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Results 52751-52800 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your favor of Ocr the 23d I was honored with in due season: but having nothing special about...
I take the liberty of presenting to you M r William S Archer of Amelia. He represents that...
Letter not found: from William Gordon, 18 Oct. 1784. On 3 Nov. GW wrote to Gordon : “The last...
I trouble you afresh from an apprehension that either your Excellency did not receive my letter...
Ringwood in Hampshire (97 miles from London) My Dear Sir Feby 16. 1789 I have at length finished...
I am desirous of writing, tho’ without a flow of spirits. The reason of the last is not any...
ALS : British Library Your duplicate of May 1st has been recd. Am obliged to you for sending the...
I wrote you by the Baron De Steuben, & by an express that went from Genl Heath. In the last I...
I take this method of introducing to your Excellency Lt Coll Weld (generally pronounced Wells)...
Till now I have had nothing of late worth communicating, but the following extract from a Letter...
I begin upon a half sheet, as a quarter may possibly not hold what I have to write, but should I...
The leisure I have enjoyed for a few weeks past, has enabled me to look over my letters, from...
Though I anticipated the pleasure of hearing you would be chosen President; yet it was confirmed...
I have the pleasure to inform You that the Bill in Your behalf was to-day ordered to be engrossed...
I embraced the first opportunity of sending you an anniversary sermon, this day fortnight, but...
The beginning of March I forwarded to You and friend Dana a joint letter, which I hope if...
I find in my minutes the following story to have been reported, the truth or error of which I...
In my last of Sepr. 23. I mentioned my having sent to my informer; have received an answer from...
This day 7-night I transmitted under cover to Mr. Hancock a number of anniversary sermons,...
Your obliging letter of the 8th ulto was duly received. We have been earnestly waiting for the...
I am reluctant to intrude on your retirement, and certainly not disposed to involve you in the...
This will be presented to You, as I hope, by the nephew of Mrs Gordon, Mr Oliver Field; who from...
I had not abandoned the idea of renewing our correspondence; but should probably have delayed...
Your obliging favor of Sepr. 2 was duly received. The books not being in sufficient forwardness...
You are so united by commission, in mind views and principles, that there is no writing to the...
I have been earnestly wishing for an opportunity to congratulate you upon some successful...
From William Gordon From the generous encouragement you gave me in your answer to my first letter...
Last evening I heard that a vessel was arrived from Amsterdam. Was up early and went to Boston in...
I hope this will find you at Westminster. I congratulate You upon your late appointment; it was...
The last week I was designing to send You a friendly letter, without introducing into it any of...
Could I have thought that the weight & multiplicity of business with which you was loaded, while...
Have ⟨just reed⟩ your letter with the Contents written by Mr Mc⟨Henry⟩, & shall attend to your...
I promised myself the honour of being introduced to your Excellency by a letter which my friend...
Your obliging favour of May 3d came to hand this day fortnight May 29th. I waited with a degree...
The multiplicity of business upon your hands will apologize sufficiently for your not answering...
The goodness of my intention will apologize for the present letter. The purport of which, I...
Your two letters of Ap r 27 th & June 26 th were duly received. The first at the President’s,...
O! human nature, what are thou! When one of the most noted Republicans cannot be consistent; nor...
Your favour of Apr. 20th was forwarded from Boston in May, & was received the beginning of this...
Letter not found: from William Gordon, 5 May 1776. On 13 May GW wrote to Gordon : “I thank you...
To excuse this letter which has for its object to introduce me to your acquaintance. The views of...
In arranging the intelligence obtained from the inspection of your papers, I found that an...
Your fortitude has been put to a fresh trial, through the stupid neglect of the New England...
My design of publishing is now in such forwardness, that I expect the proposals for the History...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you lately by the way of Holland, and sent to the...
I have for some time waited in vain for the pleasing occasion of congratulating your Excellency...
I expected some how or other to have had the happiness of falling into your company when you was...
This will probably be the last letter, you will receive from me till I have crossed the Atlantic....
I have been for some time past in pain for your Excellency, but still in hopes that You would...
You have been so obliging as to promise me your assistance in my designed history of the present...