52701To James Madison from Isaac Cox Barnet, 12 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I profit of the first direct conveyance since our Navigation is open to transmit copy of my respects of November and forward the articles therein mentioned which I hope will be acceptable. Your kind Letter of the 12 November, which reached me on the 24 January, I had the honour of answering immediately, and forwarded several copies by the way of England, Havre and Bordeaux. I shall be anxious...
52702To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 12 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Since my last I have learned from the Secretary of the Province Dn. Andres Lopez Armesto that the Letters received by the Schooner Cordelia from Monsr. Pichon contained a very strong recommendation to place matters respecting the Deposit on the former footing, but no alteration will be made, till advices are received from Court, as it is always the Custom here when any measure is adopted and...
52703To Thomas Jefferson from Lewis Harvie, before 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I take the earliest opportunity of answering your favour of the 28th of February. The experience which my visit to Monticello gave me of the mingled benefit and pleasure resulting from a residence in your house induced me to offer my services as Secretary, when the wishes of the American people were gratified by your accession to the Presidential chair. Although my situation has been since...
52704To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Barbier, 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Le Citoyen Serraire habitant de Cette ville de Digne me charge de Vous prier de donner des Ordres pour qu’il soit pris des renseignemens Sur françois Serraire son fils qui a été emmené de Marseilles par le Capitaine de Navire Michel qui l’a conduit à Philadelphie il y a environ six ans; Depuis cette Epoque le Pere n’a aucune nouvelle de Son Enfant, il attend de votre Bienveillance que Vous...
52705I. Recipient’s Copy (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed replying to your friendly letter by Madame Brougniart in the hope of having something important to communicate, but in the mean time have been so full in my letter to the Secretary of State that I have left myself little to say on the Subject of our publick affairs—I can only tell you generally that we have been gaining ground here for sometime past & some propositions I had an...
52706II. Recipient’s Copy (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed answering your friendly letter by madame Brogniard in the hope of having some thing important to communicate but in the mean time have been so full in my letters to the secretary of State that I have left myself little to say on the subject of our publick affairs. I can only tell you generally that I have been gaining ground for some time past & some propositions I had an...
52707III. Extract, after 18 May 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed replying to your friendly letter by Madam Brougniart, in the hope of having something important to communicate; but, in the mean time, have been so full in my letter to the Secretary of State that I have left myself little to say on the subject of my public affairs. I can only tell you, generally, that we have been gaining ground here for some time past; and altho some...
52708Petition from the Mississippi Territory House of Representatives, 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The memorial and petition of the House of Representatives of the Missisippi Territory. Respectfully Sheweth. That a considerable portion of the Inhabitants of this Territory are situated upon lands of the greatest fertility, watered by navigable Rivers, which have no communication with the Bay of Mexico, but through the dominions of his Catholic Majesty. The principal of those settlements...
52709To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Rush, 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The Solicitude I felt upon the account of your health , excited by your letter of last summer, is in a great measure removed by the history you have given me of your disease in your favor of the 28th. of February. Chronic diseases even in persons in the decline of life, are far from being incurable, and I have great pleasure in assuring you that complaints of the bowels such as you have...
52710To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
In consequence of the Conversation I had with you some days since respecting the Compensation to be allowed to Capt Tingey I have Offered to him the same pay & emoluments which he would have been entitled to receive, if he had remained a Captain of the Navy. This he does not consider sufficient. Herewith you will receive Copies of my Letter & his answer. I find that in the hurry of your...
52711To James Madison from Robert R. Livingston, 11 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I have a few days since written to you transmitting you a letter which I addressed to the first Consul for tho I had got various Notes and observations under his eye, in an informal way—Yet I had reason to fear that what I wrote to the Minister particularly on the subject of the debt had not reached him, besides that I believed that he could not pass over a more direct address to him...
52712To James Madison from Louis-André Pichon, 11 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Mr. Pichon presents his respects to Mr. Madison and begs that he will inclose in the dispatches which Marquis d’yrujo informed him this morning are preparing to day for Neworleans the inclosed letter. Mr. Pichon leaves it open for Mr. Madison’s inspection. Mr. P. would have conversed on the contents of this letter with Mr. Madison in the forenoon, had he not met with Marquis d’Yrujo who...
52713From James Madison to William C. C. Claiborne, 11 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 March 1803, Department of State. “Your letter of Feby. 3d. inclosing the despatches from New Orleans to the spanish Minister here has been recd. Finding from the acknowledgment of the Intendant himself that he has acted without authority from the Spanish Government, and on evident misconstructions of the Treaty and of his duty, The Minister has written the enclosed letters with a view to...
52714From James Madison to William C. C. Claiborne, 11 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 March 1803, Department of State. “In addition to the despatches from the Spanish Minister here to the Government and the Intendant at New Orleans which you will herewith receive, I am requested by Mr. Pichon, the French Charge d’Affaires to forward a letter to the Governor of that place on the same subject. With his approbation it is left under a flying seal, that, you may have an...
52715To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 11 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 March 1803, New York. Wrote on 7 Mar. of his intention to sail for Gibraltar on 24 Mar. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s letter [not found] with his commission as U.S. consul at Majorca, Minorca, and Iviza, his instructions, and a blank bond, which has been filled out and is enclosed [not found]. Expresses thanks for JM’s friendship and protection. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Port Mahon, vol. 1). 1...
