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Results 52741-52770 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I embrace the opportunity presented by Mr. Erwing with great Satisfaction. The receipt of your...
Your favor of the 4 th is now at hand, and I this day write to Col o Peyton , my correspondent in...
No Letter from you, yet. I believe I shall Set off Tomorrow or next day, for the Hague, and Shall...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Mis. de chabert chef d’Escadre a l’honneur de prévenir...
I must beg you to excuse my freedoms: it is with a good intention that I am led to mention that...
The English doctrine of Allegiance, is so mysterious, fabulous, & enigmatical, that it is...
Your Mother who was Sick, all Winter, is recovered and restored to her characteristic Vivacity,...
I have communicated to the President what passed between us the other day on the subject of the...
I presented to Doctor Brockenborough who return’d the day before yesterday, M r John Harvie ’s...
RC ( LC : Rives Collection of Madison Papers). I have to acknowledge your favour of the 8th....
Proposing within a few days to set out for Bedford , I think it a duty previously to state to you...
I have received your Circular letter of the 23rd December Ultimo. and have the satisfaction to...
Congress having closed their late session without coming to any specified determination with...
5275420th. (Adams Papers)
This morning we went to see the falls which did not answer my expectations, but this place is...
This Address from the most ancient Settlement in New England, where, in the earlier Part of my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have once more the Pleasure of writing a Line to my dear...
Yesterday morning I sent off the heavy baggage of the Division and march’d from Ridgfield to this...
I have received your favour of the 10 th. and am obliged to you for a free Communication of Your...
Sunday, 29 Feb. [ 1784 ]. They present their compliments to TJ and invite him to dinner on...
16 July 1804, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the 7th. inst. with the...
52761[Diary entry: 9 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
9. Very warm with wind Southerly.
Letter not found. 30 September 1812. Acknowledged in Eustis to Webster, 12 Oct. 1812, as having...
On the 4 June last I had the Pleasure of writing you a Letter acknowledging the Reciept of yours...
Well Knowing, from the important situation which both to the honor and advantage of your country...
It has not been in my power to forward to the Gov r the Report & documents of the Visitors of the...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 10 th and owe you acknolegements for offering us the...
I am not displeased that the Call of Business obliges me to address you at this Time, and gives...
My last unofficial letter was dated on the 9 April: You will doubtless observe that what I th...
From your great credit, protection and your extreme love to Justice, I am the more encouraged in...
There has been furnished to you as Agent for the Frigate to be built at Boston the sum of five...