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Results 52701-52750 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday I was favoured with your kind lettre dated Nov. 12., which gave me the greatest satisfaction, as the defection of the colonies from their alleys is entirely Contradicted by your lettre as well as by the papers inclosed. That for some English people here so flattering news was still so much credited among them a few days ago, that a gentleman of...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library L’eloignement et une multitude d’affaires, m’ont empêché d’aller vous temoigner moi même, la part que j’ai prise à votre maladie et à votre retablissement— Je n’ai pû envoyer chez vous que mon domestique— Je vous supplie de ne pas douter du vif interêt que je prens à votre conservation et prosperité. Je vous prie aussi de presenter mes civilitez à...
DS : Public Record Office; copies: National Archives (six), Library of Congress (three), Massachusetts Historical Society (two), William L. Clements Library; press copies of copies: American Philosophical Society (two); transcripts: National Archives (four) Articles agreed upon, by and between Richard Oswald Esquire, the Commissioner of his Britannic Majesty, for treating of Peace with the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having this day negociated to Mr. John Augustus Byrne of this City the four Bills as undermentioned the first & second of which I have heretofore transmitted to you, & not being advisd by your Excellency of their Acceptance or payment I think it proper to mention the 1sts. of sd. Bills are accepted in your hands. Mr Byrne remitts them to his Banker Mr....
News of the peace negotiations inspires a number of merchants, manufacturers, and schemers to make offers to Franklin during the period of this volume. In November, Gilles de Lavallée outlines his plan to establish in the 13 “Colonies Unies” factories for making ribbons, yarns, and thread as well as textiles, coverlets, and sheets. His letter is published below. On September 26, Petit, a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai une grace à vous demander, mon Papa, j’ai demain Jeudi une petite Course à faire à la Campagne, ma Voiture ordinaire est caseè, je me trouve dans L’embarras— N’aurès vous pas la bontè extrême pour moi de me prêter votre Diligence (rien que la Voiture sans chevaux:) J’ose vous faire cette demande parceque comme vous avès aussi une Berline il vous seras...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The great friendship you have ever shewn me, produces a liberty which I trust you will forgive, as the subject is a matter of the utmost importance to me, and my family— I see in Freemans Philada. Journal of the 27th. february 1782 among the names of those who have forfeited their Estates, two John Taylors , and as I have not heard from my Agent Wm. West...
ALS : American Philosophical Society An old friend will excuse this familiarity of address to the Minister. I found by Mr. Wharton of Philadelphia, when he did me the honour of a visit at Calais, that I was still alive in your memory and good opinion; and that you were content with the excuses I had made you thorough him for my silence. Circumstances however seem now to be approaching, which...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Yale University Library The Ship Nonesuch is just arrived in 22 Days from Philadelphia. Thinking it of great Importance that the public Dispatches should go forward with the utmost Expedition, and the Post not going out for two Days to come, I thought it my Duty to send off this Express which I hope will be agreeable. I have given the Courier...
Translation from ALS in Italian: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I don’t know whether you received my previous letter in which I alluded to what I am now obliged today to explain with greater clarity. I awaited your answer with impatience; but four months have already gone by and up to now I have not had the pleasure of seeing your writing. I flatter myself that this second letter will meet...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We had the honour of Addressing your Excellcy. on the 24th. Octr. last on the subject of 4 Small Continl. Bills endors’d by Mr. Wm. Foster for The Honble. R R Livingston, on Which we have no reply. We now are to give you advice of having Endorsed 2 Continl. Bills No. 279 & 280—in date of 31st Jany. 1782 for 300 Dollrs. pble. to George putnam—which we...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society The Moments we live in, are critical and may be improved, perhaps to advantage, for which purpose I beg Leave to propose to your Consideration, whether it is not proper for Us to write to Mr Dana at Petersbourg, acquaint him with the Signature of the Preliminaries, inclose to him an authentic Copy of them and advise him to...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I am perfectly of your Opinion respecting the Copy to be sent to Mr Dana, and shall have one prepared directly for that purpose. Is it not also a proper time for you to propose the Quadruple Alliance offensive and defensive, or at least defensive, which I think you once mentioned to me? For I apprehend this Peace may be so humiliating to England, that on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By this Vessel you will receive a tin and a Wooden box; both with grafts of the best new town Pippins which Mr Powell was obliging enough to procure, each of the grafts has a peice of the Old wood remaining to it, the wooden [ torn: box] was put up by him in a particular manner with wax and tallow, the other by Mr Bache according to your directions, Mr...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Libty. I take in writing is, to solicit your Friendship; to gain me a pass or an exchange for me to go to England. I have done myself the honor to write to the Secretary of the Marine Department craving his generous release of me— I am from Hudsons Bay the Vessell Calld the Charlotte which circumstances you may in all Probality be well acquainted...
