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Results 52761-52770 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have duly recieved your favor of Apr. 13. and am as much concerned at the want of success in your affairs which renders you desirous of engaging in other business, as that it is not in my power at present to propose any to you. I am at this time furnished with a very good manager in Bedford, and another in Albemarle. The last is now in the first year of my employment, but having been all his...
I have duly recieved your favors of Mar. 27. & June 1. the former had come during my absence and when I returned, which was a month after it’s date, I presumed you had already proceeded on your voyage. I thank you for it’s kind congratulations on my appointment to the first Executive office, and am sensible how much my powers are overrated. I have two important objects before me, to reduce the...
I duly received your favor of May 25. and the specimens of the oak leaves, which I immediately sent to Mr. Genet. The blocks of the wood could not be found out till the day before yesterday. They are also sent to the same gentleman, with whom I shall with pleasure render you any services in my power. I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedt. & most humble servt. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text:...
Copy: Yale University Library This letter was written to a man already committed to betraying the commissioners. Their letter to Nicholson above, January 26, instructed him to buy a cutter at Boulogne or Calais and send her to Le Havre; if he failed to find a suitable one he was to try Dover or Deal. He went instead to London, met his friend Hynson there, and obtained a cutter, which was...
I have just received your favor of the 14th. inst. from New London, and expect this will find you at Staunton. I formerly advertised Congress of the necessity of sending these prisoners on Northwardly, and have again yesterday given them notice that the rapid approach of Ld. Cornwallis who was at Boyd’s ferry on the 14th., rendered it necessary to send on both these and the Convention...
Copy: Library of Congress I have received the Letter you did me the honor of Writing to me the 28th. past with the Copy of one of the 24. June. By the Description you give of the Declaration or certificate of the Treasurer, and their names, with the Interest to be paid for your money 7. per Cent it appears to me that it is in the Treasury of the State of South Carolina and not in that of the...
AL (draft) and press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 22d of last Month, requesting my Advice as to your Removal to America. The enclos’d Pamphlet will answer most of your Questions. Understanding Agriculture there is no doubt of your being able to live comfortably in Pensylvania, where there are many wealthy German...
There was a time when a majority of the citizens of New-York were so opposed to lawyers as members of the legislature, that a single gentleman of that profession, though confessedly a man of abilities, and in other respects, of unimpeachable character, could not obtain a majority of suffrages, principally owing to the circumstance of his being of that profession. But the times are changed, and...
I have considered the speech you have delivered me, and I will now give you an answer to it. You have told us on former occasions of certain promises made to you at the treaty of Grenville by Genl. Wayne, respecting certain lands whereon you & your friends live. But when we looked into the treaty of Grenville, we found no such promises there; and as it is our custom to put all our agreements...
Some of you are old enough to remember, and the younger have heard from their fathers, that this country was formerly governed by the English. While they governed it, there were constant wars between the white & the red people. to such a height was the hatred of both parties carried that they thought it no crime to kill one another in Cold blood whenever they had an opportunity. this Spirit...