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Results 52761-52770 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho no person occupies so much of my thoughts or after whom I make so frequent enquiries as your self, yet knowing the importance & weight of public affairs on Your hands, I purposly avoid troubling You with uninteresting correspondence, but I now take the liberty of introducing to Your acquaintance Lady Juliana Penn, whose character in every point of...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I received the Letter your Excellency did me the Honour of writing to me the 15th. Instant. The Proposal of having a Passport from England was agreed to by me the more willingly, as I at that time had Hopes of obtaining some Money to send in the Washington, and the Passport would have made its Transportation safer, with that of our...
AL : American Philosophical Society Nous assurons notre respectable ami de notre estime et de notre amitié et nous lui envoyons un exemplaire de l’ouvrage que M. l’abbé de Mably vient de donner au public. L’auteur en fait hommage au patriarche de la raison et de la liberté. Il nous tarde d’aller Celebrer le retour de la paix et l’independence de l’amerique avec notre ami. Nous faisons des...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre cy inclus Les papiers de la mirauté pour la Condamnation de la chambre faite, par le Corsaire ameriquain Le Buccanéer, nous vous suplions aprés l’examen de nous honnorer du renvoy de la piece qui constate La validité de ladite prise. Nous Sommes avec un profond Respect honnorable Monsieur Vos tres humbles & trés obts...
Printed in Silas Deane, An Address to the United States of North-America … (New London, Connecticut, 1784), p. 21; draft: American Philosophical Society Certain paragraphs having lately appeared in the English newspapers, importing, that Silas Deane, Esqr. formerly Agent and Commissioner Plenipotentiary, of the United States of America, had sometime after his first “arrival in France,...
ADS : American Philosophical Society Le né. [nommé] Bonnefoi a remis à la secretairerie de M Le Comte De Vergennes la Lettre de Monsieur francklin aujourd’hui 18 Xbre. 1782 à sept heures et demie du Soir. Notation: Comte de Vergennes 18th. Decr. 1782 Versailles A sous-commis under Vergennes and later Montmorin, Geoffroy was the only member of their staff to desert the royalty during the...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Requests for recommendations or positions in France or America continue to arrive on Franklin’s desk during the five months covered by this volume. Sometimes the supplicant frames his request as a response to an offer Franklin has made, as Parent de Bellehache suggests in his letter, printed below. Another of these supplicants is Frère Frederic, a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr: Perregaux has the honour to enclose to His Excellency Mr Franklin a Packet Just received for him from London & recomended to his Care. He will be obliged to him to let him know he received it. The banker who had forwarded letters to BF before: XXXV , 556n. We have confirmed his identity, as he is listed at this address in the Almanach royal for 1782, p. 468.
Copies: Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society Je vous recevrai demain, Monsieur, avec bien du plaisir et J’espere que vous voudrez bien me faire l’honneur de venir diner avec moi. J’ai celui d’etre avec une parfaite Consideration, Monsieur, votre tres humble et tres obeissant Serviteur. For this meeting, at which Vergennes granted the loan of six million livres , see BF to...
ALS : National Archives The Proposal inclosed, has been transmitted to us by Mr Bridgen, a Gentleman in London, who has been uniformly a Friend to America, and in a Variety of Ways, and at a great Expence has Served her Cause. It is a Project for introducing Copper Coins into the United States, and Seems to Us to merit the early Attention of Congress, to whom We have the Honour to recommend...