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Results 52741-52750 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I embrace the opportunity presented by Mr. Erwing with great Satisfaction. The receipt of your Letter inclosing one to Uriah McGregory gave me much pleasure—The Letter to Gregory I yet hold. I have not been able to satisfy myself respecting his Character. In the present state of things it appeared to me most prudent to retain the Letter untill I could be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt of...
Your favor of the 4 th is now at hand, and I this day write to Col o Peyton , my correspondent in Richmond to remit you the sum of 15. D 91 C amount of duties and charges on my books from Paris , which will be done with no other delay than may be necessary to procure a bill. he has not yet advised me of the arrival of the books, but have no doubt he will recieve them by the first conveyance. I...
No Letter from you, yet. I believe I shall Set off Tomorrow or next day, for the Hague, and Shall bring John with me back to Paris in about 3 Weeks. There will be an Interval, before the Signature of the definitive Treaty, and Several publick Concerns oblige me to go to the Hague for a Short time. When I get my Son with me, I shall be ready to go to any Place, where I may embark for home, as...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Mis. de chabert chef d’Escadre a l’honneur de prévenir Monsieur Franklin qu’avant de donner à l’impression pour le volume de l’histoire de l’académie des sciences de 1783 un mémoire dans lequel un objet qui l’interesse se trouve traité, il a à coeur de le ui lire; il prie pour cela Monsieur Franklin de vouloir bien lui mander si, sans le derranger, il...
I must beg you to excuse my freedoms: it is with a good intention that I am led to mention that the idea of 6 Cents pr Gallon on Mollasses excites a considerable degree of uneasiness here—not that any objcect [ sic ] to that duty on what is consumed in the Country—but only as it will injure the distillery & consequently the Fishery. The answer that a suitable draw back upon Rum will be...
The English doctrine of Allegiance, is so mysterious, fabulous, & enigmatical, that it is difficult to decompose the Elements Of which it is compounded. The Priests under the Hebrew Economy, especially the Sovereign Pontiff were anointed with consecrated Oil, which was poured upon their heads in such profusion, that it ran down their beards, & they were thence called “The Lords Anointed” When...
Your Mother who was Sick, all Winter, is recovered and restored to her characteristic Vivacity, Activity Witt Sense and benevolence. Of Consequence She must take upon herself the Duties of her Granddaughter Neice, Maids Husband and all. She must be always writing to You and all her Grandchildren which is as dangerous to her health as her domestic Exertions. I say She must because She Will....
I have communicated to the President what passed between us the other day on the subject of the paiments made to France by the United States in the assignats of that country, since they have lost their par with gold and silver: and after conferences, by his instruction, with the Secretary of the Treasury, I am authorised to assure you that the government of the United States have no idea of...
I presented to Doctor Brockenborough who return’d the day before yesterday, M r John Harvie ’s note enclosed in yours of the 21 st Ult o , he regrets that it was not sooner forwarded, as just before leaving town he remitted to M r Harvie , all the funds he had in his hands about £1000. he informs me that he is not certain of receiving any money on M r H
RC ( LC : Rives Collection of Madison Papers). I have to acknowledge your favour of the 8th. mentioning the reports from the West Indies. Notwithstanding our Bay is so closely watched by the Enemy’s private armed Vessels we have had some arrivals, and they give us reason to believe Jamaica is invested by the combined Fleets. If it is, I must suppose so great an Armament will find little...