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Results 52751-52760 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I am not skill’d in writing introductory Letters—I must however write one to make you acquainted with a Gentleman whose conversation you will find, at least, very agreeable. In these intrigueing times, when Politicians are obliged to Speak with caution in all companies, look at all Men with a suspicious Eye, and speak to them with reserve, an introduction becomes very Necessary, as it is apt...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Adams presents his Compliments to Dr Franklin and prays him to let his servant take the Trunks left at Passy to Paris. Mr A. will do himself the Honour to pay his Respects to his Excellency, very soon. Addressed: a Monsieur / Monsieur Francklin Ministre / Plenip des Etats unis de lamerique / A Passy JA had been summoned to Paris by Vergennes to discuss...
AL : Massachusetts Historical Society Dr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Adams, and sends such of his Trunks as can be got at; W.T.F. in whose Chamber it is suppos’d there may be more, being gone to Paris; and having with him Mr F’s Carriage prevents his waiting on Mr Adams immediately as he would otherwise wish to do; but Mr F. requests the Honour of Mr Adams’s Company at Dinner...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society In my letter of the 1st. of May I requested your Excellency, (in pursuance of the Resolution of Congress) to give me a Credit of Fifteen Hundred pounds sterlg: upon some house here, and proposed Messrs: Fezeau & Grand’s house as I supposed that house wou’d be most agreable to you. You procured me a Credit at Petersbourg for that sum of Mr: Grand at Paris;...
52755General Orders, 7 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Brigadier General Glover Colonel Putnam Major Morrel Inspector—3d Massachusetts Brigade No Sutler to harbour or entertain any persons (not belonging to the Army) without a pass but are to send them to the officer of Police or commanding officer of the regiment or Corps they Suttle for who are to examine them and if they do not give a good account of themselves or if there...
I have recd your favor of the 30th ulto. I take if for granted that this letter will meet you upon your march from Morris Town. Should you not have advancd too far towards Kingsferry to turn off towards Dobb’s without much Disadvantage, you will be pleased to do it, & inform me of your Arrival upon the West Side, where you will remain till further Orders. I believe I before mentioned my Desire...
I wish to see you at Head Quarters as soon as possible—You can leave the Superintendence of the Laboratory preparations, without any Injury to the Care of your officers, & come on directly—I have received your Letter of 2d July—I shall consult with you on its Subject when you arrive. I am &a DLC : Papers of George Washington.
The Commander in Cheif, directs that the three new Whale Boats built at Wappings Creek under the Superintendance of Mr Sheaf, should be made use of as Guard Boats—Captain Pray will apply to Major General McDougal for the same, or if Genl McDougal has sent them to the Orders of Major Darby—Majr Darby will be pleased to deliver these three Boats to Capt. Pray, on his Order—Should they already be...
I am to acknowledge your Excellencys favours of the fifteenth and twenty fourth June last, the former would not have remained so long unanswered, but that we wished to have the full result of the proceedings of the Assembly, so as to give the most satisfactory account of our prospects and expectations. We have now to acquaint your Excellency, that agreeable to the inclosed Resolutions, Robert...
I received the inclosed last evening from Mr Fox, I cannot afford the intilligence it contains of the enemys force the least credit, nor that respecting this place and Schenectady, nor have any reason to believe a defecti o n of the people on the Grants, tho Individuals may prosecute a correspondance with no very favorable intentions, I sincerely wish the Controversy between the vermontese and...