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Results 52751-52800 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I am not skill’d in writing introductory Letters—I must however write one to make you acquainted with a Gentleman whose conversation you will find, at least, very agreeable. In these intrigueing times, when Politicians are obliged to Speak with caution in all companies, look at all Men with a suspicious Eye, and speak to them with reserve, an introduction becomes very Necessary, as it is apt...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Adams presents his Compliments to Dr Franklin and prays him to let his servant take the Trunks left at Passy to Paris. Mr A. will do himself the Honour to pay his Respects to his Excellency, very soon. Addressed: a Monsieur / Monsieur Francklin Ministre / Plenip des Etats unis de lamerique / A Passy JA had been summoned to Paris by Vergennes to discuss...
AL : Massachusetts Historical Society Dr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Adams, and sends such of his Trunks as can be got at; W.T.F. in whose Chamber it is suppos’d there may be more, being gone to Paris; and having with him Mr F’s Carriage prevents his waiting on Mr Adams immediately as he would otherwise wish to do; but Mr F. requests the Honour of Mr Adams’s Company at Dinner...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society In my letter of the 1st. of May I requested your Excellency, (in pursuance of the Resolution of Congress) to give me a Credit of Fifteen Hundred pounds sterlg: upon some house here, and proposed Messrs: Fezeau & Grand’s house as I supposed that house wou’d be most agreable to you. You procured me a Credit at Petersbourg for that sum of Mr: Grand at Paris;...
52755General Orders, 7 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Brigadier General Glover Colonel Putnam Major Morrel Inspector—3d Massachusetts Brigade No Sutler to harbour or entertain any persons (not belonging to the Army) without a pass but are to send them to the officer of Police or commanding officer of the regiment or Corps they Suttle for who are to examine them and if they do not give a good account of themselves or if there...
I have recd your favor of the 30th ulto. I take if for granted that this letter will meet you upon your march from Morris Town. Should you not have advancd too far towards Kingsferry to turn off towards Dobb’s without much Disadvantage, you will be pleased to do it, & inform me of your Arrival upon the West Side, where you will remain till further Orders. I believe I before mentioned my Desire...
I wish to see you at Head Quarters as soon as possible—You can leave the Superintendence of the Laboratory preparations, without any Injury to the Care of your officers, & come on directly—I have received your Letter of 2d July—I shall consult with you on its Subject when you arrive. I am &a DLC : Papers of George Washington.
The Commander in Cheif, directs that the three new Whale Boats built at Wappings Creek under the Superintendance of Mr Sheaf, should be made use of as Guard Boats—Captain Pray will apply to Major General McDougal for the same, or if Genl McDougal has sent them to the Orders of Major Darby—Majr Darby will be pleased to deliver these three Boats to Capt. Pray, on his Order—Should they already be...
I am to acknowledge your Excellencys favours of the fifteenth and twenty fourth June last, the former would not have remained so long unanswered, but that we wished to have the full result of the proceedings of the Assembly, so as to give the most satisfactory account of our prospects and expectations. We have now to acquaint your Excellency, that agreeable to the inclosed Resolutions, Robert...
I received the inclosed last evening from Mr Fox, I cannot afford the intilligence it contains of the enemys force the least credit, nor that respecting this place and Schenectady, nor have any reason to believe a defecti o n of the people on the Grants, tho Individuals may prosecute a correspondance with no very favorable intentions, I sincerely wish the Controversy between the vermontese and...
If you have not already withdrawn the Chain of Dragoons from the upper Road you will be pleased to do it and establish a Chain from hence to Southington at the following places. two Dragoons at each—Bedford—Danbury—Woodbury Southington—The French Hussars will be upon the Route from Harford Eastward. You may take, for this purpose, such men as are not fully accoutered and equipped. I am Sir Yr...
Agreeable to Your Excellency’s Direction I waited on his Excellency Governor Trumbull at his Seat in Lebanon, delivered him the Letters, and make him a Report of the Provision and Rum received agreeable to the inclosed with a Copy of a Letter annexed. His Excellency informed me that the State by Commissioners, with the other New England States, had the 26th Ulto resolved to furnish the...
