Borger, Kramer & Rump merchts. of Hamburg to Wachsmith & Soullier of Philadelphia. they contain 3. busts of value intended as a present to me; but as I have made it a rule to accept no presents while in office, I have declined having any thing to do with them. mr Oelrichs is...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3d , my dear Jefferson, and to congratulate you on your writing so good a hand. By the last post I sent you a French Grammar, and within three weeks I shall be able to ask you, “Parlez vous Français, monsieur?” I expect to leave this about the 9th, if unexpected business should not detain me, and then it will depend on the weather and the...
The Tuscarora Indians , having an interest in some lands within the state of North Carolina, asked the superintendence of the Government of the US. over a treaty to be held between them & the state of North Carolina respecting these lands. William Richardson Davie was appointed a Commissioner for this purpose, and a treaty was concluded under his superintendance. this, with his letter on the...
20 February 1803, New York. “We transmitted our friend Elias Backman Esqr the state of his Acct. render’d us & he relents [ sic ] that his services have not been properly estimated by this Government otherwise the small pittance of £150. Sg to reimburse his Charges to & from Stockholm, would not have been withheld from him. He wishes to know to whom the Secretary of the Treasury paid $105:78...
The papers inclosed, which I have the honour to transmit to you, have been for some time in my hands. Mr. Joseph Coppinger, now, or lately at Pittsburg, from whom I received them, requests that they may be submitted to your inspection, informing me at the same time, that he has already been honoured by some communications to and from you. This gentleman is personally unknown to me ; but...
Being distant from the seat of government, and unacquainted with the business of the Cabinet, it is with reluctance that I Take the Liberty of Troubling you with this letter, or of advising any thing respecting public appointments in any case, but on the present Occasion have been prevailed on by a number of leading Republicans to write a few lines respecting the Collectorship of the Port of...
Father of the nations our emperor the man we love Next heaven if I said more twere scarce a Sin You are all thats good and god like In the full vintage of thy flowing honours Sat Still And saw it presst by other hands fortune Came Smileing To thy youth an wood it and purple greatness met thy Ripend years When first you Cam to Empire was borne on tides of people To thy triumph the wish of...
19 February 1803, Alicante. States that he left his brother John to maintain consular affairs while he went to place his sons at school in Great Britain. Nothing worth noting has occurred since his return. Encloses shipping reports from January 1802 to January 1803 [not found]. Reports will often be incomplete unless captains and supercargoes are required to report to consuls on arrival. The...
During a few Months absence in order to place my Sons at School in England, my Brother John to whom I had substituted a Power, had the honor of addressing you on the affairs of this Consulate, and since my return I have found nothing worthy of your detention. A Duplicate of the Marine List t ill the first July last as also the Original of that to first January you will please find herewith...
Some days ago , we had the honer to adress you, in Conjunction with the Members of Congress from Georgia and Kentucky; upon the Subject of a Road, from Danville, through Tennessee, to Augusta in Georgia—In Support of that adress, we now beg leave to present some resolutions pass’d by our Legislature and inclos’d to us by the Governor—from the Tenor of those Resolutions , it will appear that...
It is with the utmost difficulty that I can prevail upon myself to make application to you for the appointment to office of any person, however dear to me, as my confidence in your wisdom and Patriotism is so great, as to impress me with the most satisfactory belief, that your circumspection will ever produce the best selection of Characters— yet under my present impressions, I can not forego...
I take the liberty of proposing to your consideration the following promotions (viz) 2d. Lieut: Bartholomew D. Armistead, 2d. Regt. of Infantry, to be 1st. Lieut: vice, 1st. Lieut. Samuel Lane, resigned 12th. August 1802. 2d. Lieut: Benjamin Wilkinson, 2d. Regt. of Infantry, to be 1st. Lieut: vice, 1st. Lieut: G. Barde dismissed the service Ensign Josiah Taylor 2d. Regt. of Infantry, to be 2d....
Your’s of the 7th. inst. has been duly recieved. the late election in Pensylvania has to be sure been a triumphant proof of the progress of the republican spirit: and must afford great consolation to yourself personally, as a mark of the public approbation of your administration. I believe we may consider the mass of the states South & West of Connecticut & Massachusets as now a consolidated...
yours of the 8th. has Just come to hand, and am much hurt at being compeled to send my ovarseer with this request but am in hopes to be excused when I inform you it is from pure necessity, which is from security ship. And if a considerable sum is not paid by the twenty sixth of the month a considerable sacrafice must be made in proparty and no chance for me to be reimbursd. again, after...
The Secretary of the Navy has not deemed it expedient to write the proposed letter to Jacob Bauldin because he cannot ascertain that such a person is in the City or in Geo. Town. It is, besides, believed that such a person, if worthy of attention, would present himself in person—He certainly ought to do so— RC ( DLC ); undated; addressed: “The President”; endorsed by TJ as received from the...
I am directed by Col: Newton to furnish you with two pipes of wine, which I have this day shipped on board the sloop Maria Capt: O’Meara, to the address of Mr: John Barnes, of George Town—the account is annexed—The quality is similar to that I sent before & I hope will give equal satisfaction— I am respectfully Yr: ob: servt. T. Jefferson Esqr. to James Taylor jr. Dr. 2 pipes Brazil Wine 350—...
It has been represented to the Government of the United States by the Minister of His Catholic Majesty, that from reports which are entitled to attention he has reason to fear that certain persons in the Western parts of Pennsylvania are employed in exciting the people to arm themselves, with the expectation of being joined by others from the western portion of the Union, and to proceed with...
I have been honoured by yours of the Novr. I am pleased to find that you are Satisfied with my applications to the Government on the Subject of the debt, I am only Sorry that those applications have hitherto been unsuccessful & as far as appears will continue to be unless Some motive more efficacious than that of justice or national faith or credit is held out. To enter into the financial...
18 February 1803, Department of State. Acknowledges receipt of Yrujo’s letters of 5 and 14 Feb. 1803 and informs him that the president, “desirous of manifesting on every occasion his regard for the confidence and good understanding prescribed to the United States and his Catholic Majesty by their mutual interests, has taken immediate steps for ascertaining the foundation of the reports to...