Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from the Massachusetts Delegates in Congress, 29 February [1784]

From the Massachusetts Delegates in Congress

Sunday, 29 Feb. [1784]. They present their compliments to TJ and invite him to dinner on Tuesday next at 4 p.m.

RC (ViU: Mary Kirk Moyer deposit); 1 p.; in the hand of George Partridge; partially dated; addressed: “Honle Mr Jefferson”; with notations added later by TJ to record various household expenses and accounts with James Monroe while they were Virginia delegates to Congress in Annapolis, the recto bearing the endorsement “Houshold expenses” and listing undated entries for TJ and Monroe beneath a line reading “our last settlement was Dec. 31,” the verso bearing undated entries for expenses TJ and Monroe each incurred alone and an undated summation of their account current to 2 Mch. 1784 (see MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, Princeton, forthcoming in The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 1–2 Mch. 1784). TJ also recorded the household expenses he incurred in Annapolis, either alone or when he shared a house there with Monroe, in the following documents: (1) Account headed “Houshold expences,” containing entries for “Permanent Articles,” 24 Feb.-29 Apr. 1784, and “Articles of consumption,” 25 Feb.-29 Apr. 1784, as well as entries pertaining to both purchased “For myself,” with the former dated 24 Feb.-14 Mch. 1784 and the latter dated 2–10 May 1784. (2) Account of household expenses shared with Monroe, consisting of a narrow and fragmentary sheet bearing draft entries for [8]-13 Mch. 1784, and draft entries for 14–21 Mch. 1784 contained in No. 3 below. (3) Account with Monroe for household expenses, with entries for 14 Mch.-1 May 1784 on recto and 25 Apr.-10 May 1784 on verso (MSS in ViU: Mary Kirk Moyer deposit; entirely in TJ’s hand; undated).

Index Entries