Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Alexander Moultrie, 28 February 1803

From Alexander Moultrie

Feb: 28th: 1803.

Col: Moultrie’s Respects to the President;—has been Advised by Mr: John Randolph, to commit to his Care, the within; which contains a Letter from Doctr: Moultrie of South Carolina (Col: M’s Son in Law & relative) to his old Friend & Fellow-Student, Mr: Th: M. Randolph, which he begs his Attention to.—

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 28 Feb. and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found.

Alexander Moultrie (ca. 1750–1807) of South Carolina, a colonel at the close of the American Revolution, lost his post as state attorney general in 1792 following his impeachment for embezzling public money. His daughter Catherine was married to Dr. James Moultrie of Charleston, who earned his medical degree in 1788 from the University of Edinburgh, where Thomas Mann Randolph also studied from 1784 to 1788 (S.C. Biographical Directory, House of Representatives description begins J. S. R. Faunt, Walter B. Edgar, N. Louise Bailey, and others, eds., Biographical Directory of the South Carolina House of Representatives, Columbia, S.C., 1974-92, 5 vols. description ends , 3:515–17; Joseph Ioor Waring, A History of Medicine in South Carolina, 1670–1825 [Charleston, 1964], 337, 344, 347; William H. Gaines, Jr., Thomas Mann Randolph: Jefferson’s Son-in-Law [Baton Rouge, 1966], 14–24; Vol. 34:15n).

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