ALS, LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; ALS (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives I have just now recd the certificates required by Mr. Vallier, the vessel which carries my dispatches having been detained I embrace the opportunity to forward them— Nothing new since my last, except that by a Gent who left Charles town the 4th. Ult. we learn that the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed is a letter recd. by the Ship Nonsuch in 22 days from Philadelphia, it would have been sent on by the Express but by some unaccountabe means it was left behind & Mr. Williams now desires me to forward it to your Excellency— I ask a thousand pardons for having thus long delayed acknowledging the many kindnesses your Excellency was pleased to shew me...
LS , press copy of LS , and transcript: National Archives We detain the Washington a little longer expecting an English Passport for her in a few Days; and as possibly some Vessel bound for North America may sail before her, I write this Line to inform you that the French Preliminaries with England are not yet signed, tho’ we hope they may be very soon. Of ours, I enclose a Copy. The Dutch &...
ALS : Library of Congress To My Very Great Concern, I Have not Yet Received Your Answer to My letter, Nor the Account of What Has officially Past in Monney Matters— But Your Opinion Has Been I should Go, and I Am Pursuing an object that May I Hope prove Useful to America— Upon Your Opinion therefore, I Determine My Going— We are Under sails With 9 ships of the line, And about 6000 Men Recruits...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Messrs. James and Charles Hill, are the Sons of Mr. John Hill, late a very considerable Tradesman in Manchester, and have left their Native Country in consequence of the Bankruptcy of their Father.— This testament to the identity of James and Charles Hill—brothers who were in France awaiting passage to America—was procured so that BF might write them a...
LS : United States Naval Academy Museum I receiv’d your Letter of the 23d. past duly by the Express. I was very glad to see the Minister’s Dispatches, as the Want of them had much delay’d our affairs. I have kept the Express hoping to have sent by him our final Letters. But the Answer of the Court being not yet obtained, & the time when we may expect it being from some present Circumstances...
LS and transcript: National Archives I am honoured by your several Letters No 16. 17. 18. & 19. dated Sept. 5. 13. 13. & 18. I believe the Complaints you make in some of them of my not Writing, may ere now have appear’d less necessary, as many of my Letters written before those Complaints must have since come to hand: I will nevertheless mention some of the Difficulties your Ministers meet...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Have been favord with your letter by Count Segar, which he forwarded from Philadelphia he Came to Providence with the Army we Sent for him but was gone to Newport on his Return to Providence Ray was at home and waited on him he Sat a day to Come with Count Rhoshambow but it was a heavy Rain for three days, after that the first Coll went to Boston and he...
AL : American Philosophical Society M de segur a l’honneur de faire à Monsieur franklin ses sinceres remerciments de ce qu’il a bien voulu prendre le soin de lui faire parvenir un Paquet venant de nantes par un exprès; il le prie de recevoir les assurances de son parfait attachement./. Presumably dispatches from America; see JW to BF , Dec. 1.
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I have the honour of returning herewith the Map your Excellency sent me Yesterday. I have marked with a strong Red Line, according to your desire, the Limits of the thirteen United States, as settled in the Preliminaries between the British & American Plenipotentiarys. With great Respect, I am Sir, Your Excellency’s most obedt & most humble...
ALS : American Philosophical Society After Having Been two days out of the Road, a S. o. [SW] Wind Obliges us to Come Back Again, and I fear it Will Give time for Lord Howe to Embarass our Passage— No Letter from You Has Yet Come to Hand, Which I am Very sorry for, as I Impatiently Waït for Information Upon our Monney Affairs— I Have not Yet Received Your Answer to My Consulting Letter— But I...
