Results 52711-52740 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have the Honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letter, of the 18th. Inst. which came to...
I had proposed writing by the present opportunity, before I received your letter of Jany the 1st...
Should you find in this ms a deal of the caput mortuum don’t wonder, for the weather is & has...
Yours by your son was a very agreeable letter. I rec d it last wednesday while at the...
Your obliging letter of the 3d instant afforded me peculiar pleasure, & more especially the close...
Judging there is an advantage from knowing the particular tempers of those, with whom we have to...
In a late letter to the Marquis de La Fayette I mentioned my design of writing soon to your...
When I wrote on the 8th of Feby last, I had no thought of addressing You so soon after. But the...
Your favour of April the 8th tho’ frankt was not received till the 22d of May. Tis mortifying to...
In answer to yours of July 2 d , sent You, Sep t 19, under cover to Mess rs D e Neufville’s by a...
Though I have not had the pleasure of an answer, owing to the multiplicity of your engagements,...
Your obliging favours of the 8th inst. were recd on the Saturday. From them I infer not only the...
You have very fairly & fully discharged your epistolary account of the preceeding year; which is...
I congratulate your Excellency with the utmost sincerity upon the late discovery of Arnolds...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have no great inclination to write: but think it of...
I have enjoyed peculiar pleasure in looking over Fenno’s Gazettes from last Sepr to June 14th...
Having received, by the Alliance the last week, a letter from Holland & another from Mr John...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I trouble you afresh with a packet designed for our friend...
I send under cover to Mr Hazard, that so it should not be known at the Coffee house, that I...
It is with concern I learn, that the old leaven, which brought on the late American troubles,...
I cannot omit writing by the present safe conveyance, tho’ I have nothing in particular to...
When last in town for a few days, I received your very obliging letter ; and, notwithstanding my...
Letter not found: from William Gordon, 7 Nov. 1785. GW wrote Gordon on 6 Dec. : “I come now, my...
I write, to testify the continuance of my affection; & to express my hopes, that before the...
Your ardent, persevering, & disinterested patriotism, from the commencement of the American...
I was in hopes, after reading Genl Carleton’s letter & other publications, that I should have had...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This may probably convey to you a painful article of...
I just catch a few minutes before the post goes off to acquaint you that Lord Chatham is...
Your friendly letter of 15th Ocr last was highly acceptable, but before I enter upon a particular...
The last week I had the pleasure of seeing Genl Lincoln, from whom I learnt, that You had been so...