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Results 5271-5280 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Agreeable to your kind assistances and instructions in the affair, seven setts of my paraphrase are now handsomely bound, and ready to be shipp’d, in the first vessel for that quarter, to Mr. David Hall Bookseller in Philadelphia: But being an entire stranger to the said Gentleman, if you wou’d add to my already extreme obligation, the favour of a Line to...
AL : American Philosophical Society P Collinson Incloses to his Dear Friend the Receipt for the Box of Seeds to Doctor Hope. That and my Letter I Desire He will Inclose in a Frank to the Doctor. Doctor Pringle no doubt will procure a Frank. I hope you received a Letter Inclosed to Mee per S: Wharton of Philadelpa: paid postage £2: 6 Charges of the box Seeds to Edinburgh 2: 4: 6 During 1765...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It gave me great pleasure to hear of Your safe Arrival in England. As I flatter’d my self with hopes of the very great pleasure of seeing You once more, and of hearing your family, and the governers are well. I am extremely obliged to You Sir, for the civilities, You were pleas’d to shew Mr. Tunicliff, and can only reward You by requesting a second favour...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , April 25, 1765. As the Partnership of Franklin and Hall , Printers of this Paper, is now near expired, a Settlement of the Accounts betwixt them is become absolutely necessary; and there being a very considerable Number of Sums, both great and small, due to said Partnership, and many of them of a long Standing, this serves earnestly to request all indebted...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In my last to you, I acquainted you of my Intention to remove the Press and printing Materials, late B. Mecom’s, to this Place, and of my having shipp’d them accordingly: By a small Pamphlet you will receive from the Governor—you will perceive it done: I am just now finishing it. I then told you, I apprehended, that if you were desirous of doing any thing...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My last to thee, was on the 13th. Inst. via Dublin; containing Robert Callender Esqr his Letter, and some depositions relative to the destroying those Goods: the Account of which I hope, by this time, has reach’d thee. Thy very kind and welcome Letter of the 13th. of Febry. I received a few days past; with thy Present of the Pamphlet, wrote in vindication...
Want of Opportunity alone has prevented me from answering your obliging letter of the 10th of Augst last sooner. Indeed we have so seldom any Ships bound from this Port to America, that I am necessitated to hasard this by a very round about way and send it first to London. Believe me it gave me real pleasure to find I was still in your remembrance, and I assure You it has recalled very...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your favour of the 3d. March I answer’d the 12th. which I hope Came to your hand when I wrote I expected to have had the pleasure of Seeing in a Short time but a Misfortune happening has keept me here Contrary to my expectation on the 8th. Instant in a Very hard gale of wind my Ship was drove on Shore when She was near loaded and At high Water Circumstances...
Liberty, that has been compelled to skulk about in Corners of the Earth, and been everlastingly persecuted by the great, the rich, the noble, the Reverend, the proud, the Lasey, the Ambitious, avaricious, and Revengeful, who have from the beginning constituted almost all the sons of Adam. Liberty, that complication of real Honour, Piety, Virtue Dignity, and Glory, which has never been enjoyd,...
MS : Massachusetts Archives, Office of the Secretary of State Puisque M. Gmelin, Capt. au Service de Sa Majesté Britannique en Amerique part pour Londres, je l’ai prié de s’y informer aprez vous, et de vous assurer de mes respects, d’autant plus qu’il y a bien des années, que je n’ai rien de vous appris. Je crois en 1751 étoitce pour la derniere fois, vous récommandiez alors à Boston Mr....