Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Edward Bridgen, 24 December 1782

From Edward Bridgen

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Decr: 24 1782

My Dear Sir

As I don’t know Mr Ls: particular address I take the Liberty to inclose a Letter for him to your care and at the same time to embrace this opportunity to return you my best thanks for the attention you were so good to pay to the proposal he was so kind to charge himself with he accquainted me with the reception it met with from the concerned to whom also I beg leave to charge you with my respectful thanks.4 May your days be many and happy is the sincere wish of my Dear Sir Yr: Excellency’s Affect & faithful

Edwd: Bridgen

His Excellency Benjn: Franklin

Addressed: His Excellency / Benjn: Franklin / Passy

Notation: Bridgen Mr. Edward Decr. 24 1782

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4See our annotation of American Peace Commissioners to Livingston, Dec. 20.

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