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Results 52741-52770 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Fitz-Herbert presents his Compliments to Dr Franklin and Mr Franklin and desires the honour of their Company to dinner on Tuesday next, the 17th, at 3 o’clock. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / à Passy. Notation: Mr. Fitzherbert Decr. 12th On Dec. 19 Fitzherbert wrote to Strachey that Townshend had advised him to “cultivate” the American...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to acquaint you that we arrived safe here after a quick passage, but not Time enough I fear to undo what had been done wrong in consequence of premature advice, however still much depends upon future contingent Events, if the final arrangement takes place, all may yet be well, shou’d it happen otherwise, without previous information the...
AL : American Philosophical Society La Celeste amie de Monsieur Franklin n’a pas le temps de lui écrire; mais elle lui fait les plus tendres amitiés et l’embrasse de tout son cœur; elle recommande à ses bontés ordinaires le paquet ci-joint pour son fils ainé. Le courier de Demain est attendu avec bien de l’impatience; nous esperons qu’il nous apportera la paix. Et qui aura joué Le premier...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pendant que vous achevez de fonder un nouvel empire, permettez à un de vos plus profonds admirateurs, de vous parler de tous les sentimens que vous lui avez inspirés. On a du, Monsieur, faire hommage de ma part à vôtre excellence, du premier volume de la physique générale et particulière, que je viens de publier: puissiez vous avoir agréé cet hommage, et...
Translation of extract: American Philosophical Society Je n’ai eu que peu de Soleil; mais j’en ai profité pour faire plusieurs Observations nouvelles: Je ne vous rendrai Compte maintenant que de la derniere qui est assèz remarquable, et qui pourra vous donner quelque plaisir ainsi qu’à vos Amis. Je convertis en peu de temps l’ Eau pure en Air permanent , Poids pour Poids, en la combinant...
Copy: Library of Congress Article proposed for Consideration. If War should hereafter arise between Great Britain and the United States, which God forbid, the Merchants of either Country then residing in the other, shall be allowed to remain 9 Months to collect their Debts and settle their Affairs, and may depart freely carrying off all their Effects without Molestation or Hinderance. And all...
AL : American Philosophical Society Monsieur L’Ambassadeur de Suède à L’honneur de faire bien des Complimens à Monsieur francklin et de le prevenir qu’il aura L’honneur demain Samedy avant midy de l’aller voir pour lui communiquer des affaires de consequences. Il le prie de vouloir bien lui faire L’honneur de luy faire sçavoir s’il pourra avoir celui de le trouver. Notation: L’Ambassadeur de...
Draft: American Philosophical Society M. Franklin etant obligé d’etre demain Matin à Paris pour Affaire ne pourra pas avoir l’honneur de recevoir chez lui M. l’Ambassadeur de Suede— Mais il aura celui de lui faire sa Cour sur les 11 heures—si toutefois cela est agreable à M. l’Ambassadeur. In answer to the preceding document: BF described this meeting in the Dec. 14 portion of his letter to...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde. Pechigny supplie monsieur franklin de vouloir bien lui permettre le 26. du present, de lui presenter lhommage de sa vive reconnoissance en lui remettant les 300 l.t. que noblement il lui a preté et dagréer les regret de limpossibilité ou elle a èté de ne les lui avoir pas remis plûtot. Si monsieur franklin a un protegé qui enseigne langlois mde....
AL (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania Different Men who have been present and Witnesses of a Transaction, often give different and inconsistent Accounts of it thro’ Defaults in their Observation or Memory. It is still more difficult for a Historian who writes of Affairs distant either in Time or Place, to come at the exact Truth. It is therefore no Wonder if some Errors have escaped...
LS : National Archives; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society; transcript: National Archives We have the honour to congratulate Congress on the Signature of the Preliminaries of a Peace between the Crown of Great Britain & the United States of America, to be inscribed, in a definitive Treaty...
Copies: Connecticut State Library, New Jersey State Library, New Hampshire Division of Records Management and Archives, Delaware Public Archives Commission, National Archives I received duly your several Letters of Septr. 25th. 27th. 28th. and 30th. October 1st. 5th. 7th. all by Capt. Barney, and October 27th. since. I immediately made the Application so strongly pressed by the Congress for a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis m’empêcher de vous exprimer le plaisir que j’ay ressenti lorsque j’ai appris que l’Angleterre venoit de reconoitre l’Indépendance des 13. Provinces unies de l’Amérique; je partage bien sincérement celui que doit vous causer un événement aussi glorieux, et qui termine touttes vos peines et vos inquiétudes. Je prie le seigneur qu’il daigne...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser le sr. saudot auquel vous pouvez remettre les deux alphabets que vous voulez bien me prêter. Je me ferai un grand plaisir de vous offrir ce que j’ai de mieux en vignettes mais Je desirerois savoir de quel genre & de quelle grandeur. Si vous pouvez, monsieur, être utile à l’honnête infortuné que je vous adresse vous ferez...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library En conséquence de votre conseil, le Sr. Schneider habitant de Germantaun, a payé au Sr. Richard Bache votre gendre 200 l.t. en especes, faisants la valeur de 1200 florins, et celui-ci en a délivré la quittance, ci-jointe en copie. Le Sr. Auer Ministre de l’église d’Ebingen dans le Wirtemberg, a eu l’honneur Monsieur de vous en donner avis, dès le mois...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I have the honour to acquaint your Excellency, that our Courier is to set out to-morrow at Ten aClock, with the Dispatches we send to Congress by the Washington, Capt. Barney, for which Ship we have got a Passport from the King of England. If you would make any Use of this Conveyance, the Courier shall wait upon you to-morrow at Versailles,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I went again yesterday to Mr. de Beaumarchais but found, what had not been told me before, that he is at Bourdeaux, & therefore it will be impossible for me to obtain the Certificate Mr. Deane desires until his return— I must therefore write Mr. Deane to day & wish to inclose in my Letter a Line or two from you importing something, or so much as you may...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is hoigh time that I make you my Complements on your having obtaind Peas, & puting your Contery at Liberty; to which wee may Justley say, your Manly Conduct, & Supereor Judgment, has don the Business. May you long Live my Good friend, to Injoy the Sweets of it, which is what I wish from my very Soule being most sincearly attached to you, & the Causes you...