This will accompany my former Letter of the 4 th Instant, which you will perceive to be so written, as that it may be shewn if necessary to the spanish Minister. You will make such Use of it as Prudence may dictate. I would gladly now give you Details of our Situation and Plans for reforming it But I have not yet sufficiently obtained the one, nor mastered the other. Whenever I am in Capacity...
Draft ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Mazzei, Philip July 7. 1780.” The year should have been 1781. Years later William C. Rives wrote below this note, “Description of military operations, & cruelties of the enemy.” I have received 2 copies of your favor of the 7th. of Decr. last and 3 of that of the 30th. of Novr. preceding Having neglected to bring with me from Virginia the cypher...
52765Sunday July the 8th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning Mr. Dana and Mr. Deneufville The day’s entry breaks at this point because the succeeding MS leaf containing p. 113–114 of the Diary volume is missing. This and similar losses of leaves from the same volume containing p. 127–128 and 149–156, affecting entries for 11, 12 July, and 27 July–17 Aug., were noted in the MS by Worthington C. Ford in April 1911. Dana’s Journal, which...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your Favour of the past, and immediately gave Orders to Mr Grand to remit you One hundred and ten Pounds Sterling for the farther Relief of the Prisoners. I beg you would repeat my grateful Acknowledgments to your Friends at Portsmouth & Plymouth, for the unwearied Care & Pains they have taken in this troublesome tho’ charitable Work, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Me voilà ressuscité, à la rigueur du terme, car on m’avoit jetté le drap sur la tête, me Croyant trépassé. Une sueur abondante, une crise favorable m’ont rendu à la vie. Jugez de mon état, Monsieur, J’avois une fievre interne, inflammatoire et putride, accompagnée de redoublemens et de transports. J’ai été 30 Jours au lit. Je commence à me promener dans la...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. le Duc de Villequier a l’honneur de faire part à Monsieur Franklin de la perte qu’il vient de faire de m. le marquis de Courtanvaux Son beaupère. Le convoy se fera à St. Roch aujourdhuy Dimanche 8. Juillet 1781. à Sept heures du soir. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / A Passy Who had written BF in 1779 about lightning rods: XXX , 425n. The...
52769[Diary entry: 8 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
8th. Began a Work at Dobbs’s ferry with a view to establish a communication there for the transportation of provision and Stores from Pensylvania. At this time fortifications were being erected on both sides of the Hudson to command passage of the river. The fortifications on the left bank had recently been constructed under the direction of Louis Le Bègue Duportail ( CLOSEN Evelyn M. Acomb,...
52770General Orders, 8 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day tomorrow Brigadier General Patterson Colonel Henry Jackson Major Prior. Inspector—Stark’s brigade For the working party Colonel Greaton Major Oliver The Surgeons who have not yet been furnished with Lint and Bandages will please to apply for them at the Flying hospital one mile in the rear of Head Quarters. Lieutenant Thomas T Jackson of Colonel Sheldon’s dragoons is appointed Aid...
I have to acknowledge and thank you for your obliging favor of the 2d—your former (not with me at this time) has also been received—I fervently wish, that Congress, ’ere this, may have recd official accts of the taking of 96 and Augusta; these, with the preceed ing events in that quarter, must, I should think, if proper pains are taken to communicate them to the Court of France, & the...
I have been honord with your Favr of the 23d ulto—& feel myself much obliged by the readiness while which you have complied to, or rather anticipated my Requests for Cannon & Powder—you will be pleased to rest assured of the Return of the Cannon as soon as they can be spared from our Operations—If any more Powder should be in your Power, it is very probable we shall be glad to receive a...
As soon as your Excellency’s orders were received, to march the Jersey Brigade, no time was lost for calling the parties at Sussex, Pompton and the Clover the last of them arrived the 6th but we were under the necessity of sending a party into the country to procure cattle, as we have not had any meat for some time past, except what we have been obliged to take in that way—This together with...
General Washington presents his Compliments to the Baron Delbeck, and requests the favour of his Company at Dinner to morrow—3 o’clock. MH : Dearborn Papers.
I have not been honored with an answer to my several letters of the 24th and 25th of May and of the 2d 4th 15. and 25th of last Month, and am of course unable to form any certain estimate of what may be expected in consequence of my requisitions—this puts me in rather an awkard situation, as I can not give His Excellency Count Rochambeau, who has formed a junction with me, that official...
