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Results 52771-52800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Press copy of ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this Day drawn on you for 1026 Livres 3 Sols & 6 deniers, being what I have lately paid for your Son’s Education to the 5th of October last. Another Quarter will be soon due. He is a fine Youth, and I make no doubt but his Improvements are more than equal to the Expense. You will be pleas’d to honour the Bill, and transmit a Fund for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai L’honneur de vous envoyer un portrait qui a etè adressè de Vienne à M. Le Comte de Mercy. Ce Ministre m’ayant chargè de vous Le faire passer de sa part je m’empresse de remplir cette commission, qui me procure L’honneur de me dire avec Le plus grand respect Monsieur Votre très humble, et très Obeissant Serviteur Notation: Favi 20 xbre. 1782. We cannot...
L : Historical Society of Pennsylvania L’Ambassadeur de Portugal a l’honneur de faire ses compliments à Monsieur Francklin, et de rapeler à son souvenir le passeport et lettre de recommendation en faveur du Pere Patrice Ôcleary qui se dispose a passer en Amerique relativement à la succession dont il lui a parlé il y a quelque tems: L’Ambassadeur de Portugal auroit été voir lui même Monsieur...
ALS : Henry E. Huntington Library I know not how to express my Obligations to you for introducing me to the Acquaintance & Friendship of Count Segurs. I have known him but a few days and yet he has induldged me wth an Intimacy. So many shining, so many amiable Qualities we seldom see united in one Man. He has inspired me with an Esteem, a Respect, and a Love coexistent with myself. Think, my...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je viens d’Etre informmé que votre Exelance est Continuellement assailli de la part de mes Creantiers qui nont ny pretantions ny droits meme de L’interompre a Ce Sujet. Cette Conduite Est ausi enprutande que mechante puisque je les ài prevennuë que mes engagements nav’oient rien de Comun avec Votre Exelance, et que Ceux a quis il est Düe pour L’Etat de...
DS : Massachusetts Historical Society Reçu le Pacquet que m’a envoyé son Exe. M. Adams addressée a M. Livingston Notation: Receipt Dr. Franklin. for a Packet addressed to Mr. Livingston 22. Decr. 1782. WTF drafted the basic statement; BF added “addressée a M. Livingston” and “22 Decembre”. This packet contained JA ’s journal of the peace negotiations as well as several letters for Livingston....
Printed invitation, signed, with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society L∴ R∴ L∴ des Neuf Sœurs, Est convoquée pour le Lundi 23 du 10e mois D∴ L∴ D∴ L∴ V∴ L∴ 5782, en son local, rue Coquéron, à 5 heures précises. On traitera des Lectures et autres objets relatifs à la solemnité de la fête St. jean et à celle de la prochaine loge de rentrée qui, aura lieu le même jour . Vous êtes prié...
Copies: Connecticut State Library, New Jersey State Library, Virginia State Library, New Hampshire Division of Records Management and Archives, Delaware Public Archives Commission, National Archives When I wrote to you on the 14th: I expected to have dispatch’d the Washington immediately, tho’ without any Money. A little misunderstanding prevented it. That was after some Days happily got over,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Ridley presents his Respects to Dr. Franklin & begs the honor of his Company at Dinner on Wednesday the 25. Currt.— M R begs Leave to inform Dr. Franklin it will be a Christmas dinner &, the principal dainty a Round, of Beef Addressed: A Son Excellence / Son Excellence Monr. Franklin / a Passy The only year that Dec. 25 fell on a Wednesday during...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress I received your very kind Letter of Oct. 18. I am glad you have at length got the Battery from Mr Coombe. He had had it long enough in his Possession to believe it his own, it being lent to him in 1756.— He had also of me a nine Inch Glass Globe, well mounted; and a Vol. of the Philosophic Transactions. If they still exist I wish you could recover them also. I...
AL : American Philosophical Society; copy: South Carolina Historical Society Mr. Laurens presents his Compliments to Doctor Franklin & requests him to give a place to the Inclosed Letter for Robt. R. Livingston Esqr among his dispatches for the Ship Washington & to inform him whether he will be in time for saving the Courier with other Letters any time to day. Addressed: His Excellency /...
L : South Carolina Historical Society Dr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Lawrens, has recd his Packet for Mr Livingston, and will forward it by the Courier, who will not leave Paris ’till Thursday, being to wait for Count de Vergennes Dispatches: so that any thing else that Mr. Lawrens may wish to send, will be time enough if it is here by Tomorrow Night. Addressed: His Excellency /...