AL (draft): New-York Historical Society The College of Dartmouth in New Hampshire having suffered materialy in its funds since the war by the loss of those contributions which it till then recd. from England—Docr. Wheelock son of the worthy first founder proposes to solicit a subscription in France & Holland for its support— He flatters himself that the charity of an institution whose chief...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Day before yesterday there were a number of Letters in Town announcing a Peace. The News came from the secretary of the Duc d’orleans who ’tis said informed that the King had announced it to the Duc. Such respectable Information prevented every Doubt and I among the Rest believed it. I immediately set myself to work to get a little fast sailing Brig...
ADS : American Philosophical Society On December 6 and 7 Temple and Franklin were faced with an unusual situation: writing paroles for five British army officers who had been captured at sea. Jonathan Williams, Jr., had taken their paroles at Nantes, where they landed, and authorized them to travel to Paris, where they would have to obtain permission from Franklin to continue to England. Four...
L : American Philosophical Society Mr: Laurens presents his Compliments to Mr. Franklin, and requests the honor of his Company to dinner on Wednesday next at 3 oClock. In the hand of Henry Laurens, Jr. JA attended the dinner: Butterfield, John Adams Diary , III , 95.
Copy: Library of Congress This letter—or at least the first part of it—is well known to readers of Franklin’s autobiography. James announced that he had found a manuscript in Franklin’s hand that appeared to be an unfinished account of his life, as well as a set of “notes” for that account. He enclosed a copy of those notes and urged Franklin to complete the project. When Franklin did resume...
ALS : Library of Congress However Certain it Appears that Peace is Near at Hand, I Have thought that Personal Considerations ought to Give Way to Motives of Public Utility— I am therefore sailing With the fleet, and Untill Peace is Ascertained, Will Continue in Promoting the Views Which You Have Decided to Be the Most Advantageous to America— in this Affair, it is Useless to observe that My...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si la communiquation Monsieur relativement a la saison etoit plus comode jaurais deja eu lhoneur de vous aler voir, ce nets que depuis quatre jours que nous somes arivés de la campagne, mde de st. auban et moy nous flattons, que vous voudres bien nous demender a diner avec monsieur votre fils, en voulant bien aussi par la petite [ poste ] nous faire...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd. Yours by Express and have to thank You for Your Early advice in respect to Saving any Insurance on My own Adventure, we had a rumour of the kind the day before I recd. Yours by Way of Nantes, but coming from You has cleared every Doubt. The Vessells that are at this place are the Ships, Revolution, Capt. Webb, Buccaneer Capt. Prearson, Cicero, Hill,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ferdinand Grand’s resources were stretched to their limit. He was besieged by demands from the various American peace commissioners to pay loan office certificates and other expenses, and by requests from Robert Morris to pay bills of exchange. Moreover, an interest payment on the 1781 Dutch loan arranged by France had come due on November 5. In...
Copy: South Carolina Historical Society That there shall be a firm & perpetual Peace &ca. A Renunciation on the Part of the K. of G. B. of all Claim or Pretention to the Government or Territory of all or any of the United States, ceding all Claim to the Lands, or to the Right of Preemption of any of them from the Natives, included in the Boundaries, Viz. That all his Troops shall be withdrawn...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pourroit t’on s’imaginer qu’en imitant ce que vous faite de si admirable pour le bien de l’humanité; je me serois fait une affaire serieuse avec mes concitoyens, avec mes voisins, avec nos juges de police enfin, qui m’ont condamné rigoureusement a detruire mon para-tonnerre dans les 24. heures pour tout delai, comme une invention des plus dangereuse....
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Cher. Grand prie Son Excellençe Monsieur Le Docteur Francklin & Monsieur Son Fils de luy faire l’honneur de Diner chez luy Lundy prochain 16 de ce mois, avec M. Le Duc De La Vauguyon. The duc de La Vauguyon had returned to Versailles with his wife on account of her ill health: La Vauguyon to Vergennes, Nov. 8, 1782; Laurent Bérenger to Vergennes, Nov. 29,...