I have received your several Favors of the 18th & 24th ulto—and am obliged by the Assiduity with which you have attended to the Business comitted to your Care—I hope the Exertions of the States may prove equal to your Expectations, founded on the good Disposition which you say is generally prevailing, to give us all the Support in their Power—I feel myself however at a Loss to Account for the...
Your Excellency will receive enclosed, a Resolve of Congress of the 7th Instant, together with the Extract of a Letter from Governor Greene of the 7th of June which is referred to the Commander in Chief, to take such Order by calling upon the four Eastern States for the Aid of Militia to defend Rhode Island as he shall think necessary. This Reference is made on the Supposition that Governor...
The inclosed Copy, my dear general, will give you an account of our affairs in this Quarter—Agreably to your orders, I Have Avoided a general Action, and when Lord Cornwallis’s movements indicated it was Against His interest to fight, I Have ventured partial engagements—His Lordship Seems to have given up the Conquest of Virginia. it has been a great secret that our Army was not Superior and...
Part of Capt. Carle’s Troop of our Hunterdon light horse to the amount of about 25 have just now sent me an offer to turn out as voluntiers to proffer your Excellency their Service during the operations in contemplation, either as horse or Infantry as your Excellency shall chuse proposing in case you might prefer the latter to carry a waggon with their firelocks &c. All that discourages them...
The Guard Boats to rendezvous at Dobbs Ferry. They should not go down from thence untill about half Ebb and they may proceed as low as they judge safe. They may remain there on the look out untill three quarters of the Flood is spent unless they have made observations which ought to be immediately communicated—Their Report is to be received by the Commanding officer at Dobbs Ferry, who is...
After a variety of Marches and counter marches frequently offering battle to Lord Cornwallis upon Military terms, the Marquis Lafayette recd Intelligence on the 5th that the Enemy had marched from Wmsburg for James town & were preparing to throw their baggage and troops over that river, this Induced the General to make a forward move to this place (with the Continental troops Including Major...
I have been informed by Colonel Dearborn & some others, that the State of New Hampshire has procured & put up the greater part of the salted Provisions required by Congress of that State for the use of the army—altho I have been so unfortunate as not to have received any exact account or official Return of the quantity that may be expected from thence, yet I will presume upon a considerable...
52783Monday July the 9th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning Mr Deneufville and Mr. Dana went to look for a carriage, I did not go out in the forenoon; din’d at the Inn; after dinner I went to buy some things at the fair, which began here this morning; got home at about six o’clock. From Guthrie’s Grammer. (continued from yesterday) Chapter 4th. §. 21st. N. B. As there are several errors in this description I shall tomorrow point out such...
I have this Moment the Honour of your Billet of this Days Date: and will do myself the Honour, to wait on his Excellency the Comte de Vergennes, at his office, on Wednesday next at Nine of the Clock in the Morning, according to his Desire. I have the Honour to be with much Esteem sir Your humble and obedient servant RC ( Arch. Aff. Etr., Paris, Corr. Pol. , E.-U., vol. 17:312); endorsed: “ na...
Accordingly on Wednesday I went to Versailles and met the Count at his office with Mr. Rayneval at 9 o Clock, who communicated to me, the following Articles, proposed by the two Imperial Courts, —that Spain had prepared her Answer—that of France was near ready—did not know that England had yet answered. RC ( Arch. Aff. Etr., Paris, Corr. Pol. , E.-U., vol. 17:312); endorsed: “ na previènt de...
Copies: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères, Library of Congress J’ai remis il y a quelques tems, Monsieur, à Mr. Le Comte. de Vergennes, l’etat des fonds dont j’avais besoin pour le Service des Etats unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale, dans le cours de cette année, montant à cinq millions. Mr. Grand a présenté de Son coté à ce Ministre celui de Ses avances et des Payemens qu’il a à...
ALS (draft): Columbia University Library; copy: Library of Congress Many weeks have elapsed since I have been favd with any Letters from you. I have recd. a Letter from Col. Laurens dated at Sea & covering the one herewith enclosed for you. A Vessel has arrived at Bilboa in 24 Days from Salem. I recd. by her some Family Letters which came from Bilboa under Cover to a gent. here. She brought...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope You will pardon my taking this Liberty as I have not the honor to be personally known to You. Induced by Your very amiable humane Character I have presum’d to trouble You on this unhappy occasion. Permit me to inform You that I am the Widow of John Morton Jordan of Virginia, Agent to the Province of Maryland and at present the Victim of an unhappy...
