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Results 52801-52810 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
the frequent use of Division and Brigade Courts Martial is distressing to the officers of the army. in our present Scituation we may have nine of those Courts at the same time, employing at least 126 Officers. I am Convinced the whole busyness might at present be done by two Generals Courts Martial at which the Judge advocate and his Deputy may attend. the busyness would be more regularly...
I have been honord with your Favor of the 2d instant—& have to give you my sincere Thanks for your kind wishes & offers to do all in your Power to forward our intended Operations. I could wish your Stay in Congress might be continued longer than you intimate—as your Efforts there, from your Knowlege of Military Matters, might be of essential Service to our Designs—The Army is now drawn near to...
I have recd yours of the 19th of June—previous to the acceptation of your Resignation you must lodge Certificates from the pay Master General & Auditor of Accounts that you have no public money charged against you, and you must obtain an approbation of dismission from the Colonel or commanding Officer of the Regt to which you belong. I am &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I am honoured with your Excellency’s letter of 25th June last—with a copy of one addressed to you from General Parsons enclosed. Your feelings of distress, excite a sympathy in my breast, a readiness to do all in my power to remove the occasion—That the Committee from the Connecticut line of the Army did not accomplish a full settlement, was to me a matter of sorrow, and fear for its...
I have before me Your Excellencys Letter of the 1st Instant—Enclosed is the result of a meeting of Commissioners at Providence the 26th June—For the month of July it was thought best for every State to get forward their whole quota of fresh beef as fast as possible. For this State Colo. Champion was first furnished with £500—and now with near £800 more in hard Cash—with which to purchase—and...
Many weeks have elapsed since I have had the pleasure of rec g ^ been fav d with ^ any Letters from you— I have rec d . a Letter from Col. Laurens dated at Sea & covering the one herewith enclosed for you. A Vessel has arrived at Bilboa in 24 Days from Salem. I rec d . by her some Family Letters which came under cover to others ^
Observing by your Correspondence with Congress that you are put to a great deal of Expence by American Seamen arriving from Captivity at Cadiz where they also grow very troublesome— I offer the following Proposal to your consideration— Authorise M r Harrison or whoever may be your Agent at Cadiz, to enter into Contracts with Such Americans as present themselves for the Bounty of their Country...
RC (Historical Society of Pennsylvania). Written by Meriwether Smith, except for the signatures of the other delegates. Docketed: “1781 July 12th. From Delegates of Virga State respg. property of Virga. attached by Simon Nathan.” The underwritten the Delegates attending in Congress from the Common Wealth of Virginia, beg leave to communicate to the supreme Executive Council of the Common...
52809Tuesday July the 10th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning at about half past nine o’clock Mr. Dana, his servant and I set away from Utrecht, and arriv’d at Ni j megen at about 8 o’clock P.M. the distance, is about 50 Miles; We pass’d along thro’ the province of Utrecht, the land is very bad and gravelly. Nimegen is the last City in the Republic, in the Province of Gelderland; the land in this Province is much better than in that of...
Amsterdam, 10 July 1781. RC and signature in John Thaxter’s hand PCC , No. 84, III, f. 268–269. printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 4:556–557. John Thaxter wrote this letter during John Adams’ absence at Paris. It contains an English translation of an article that...