ALS, AL (draft), and copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: Library of Congress We have the Honour to congratulate you, on the Signature of the preliminary Treaty of Peace, between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, to be inserted in the definitive Treaty, when France and Britain Shall have agreed upon their Terms. The Articles, of which We do ourselves the...
L : American Philosophical Society Mr: Adams presents his Compliments to his Excellency Dr: Franklin, & requests the honor of his Company to dinner on Monday the 16th. inst. at 3. oClock. Addressed: Son Excellence / Monsieur Franklin. / Passy In the hand of Charles Storer. JA issued a nearly identical invitation to WTF ( APS ). Fitzherbert, Oswald, and Laurens attended JA ’s dinner, among...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Fitz-Herbert presents his Compliments to Dr Franklin and Mr Franklin and desires the honour of their Company to dinner on Tuesday next, the 17th, at 3 o’clock. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / à Passy. Notation: Mr. Fitzherbert Decr. 12th On Dec. 19 Fitzherbert wrote to Strachey that Townshend had advised him to “cultivate” the American...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to acquaint you that we arrived safe here after a quick passage, but not Time enough I fear to undo what had been done wrong in consequence of premature advice, however still much depends upon future contingent Events, if the final arrangement takes place, all may yet be well, shou’d it happen otherwise, without previous information the...
AL : American Philosophical Society La Celeste amie de Monsieur Franklin n’a pas le temps de lui écrire; mais elle lui fait les plus tendres amitiés et l’embrasse de tout son cœur; elle recommande à ses bontés ordinaires le paquet ci-joint pour son fils ainé. Le courier de Demain est attendu avec bien de l’impatience; nous esperons qu’il nous apportera la paix. Et qui aura joué Le premier...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pendant que vous achevez de fonder un nouvel empire, permettez à un de vos plus profonds admirateurs, de vous parler de tous les sentimens que vous lui avez inspirés. On a du, Monsieur, faire hommage de ma part à vôtre excellence, du premier volume de la physique générale et particulière, que je viens de publier: puissiez vous avoir agréé cet hommage, et...
Translation of extract: American Philosophical Society Je n’ai eu que peu de Soleil; mais j’en ai profité pour faire plusieurs Observations nouvelles: Je ne vous rendrai Compte maintenant que de la derniere qui est assèz remarquable, et qui pourra vous donner quelque plaisir ainsi qu’à vos Amis. Je convertis en peu de temps l’ Eau pure en Air permanent , Poids pour Poids, en la combinant...
Copy: Library of Congress Article proposed for Consideration. If War should hereafter arise between Great Britain and the United States, which God forbid, the Merchants of either Country then residing in the other, shall be allowed to remain 9 Months to collect their Debts and settle their Affairs, and may depart freely carrying off all their Effects without Molestation or Hinderance. And all...
AL : American Philosophical Society Monsieur L’Ambassadeur de Suède à L’honneur de faire bien des Complimens à Monsieur francklin et de le prevenir qu’il aura L’honneur demain Samedy avant midy de l’aller voir pour lui communiquer des affaires de consequences. Il le prie de vouloir bien lui faire L’honneur de luy faire sçavoir s’il pourra avoir celui de le trouver. Notation: L’Ambassadeur de...
Draft: American Philosophical Society M. Franklin etant obligé d’etre demain Matin à Paris pour Affaire ne pourra pas avoir l’honneur de recevoir chez lui M. l’Ambassadeur de Suede— Mais il aura celui de lui faire sa Cour sur les 11 heures—si toutefois cela est agreable à M. l’Ambassadeur. In answer to the preceding document: BF described this meeting in the Dec. 14 portion of his letter to...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde. Pechigny supplie monsieur franklin de vouloir bien lui permettre le 26. du present, de lui presenter lhommage de sa vive reconnoissance en lui remettant les 300 l.t. que noblement il lui a preté et dagréer les regret de limpossibilité ou elle a èté de ne les lui avoir pas remis plûtot. Si monsieur franklin a un protegé qui enseigne langlois mde....
AL (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania Different Men who have been present and Witnesses of a Transaction, often give different and inconsistent Accounts of it thro’ Defaults in their Observation or Memory. It is still more difficult for a Historian who writes of Affairs distant either in Time or Place, to come at the exact Truth. It is therefore no Wonder if some Errors have escaped...