ALS : Library of Congress; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society It is with no inferior degree of Pleasure that I have it in my Power to tell you I am now upon the Continent of Europe, & at liberty to write an Innocent Letter to a Friend in another Kingdom without running the Risk of having Mr. Wedderburn’s very extraordinary Tallents at Constructive Treason , exersised upon it. I have...
52790[Diary entry: 9 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
9th. Received a Letter from the Marqs. de la Fayette informing me of Cornwallis’s retreat to Williamsburg—that he had pushed his rear and had obtained advantages—having killed 60 & wounded an hundred with small loss. Southern accts. though not official speak of the reduction of Augusta and Ninety Six by the arms of Major Genel. Greene. Lafayette to GW, 28 June 1781 ( DLC:GW ). In mid-June,...
52791General Orders, 9 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigadier General Huntington Colonel Swift For Picquet Major Trescot Inspector—1st Connecticut brigade The Guards and Picquets in front and on the flanks of the army are not to suffer any person on any pretence whatsoever to pass them into Camp. If any person appears at either of the abovementioned Guards or Picquets, on pretence of business he or she are to be detained...
Je prens la liberté d’adresser à votre Excellence un paquet de depeches que je desire qu’on puisse envoyer à Newport ou Boston d’une maniere sure pour être mises sur le premier batiment qui fera voile pour france. J’imagine qu’il y a des occasions frequentes entre votre armée et les etablissemens que la division française a laissés à Providence. Je joins aussi un paquet contenant des Lettres...
I have been honored with your favors of the 26th ulto and 3d Inst. the Resolve of Congress to which you refer in the last was not inclosed, but I have recd the Original from the president—Give me leave to thank you for the attention which you promise to pay to my wants—It is necessary you should be informed, that besides the Articles which it will be in your power to procure and forward from...
I am favour’d with yours of the 6th—In consequence of my letter of the same date, the 2d Regt will be detain’d at Albany ’till further orders—Genl Schuyler is building a number of Flat boats for the Public—so many of them as are ready when that Regt is order’d down may be man’d by the Troops, and the Boats loaded with plank or such other materials as may be procur’d. Orders have been already...
In Consequence of my Orders, some of the Troops from the Northern Frontier will soon arrive at West Point—all that shall arrive at that Post, you will be pleased to retain for its Security untill further Orders. I am sir Your most Obedient Servt CSmH .
The Army having been for some Time past in Motion, has been the Reason that I have not sooner acknowleged the Receipt of your Favor of the 23d ulto. The motives on which you quit the Service are not only justifiable, but honorable; as I think it praize Worthy in a Citizen to resign a Place, which he finds no longer of public Utility—your Attention to the Business of your Station, I have always...
I am honoured with your favour of the 27 ult. as the troops of Maryland compose part of the southern army now under the immediate command of Major Genl Greene, I think there wd be an impropriety (as it may interfere with the arrangements of that army) to give General Smallwood directions to remain in Maryland for the purposes you mention—but if his doing this is not incompatible with the...
I have received your several Favors of the 1st 3d & 6th instant. Colo. Pickering has just informed me that a Quantity of Nails & Oakum—with 1/2 Ton of Nail Rods have left Fishkill on the 2d inst.—which must be arrived to you before this—he further informs that he has given Orders Yesterday for another Supply of smaller Nails & a Quantity of Oakum & Junk to be sent imediately from Fishkill,...
The Bearer Pierre Chapeton Charlant was Employed by me in 1775 to carry dispatches Into Canada, his business was discovered and he committed to prison as he has left his family in Canada I believe he ought to be provided for as the other Canadiens and, I am Dr Sir respectfully & sincerly Your Excellency’s Obedient Humble Servant DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I do Certify that the within named Pierre Charlant was sent by me Into Canada in the month of July or August 1775 when I commanded the army in the Northern department—that he was charged with dispatches to persons in the Interest of the states. That I was Informed the Enemy had apprehended and Committed him to prison and that he was afterwards sent a prisoner in Irons to Quebec. DLC : Papers...