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Results 52771-52780 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
26 February 1803, Department of State. Asks Lincoln’s opinion on the enclosed papers [not found] as to “whether the Indenture of Daniel Clark to Jane Clark, supposed by the Will of Daniel Clark Senr., is sufficient to authorize patents to be issued to the said Jane Clark on the enclosed surveys in the name of the Testator?” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
26 February 1803, Trieste. Refers to his letter of 6 Oct. 1802 acknowledging receipt of his commission as consul. Having had no reply to two applications made to the government to have the commission accepted, plans to embark for the U.S. if a “satisfactory answer” is not received in a short time. “I learn from good authority that the cause of this delay arises from Mr. Lamson … having...
26 February 1803. Orders that JM be directed to transmit, under his frank, to each member of Congress, a copy of the laws of the present session of Congress as soon as printed. Ms ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p. Marked “Extract from the Journal.” Signed by William Lambert for John Beckley. Docketed by Wagner.
I had the honor of addressing you on the 6th. Octor., acknowledging the Receipt of my Commission from the President of the United States as Consul for this Port. The Commission was presented through the regular channel to this Governor and forwarded to Vienna. Having not received any reply during the course of three months, I addressed a second application, through the same channel as the...
I am induced from a Principle of filial Duty to say that I am the Son of the late Col. Hugh Hughes of this State who served under the United States as Dy Qr Master General in this State & who failed in getting his Pay of Congress for his Services during the War, which were zealously & disinterestedly performed for Sir, had not that been the Case he would not have left my Mother & five Sisters...
Davy Bowles is to call on me this morning, and if he can carry your dictionary I will deliver it to him, having recieved it yesterday from mr Duane. if he cannot, I will endeavor to carry it when I go. in the latter case you will recieve it about the 9th. or 10th. of March, or as soon after as health, weather & roads will permit. tell Jefferson that there is not a book of geography to be had...
Your two letters on La Harpe, I have taken the liberty to publish in the Port Folio, and I have now to ask the favor of you, as your leisure & inclination may serve, to pursue your extracts & comments upon any portion of that great work, which you may find agreeable or think useful. I make this request in behalf of the Editor of the Port Folio, who will be flattered & obliged by any literary...
Last eveng. I received a letter from Govr. Clairborne [ sic ], inclosing a copy of one from you to him; and a letter for Mr. Morales the Intendt. of this Province, which I immediately delivered to him. In my letter of the 15th. Inst. which inclosed a triplicate of the Intendt’s. decree, permitting the entry of Eatables (only) for the supply of the Province, from the American countries on the...
Since my last the cabbin of the ship Richmond is taken for me at 800. dolrs. The ship is destined to Hambg. but will land me at Havre, by approaching the town sufficiently near to make the landing easy. The stores will form an additional charge. The charges incident to the engagment of the warren, by detention &ca will amount to abt. 500. Had she not been dismissed they wod. have been more...
25 February 1803, Liverpool. Last wrote on 27 Jan. Encloses a price current for U.S. goods [not found] and a report of American exports and imports for the six months ending 31 Dec. 1802 [not found]. Exports heretofore have been “almost exclusively confined” to U.S. ships. The countervailing duty, which was expected to operate to American disadvantage following the peace, especially in the...