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Results 52761-52770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I wish to mention to you in confidence that I have obtained authority from Congress to undertake the long desired object of exploring the Missouri & whatever river, heading with that, leads into the Western ocean. about 10. chosen woodsmen headed by Capt. Lewis my secretary, will set out on it immediately & probably accomplish it in two seasons. Capt. Lewis is brave, prudent, habituated to the...
There are eight vacancies in the Navy, of Lieutenants—The Gentlemen mentioned in the accompanying List , are the eldest in rank of the Midshipmen— I have the honor to be respectfully, Sir, your mo ob: st: RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; at foot of text: “President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy Department on 28 Feb. and “Nominns” and so recorded...
Abstract of Warrants on the Treasurer by the Secretary of the navy for navy purposes, shewing also the Balance on hand for the Week ending the 26th. day of February 1803 Date no. In whose favor & for what purpose amot. of Warrants amot. of Deposits & Balance 1803 Balance from last Report 1758.47 Feby 22 2041 1078   Daniel Murray —Pay & Continge. 115.87
The inclosed sheets may contain some details which perhaps may be thought interesting enough for the transactions of our society. they were forwarded to me by mr Dunbar with a couple of vocabularies which I retain to be added to my collection. What follows is to be perfectly confidential. I have at length succeeded in procuring an essay to be made of exploring the Missouri & whatever river,...
I send the letter, which is longer than I expected, and of which I have no copy. I will, therefore want it lent again to me, when you shall have done with it, in order that I may transcribe it. The classes of american citizens in whose favor we should assume payment of french debts seem to be 1st. those whose property shall have been taken in Europe or the West Indias or elsewhere by or under...
27 February 1803, Gibraltar. No. 115. Refers to his dispatch no. 114 of 17 Feb. mentioning that “the Moorish Vessel in question” had been ordered to get ready for sea. “She has in Consequence been fitted out, only expects the Capn: & Crew to put to sea, who were at Tetuan Collecting the Provisions, the Agent here tells me one of the Emprs: Captains comes for her, & not the Tripolin.” The Adams...
I had this honor the 17th. Inst. No. 114, where mentiond the Moorish Vessel in question being orderd to get ready for Sea. She has in Consequence been fitted out, only expects the Cap: & Crew to put to Sea, who were at Tetuan Collecting the Provisions. The agent here tells me one of the Emprs. Captains comes for her, & not the Tripolin. The Adams Cap. Campbell is Cruising in the Gutt. I This...
I inclose you a copy of two discourses sent you by mr La Cepede through the hands of mr Paine, who delivered them with some sent me. what follows in this letter is strictly confidential. you know we have been many years wishing to have the Missouri explored, & whatever river, heading with that, runs into the Western ocean. Congress, in some secret proceedings, have yielded to a proposition I...
While at Monticello in August last I recieved your favor of Aug. 6. and meant to have acknoleged it on my return to the seat of government at the close of the ensuing month. but on my return I found that you were expected to be on here in person, & this expectation continued till winter. I have since recieved your favor of Dec. 30. In the former you mentioned the plan of the town which you had...
I duely rec d yours of the 16 th with the Paper enclosed. I had given no Attention to the Attack upon you in Cheethams Paper, because I know that no Integrity of heart, no Purity of Conduct, or Innocence of Life can protect any Man from the Shafts of Calumny, in these times of party rage and under an elective Government, which breeds Passions and prejudices as fast as ever the sun upon the...