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Results 52751-52760 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
You will have received my letter of Nov. 22. two or three days after the date of yours of the 26. and this will in a great measure have answered yours. I therein expressed a wish to obtain Dr. Taylor’s bonds backed by some other responsible person, because two responsible persons are always necessary to secure ultimately against the accidents which may happen to one of them in the course of a...
My letters to you are always letters of trouble. To lessen it I will omit all preface. Having occasion for a servant boy, who can shave, dress and follow me on horseback, and none such being to be had here, I have thought of a small French boy, Joseph, who came from Europe with Mr. Skipwith, lived sometime with Mr. Randolph my son in law, and is now with a barber in Richmond. I will thank you...
Your favour of May 29. came here after my departure on a journey to the lakes. That of June 17. is since recieved, and in consequence I send you a post-bank note for 21 D.-25. c. being the addition of 24/ to £5–3–6 as noted in your letter to be the probable amount of your disbursements for the 22. hhds. of tobo. forwarded by Capt. Stratton. He is not yet arrived. But the season admits of no...
Your favor of Aug. 20.-Sep. 1. never came to my hands till yesterday. I have been ever since pondering on the proposition that Elkhill shall not be resorted to unless the 83,000 acre in Greenbriar should prove deficient, and I find it totally inadmissible. For see how it will work. The 83,000 I suppose are in a great number of surveys, say for example 83. surveys. The mortgage will not hinder...
By Capt. Stratton I have recieved the 4. hhds. of tobo. Among these is one of those which had been injured by fire, and serves sufficiently to shew that tobacco of that quality cannot be sold here at any price. I must therefore ask your particular attention that there be no more of the fired tobacco sent here. I understood there were about 14,000 ?., say 12 hhds. fired. Should there be no...
Your favor of Mar. 12. came to hand a fortnight ago and having given me reason to expect that the bill of lading for the vis-a-vis would come within a post or two, I have delayed answering in order to make one job of it. But not recieving the bill of lading, I trouble you again to send it forward. In the mean time I had enquiry made at New York whether any such captain as Towles had arrived...
Immediately on the receipt of your favor of the 10th. which was not till the 20th. inst. I commenced an enquiry into the chances of getting Miss Hylton carried back under the care of some of the ladies who will be returning. The list stands as follows: Colo. and Mrs. Monroe return in their own chariot with a pair of horses, and three persons in the carriage. Mrs. Griffin does not return at...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Feb. 20. and should not so soon have troubled you with an answer, but that you mention that the Vis-a-vis has been long ago shipped for this place. This is the first news I have heard of it, and I imagined it still at your house. I now presume that some accident has happened respecting it, and will therefore thank you for the name of the vessel and captain by...
An offer to rent Elkhill for the ensuing year, and the advance of the season, have occasioned me to give the inclosed answer which I send open for your perusal. Should you have closed the sale, be so good as to return me the letter, or if you are certain of closing it within a reasonable time. Otherwise I will pray you to send it on, and if the sale be afterwards made, it will be necessary to...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Miss Hylton, and by the directions of Mr. Hylton incloses her the within note which will be paid by any collector of the customs of the United States. The sum sixteen dollars and a half. PrC ( MHi ).