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Results 52761-52770 of 184,431 sorted by author
I begin upon a half sheet, as a quarter may possibly not hold what I have to write, but should I comprehend the whole within that compass, shall dock your allowance, the times demanding the utmost frugality as well as courage. Pray how many more burnings of towns are we to be abused with by the British Barbarians, ere the long suffering of the Congress is concluded, and every manly exertion of...
The leisure I have enjoyed for a few weeks past, has enabled me to look over my letters, from which I have learned that your remittance was for forty two sets. They will be sent accordingly to your Excellency the first opportunity that offers. The plates I expect will be finished this week: have sent a specimen of the maps & plans already wrought off. If you should observe any material errors,...
Though I anticipated the pleasure of hearing you would be chosen President; yet it was confirmed & increased by the actual news of an event, which expressed the gratitude & wisdom of the United States, in conferring their executive power & confidence on the person, who had never deceived nor abused it—no; not when he was tempted to it. The knowledge of this remains to be known by them in some...
I have the pleasure to inform You that the Bill in Your behalf was to-day ordered to be engrossed by a large majority. It is calculated by Your friends that it will pass to morrow , by a decided majority— The objects of the application were not at first understood by many members, voting, against the leave to bring in the Bill, and I fear the Federalists were active in perverting them— I...
I embraced the first opportunity of sending you an anniversary sermon, this day fortnight, but had no time to accompany it with a few lines. I took the liberty of covering a few to some other gentlemen. Do the like now, praying you to accept of half a score to dispose of among your Suite, which has been so changed that I have not the pleasure of knowing them. Should be obliged to Mr Pickering,...
The beginning of March I forwarded to You and friend Dana a joint letter, which I hope if received will be answered by one or other of you. The people, you will have heard before this can get to hand, have agreed upon a form of government, not so good as the Report of the Committee, but better than I expected. We begin to think of the ensuing elections. It is thought that Mr. Bowdoin or Mr....
I find in my minutes the following story to have been reported, the truth or error of which I wish to have ascertained, & therefore make my application to You as the proper person to establish or contradict it, viz., “When Genl Washington was at Morris Town in 1777 with the fewest men, a British officer was taken in a skirmish, who was permitted to go about upon his parole; within a few days...
In my last of Sepr. 23. I mentioned my having sent to my informer; have received an answer from him wherein he writes “As to the subject of your letter (for which I have now an opportunity to return my thanks) what was said was very confidential, & influenced by nothing but an anxious regard & attachment to our public cause. To affect the character of any one from a malignant principle is...
This day 7-night I transmitted under cover to Mr. Hancock a number of anniversary sermons, printed at the request of the General Court, some of which were directed to those members of the Congress whose names I was acquainted with, others I requested might be directed, my design being to present one to each; yours I hope will be duely received. The particular occasion of my writing is not the...
Your obliging letter of the 8th ulto was duly received. We have been earnestly waiting for the definitive treaty, but as yet have had no authentic account of it. However looking upon it as certain & at hand, have determined with the permission of Heaven setting off for the Jerseys next monday fortnight. Mrs Gordon accompanying me in the chaise will oblige us for the sake of better roads & a...