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Results 52751-52800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
28 February 1803, Lisbon. Encloses a semiannual shipping report for the last half year. Hopes his...
28 February 1803, London. No. 82. Acknowledges JM’s letters of 16 and 23 Dec. 1802 . “By Lord...
28 February 1803, Washington. Has examined Daniel Clark’s will and the accompanying papers...
Inclosed I have the Honor to hand you the list of the last half Year with explanatory rem arks...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 6th Inst. did not come to Hand untill the 11th, and the Bottle of...
There is now before the Senate a Bill for opening two land Offices in the Mississippi Territory...
Joel Burt Collector of customs for the district of Oswego and Inspector of the revenue for the...
Your letter of Dec. 28. written as President of the Convention at Vincennes, was recieved on the...
When I came into my present office you were so kind as to offer your aid as secretary to it; but...
Col: Moultrie’s Respects to the President;—has been Advised by Mr: John Randolph, to commit to...
I wish to mention to you in confidence that I have obtained authority from Congress to undertake...
There are eight vacancies in the Navy, of Lieutenants—The Gentlemen mentioned in the accompanying...
Abstract of Warrants on the Treasurer by the Secretary of the navy for navy purposes, shewing...
The inclosed sheets may contain some details which perhaps may be thought interesting enough for...
I send the letter, which is longer than I expected, and of which I have no copy. I will,...
27 February 1803, Gibraltar. No. 115. Refers to his dispatch no. 114 of 17 Feb. mentioning that...
I had this honor the 17th. Inst. No. 114, where mentiond the Moorish Vessel in question being...
I inclose you a copy of two discourses sent you by mr La Cepede through the hands of mr Paine,...
While at Monticello in August last I recieved your favor of Aug. 6. and meant to have acknoleged...
I duely rec d yours of the 16 th with the Paper enclosed. I had given no Attention to the Attack...
26 February 1803, Department of State. Asks Lincoln’s opinion on the enclosed papers [not found]...
26 February 1803, Trieste. Refers to his letter of 6 Oct. 1802 acknowledging receipt of his...
26 February 1803. Orders that JM be directed to transmit, under his frank, to each member of...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 6th. Octor., acknowledging the Receipt of my Commission...
I am induced from a Principle of filial Duty to say that I am the Son of the late Col. Hugh...
Davy Bowles is to call on me this morning, and if he can carry your dictionary I will deliver it...
Your two letters on La Harpe, I have taken the liberty to publish in the Port Folio, and I have...
Last eveng. I received a letter from Govr. Clairborne [ sic ], inclosing a copy of one from you...
Since my last the cabbin of the ship Richmond is taken for me at 800. dolrs. The ship is destined...
25 February 1803, Liverpool. Last wrote on 27 Jan. Encloses a price current for U.S. goods [not...
I had the Honor to write to you on the 27th. past. In this I inclose you a price current for our...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to Bishop Carroll acknoleges the reciept of his letter of the...
In compliance with a request of the House of Representatives of the US. as well as with a sense...
Mr George Wolcott of Windsor in Hartford county, in this state, brother of Alexander Wolcott...
Having occasion to pay 1000. D. in Richmond on the 10th. of March ensuing I have drawn on you for...
It may be gratifying to learn the temper of friends, in distant parts of the Country. By the...
Presuming that the Convention with Spain will be carried into effect and understanding that...
I recieved last night your favor of the 12th. I can say with truth that I do not remember ever to...
I inclose you another letter for mr Cepede keeper of the National cabinet. I have not...
Having found it difficult to obtain here the names of gentlemen proper for the office of...
Your favor of the 7th. was duly recieved, and I now return you the papers No. 1. 2. 3. 7. 8. 9....
In my last I attempted to prove that Goverment and Society are inseperable from each other. In...
24 February 1803, Washington. Lays the enclosed letter before JM so he may see the handwriting of...
24 February 1803, Washington. Encloses recommendations for the appointment of Thomas Lovell, son...
24 February 1803, Algiers. Two French frigates “this day” arrived in eight days from Toulon....
This day anchored here 2 french frigates in 8 days from Toulon. I find That france and Algiers...
Your letters give me so much pleasure that I accept with joy the proposal you made me in your...
We have been expecting the measles but have escaped it as yet. Virginia has learnt to speak very...
I have just recieved from mr Paine the copy of your Discours d’ouverture de l’an IX. which you...
Since my last which was of the 18th day of January, I have received your several letters of the...