AL (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Je puis etre surpris, Monsieur, après l’Explication que j’ai eue avec vous et la promesse que vous m’aviez faite que vous ne presseriez pas l’obtention d’un Passeport Anglois pour l’expedition du Paquet bot le Wasington, que vous me fassiez part que vous avez reçu ce meme passeport et que demain a dix heures du matin votre courier...
LS : American Philosophical Society Captain Casson of the Ship Washington arrived here last night from Philadelphia, which place he left the 20th November. He brought the Inclosed Packet for you Just in the Condition which I send it. I do not hear that he brings any News of consequence, except a report of the Evacuation of Charlestown. All the Public Goods that were at Brest are now on their...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho no person occupies so much of my thoughts or after whom I make so frequent enquiries as your self, yet knowing the importance & weight of public affairs on Your hands, I purposly avoid troubling You with uninteresting correspondence, but I now take the liberty of introducing to Your acquaintance Lady Juliana Penn, whose character in every point of...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I received the Letter your Excellency did me the Honour of writing to me the 15th. Instant. The Proposal of having a Passport from England was agreed to by me the more willingly, as I at that time had Hopes of obtaining some Money to send in the Washington, and the Passport would have made its Transportation safer, with that of our...
AL : American Philosophical Society Nous assurons notre respectable ami de notre estime et de notre amitié et nous lui envoyons un exemplaire de l’ouvrage que M. l’abbé de Mably vient de donner au public. L’auteur en fait hommage au patriarche de la raison et de la liberté. Il nous tarde d’aller Celebrer le retour de la paix et l’independence de l’amerique avec notre ami. Nous faisons des...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre cy inclus Les papiers de la mirauté pour la Condamnation de la chambre faite, par le Corsaire ameriquain Le Buccanéer, nous vous suplions aprés l’examen de nous honnorer du renvoy de la piece qui constate La validité de ladite prise. Nous Sommes avec un profond Respect honnorable Monsieur Vos tres humbles & trés obts...
Printed in Silas Deane, An Address to the United States of North-America … (New London, Connecticut, 1784), p. 21; draft: American Philosophical Society Certain paragraphs having lately appeared in the English newspapers, importing, that Silas Deane, Esqr. formerly Agent and Commissioner Plenipotentiary, of the United States of America, had sometime after his first “arrival in France,...
ADS : American Philosophical Society Le né. [nommé] Bonnefoi a remis à la secretairerie de M Le Comte De Vergennes la Lettre de Monsieur francklin aujourd’hui 18 Xbre. 1782 à sept heures et demie du Soir. Notation: Comte de Vergennes 18th. Decr. 1782 Versailles A sous-commis under Vergennes and later Montmorin, Geoffroy was the only member of their staff to desert the royalty during the...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Requests for recommendations or positions in France or America continue to arrive on Franklin’s desk during the five months covered by this volume. Sometimes the supplicant frames his request as a response to an offer Franklin has made, as Parent de Bellehache suggests in his letter, printed below. Another of these supplicants is Frère Frederic, a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr: Perregaux has the honour to enclose to His Excellency Mr Franklin a Packet Just received for him from London & recomended to his Care. He will be obliged to him to let him know he received it. The banker who had forwarded letters to BF before: XXXV , 556n. We have confirmed his identity, as he is listed at this address in the Almanach royal for 1782, p. 468.
Copies: Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society Je vous recevrai demain, Monsieur, avec bien du plaisir et J’espere que vous voudrez bien me faire l’honneur de venir diner avec moi. J’ai celui d’etre avec une parfaite Consideration, Monsieur, votre tres humble et tres obeissant Serviteur. For this meeting, at which Vergennes granted the loan of six million livres , see BF to...
ALS : National Archives The Proposal inclosed, has been transmitted to us by Mr Bridgen, a Gentleman in London, who has been uniformly a Friend to America, and in a Variety of Ways, and at a great Expence has Served her Cause. It is a Project for introducing Copper Coins into the United States, and Seems to Us to merit the early Attention of Congress, to whom We have the Honour to recommend...