LS and transcript: National Archives Sundry Circumstances occurring since mine of the 5th & 14th. have hitherto retarded the Departure of our Dispatches. They will now go under the Security of a British Passport, be accompanied by a Sum of Money, and by some farther Intelligence from England, which show the still unsettled State of Minds there, and, together with the Difficulties and small...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I don’t know Mr Ls: particular address I take the Liberty to inclose a Letter for him to your care and at the same time to embrace this opportunity to return you my best thanks for the attention you were so good to pay to the proposal he was so kind to charge himself with he accquainted me with the reception it met with from the concerned to whom also I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme super Cargue du navire Le Camberwell cape. Silas Ewers armé de dix Canons & pret a partir pour le dit lieu au premier tems favorable, j’ai crû devoir retarder mon depart de quelques jours dans l’espoir d’une heureuse paix prochaine & ne pas exposer les interets de ceux qui m’ont accordé leur Confiance avant d’en avoir la Certitude; Nous trouvant...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Still ignorant of the Fate of mÿ several Letters to Your Excellency, written in the Year 1778; and lately, on the 2d. of Octr., conveÿed by Monsr. Lieutaud, a french Man of Letters, who had visited this Capital; And not conscious of ever having forfeited the Honor of your invaluable Esteem, and antient Friendship: I still attribute your Silence, rather to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society C’est avec empressement, Monsieur, que jai l’honneur de vous envoier mon ouvrage. L’hommage que je vous en fais vous est dû mieux qu’à toute autre personne. Je m’y suis attaché à défendre Les intêréts d’un peuple opprimé dont vous êtes aujourdhui le representant, comme vous en fûtes le créateur, car, le vrai créateur d’un peuple est celui qui lui donne de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I James carr Late Second mate & carpenter of the Brigantine active Capt John Hodge in the Service of the united States was taken Prisoner on our Passage from Philadelphia to the Havana by one of his Britanick Majestys Ships & sent to England where with a Large number of others I have Lain some time & haveing with five others made our escape in a small sloop...
Copies: National Archives, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society; transcript: National Archives J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer, Monsieur, mes Depeches pour Mr. le Chevr de la Luzerne. Le pacquet est volumineux mais il renferme beaucoup de Duplicata. Je voudrois pouvoir lui mander que notre Negociation est au meme point que la Votre, mais elle en est encore fort eloignée. Je ne...
LS : American Philosophical Society I write this principally to acquaint you that I find the Unfortunate Captn. Hardy sick in my Appartments—but is determined if possible to go out with Captn. All who waits the Event of Peace or War. His Situation is really distressing; & I beg you’ll make a little Exertion to accomplish what I assured him last Septr. would be done through your Influence. If...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania You will hear of the progress made towards a Peace from various quarters. It is not yet concluded, and perhaps it may be some time first. But as soon as it is, I hope to be permitted to return home, there being nothing that I more desire, than to spend my last days with my family & lay my bones to rest in America. Written on what is presumed to be the...
Copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; extract: Library of Congress I have received several kind Letters from you, which I have not now before me, and which I shall answer more particularly hereafter. Your Grandson was well not long since, & I hear good Account of him. I hope his Improvements will answer your Expectations. We have taken some good Steps here towards a Peace. Our...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I did my Self the Pleasure to write you A few days Since by Count Segar by his Request, was exceedingly Pleasd with him and wisht him to Spend a good deal of time with us but they are So attentive to there Duty that they allow them Selves but little time to Ramble he Says his wife is Neighbour to you and She Visets you often you Play Chex with her but...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrot to you two months ago From Warwick, which cousen Williams has yet to carry, Afterwards I concluded to come Hither & spend the Winter as most agreable by being more Retiered, & Less Exposed to Doers opening on me which in cold wether Increeces my cough & is very Tedious to me, but on my Arival at Boston I had the maloncholy acount of a Distressing...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Had it pleased the wise disposer of Events to have permited our inestimable Friend & Colleague, to have lived until this day; I should have been spared the melancholy , ’tho pleasing reflections of that good man’s multiplied great Actions— Doctor Lyttsom a physician of London, has undertaken, & I think has well executed, the Biography of our late dear...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having been informed of the intention of Lady Juliana Penn to go to Paris, as an Advocate for the Representatives of the Founder of Pensilvania, I feel my self impress’d with a desire to cast in my Mite, unsolicited, & I trust, unnecessary, because that family have better Advocates— Justice , on their side, & my honourable Friend so large a share in the...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Nous avons Eu L’honneur de vous écrire le 6 novembre pour vous communiquer la Lettre que nous avions reçu de Monsieur Morris portant ordre de vous demander Si vous aviez la possibilité de remettre en nos mains une somme de 2,500,000. l.t. tournois pour en Suivre les dispositions que le dit sieur Morris nous avoit ordonné pour Compte des Etats unis de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I feel hurt at the thought of troubling you so immediately— my forgetfulness of yesterday & Engagements today, must be my Appology for the Occasion & Mode. I am bound for North Carolina; in my Passage, I shall take the Circuit of New-Providence from Expectations of procuring by Purchase, or Address a Clearance of a Cargo of Tobacco from that Island to...
AL : Library of Congress M. de Vergennes prie Monsieur francklin si sa santé peut le Lui permettre de vouloir bien se rendre demain mardi a Versailles a lheure qui Lui sera la plus Commode, si Ce pouvoit Etre a neuf heures du matin, il y auroit moins de risque dEtre interrompû. M. de Vergennes auroit a entretenir Monsieur francklin dun objet tres interressant pour la Cause Commune. M. de...
AL (draft): Library of Congress Mr Franklin will have the Honour of Waiting upon M. le Comte de Vergennes, tomorrow Morning at 9 oClock, agreable to the Notice just received. He begs leave to assure M. le Comte of his most sincere Respect Written on the bottom of Vergennes’ letter, the preceding document.