Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Charles J. Ingersoll, 17 March 1814

To Charles J. Ingersoll

Monticello Mar. 17. 14.

Th: Jefferson returns thanks to mr Ingersoll for the copy of his speech on the Loan bill which he has been so kind as to send him. he has read it with great satisfaction, and felicitates his country on having in it’s councils so able an advocate of sound principles, and whose age may promise them a long course of his valuable services. he hopes & doubts not mr Ingersoll will recieve the highest of all rewards to an honest and patriotic mind, the love and gratitude of his fellow citizens. he salutes him with great esteem and respect.

RC (R. Sturgis Ingersoll, Philadelphia, 1946); dateline at foot of text; addressed: “The honble Mr Ingersoll of the Pensylvania delegation in Congress Washington”; postmarked Milton, 23 Mar.; endorsed by Ingersoll. PoC (DLC).

Ingersoll’s speech on the loan bill, probably enclosed in Ingersoll to TJ, 3 Mar. 1814 (not found, but recorded in SJL as received 11 Mar. 1814 from Washington), supported the War of 1812, summarizing its causes and arguing that, despite the trials of war, the United States was unified and financially sound (Ingersoll, Mr. Ingersoll’s Speech on the Loan Bill, Tuesday, 15 February, 1814 [1814]).

Index Entries

  • Congress, U.S.; loans contracted by search
  • Ingersoll, Charles Jared; as congressman search
  • Ingersoll, Charles Jared; letters from accounted for search
  • Ingersoll, Charles Jared; letters to search
  • Ingersoll, Charles Jared; Mr. Ingersoll’s Speech on the Loan Bill, Tuesday, 15 February, 1814 search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Mr. Ingersoll’s Speech on the Loan Bill, Tuesday, 15 February, 1814 (C. J. Ingersoll) search
  • War of1812; orations supporting search