52716To James Madison from Robert Montgomery, 11 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 March 1803, Alicante. Has received nothing from JM since he last wrote on “the 2d Current,” since which nothing has occurred worthy of JM’s attention. “No Enemy from the Coast of Barbary has appeared to molest our Trading Vessels.” Writes only to enclose a list of arrivals for the past six months [not found]. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Alicante, vol. 1). 1 p. Docketed by Wagner as received 3...
52717To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 11 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I had this honor on the 7th. Current, making known to you my intention to Sail for Gibraltar, on the 24th which I hope to verify. Permit me now Sir, most respectfully to acknowledge receipt of your letter, inclosing my Commission, as Consul for the United States of America, to the Islands of Minorca, Majorca, and Yvica: with my instructions, as well a blank bond; the which being duly filled up...
52718To James Madison from Robert Montgomery, 11 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Since I had the honor of addressing you under the 2d Current, I have not received any of your favors, or has any circumstance occured here worthy of your attention. No Enemy from the Coast of Barbary has appeared to molest our Trading Vessels. The purport of the present is only to cover the List of arrivals for the last Six Months which being all I have to trouble you with, I have the honor to...
52719To Thomas Jefferson from John Willard, 11 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
By a letter from Mr Israel Smith received on the 7th inst I understand that complaint has been made to the President of the United States by Amasa Paine & Cephas Smith that I had officiated in the office of Marshal without giving bond, as the Law requires—being unacquainted with the particulars it will at present be out of my power to reply to the charges exhibited against me, in the mean time...
52720Thomas Boylston Adams to Abigail Adams, 10 March 1803 (Adams Papers)
I have received your favors of the 18 th: ult: and 2 d: instant, the latter enclosing a valuable communication from my father; for which please to express my thanks. I have taken note of those “thoughts on the times,” and will make use of them. I hope M r: Ames , will continue to expand his thoughts on those topics. The Port Folio begins to get into some favor all over the Country, and the...
52721From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
The answers from the Govr. & Intendant at N. Orleans to the Spanish Ministers letter were recd. by him yesterday. The Intendant himself states that he had taken his measures, merely on his own judgmnt., without orders from his Govt. and in opposition to the judgment of the Govr: but it appears that his determination had not been changed by the first interposition of Yrujo. As his second letter...
52722From James Madison to Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 10 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
The latest information from New Orleans makes it certain that altho’ your letters to the Governor & the Intendant of Louisiana had been received, the Edict of the latter against our right of deposit had not been rescinded. It is even found that this obnoxious measure had been followed by a rigorous prohibition of the ordinary hospitalities between the Citizens of the United States and the...
52723To James Madison from Elias Vander Horst, 10 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
10 March 1803, Bristol. Transmits duplicates of his dispatches of 7 and 13 Feb., sent via New York, since which he has received nothing from JM. Has nothing to communicate beyond what is found in the enclosed newspapers and price current [not found]. Adds in a postscript that he is forwarding two letters from Rufus King for JM. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Bristol, vol. 2). 1 p. Written at the foot...
52724To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 10 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
10 March 1803, Washington. When JM informed him last November that the port of New Orleans had been closed and no equivalent deposit for U.S. merchandise had been assigned—as the treaty between Charles IV and the U.S. stipulates—he declared his belief that the measure flowed solely from the mistaken zeal of the intendant without the approbation or knowledge of the Spanish court. He now...
52725To James Madison from Elias Vanderhorst, 10 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
The Preceding are duplicates of my las t respects of the 7h. & 13h. Ulto. ⅌ the New York Packett, v ia New–York, since when I have not had the pleasure of he aring from you. Having nothing at Present worth communicating exc ept what will be found in the inclosed News Papers & Lo ndon Pr ice Currt. I beg leave to subscribe myself with every sentiment of the most Perfect esteem & respect, Sir,...
52726To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The answers from the Govr. & Intendant at N. Orleans to the Spanish Ministers letter were recd. by him yesterday . The Intendant himself states that he had taken his measures, merely on his own judgment, without orders from his Govt. and in opposition to the judgment of the Govr: but it appears that his determination had not been changed by the first interposition of Yrujo. As his second...
52727To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Savage, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
your favour of the 4th. is Just Come to hand. the miscarriage of Several Papers appears very Extraordinary, I am very Shure of Enclosing to you a Discription of the mountain Ram , and one of my proposals for Publishing by Subscription a print Representing the Declaration of Independence. I put up at the Same time a packet containing thirty Proposals and twenty three Recipts fill’d up and...
52728To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
New York, 10 Mch. 1803 . Replying to TJ’s letter of 3 Mch. , he asks that TJ bring the bundle of papers relating to Short’s affairs when he returns from Monticello, as he would like to have access to the maps and mortgage papers for his property. With regard to TJ’s offer to repay the money he owes Short in two years, Short states that he was “indifferent” to that subject before he left...
52729To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Tiffin, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of feby —has been duly received, in which you request with as little delay as possable to be furnished with a return of the Militia, and of the Arms and Accoutrements of this state, and of the several counties or other geographical divisions of it. believing as I do, that none but an armed nation can dispence with a standing Army and that standing Armys are dangerous to Liberty, I was...
52730Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Adams, 9 March 1803 (Adams Papers)
I hear by Dr Tufts that our Medford Farm will be greatly injured by the middlesex Canal being cut through the land— I am very sorry to have what little landed property I have destroyed— But I suppose it will do no service to object— People are so very economick, & publick spirited at this day, that every thing must be sacrificed to the common weal— But the President, & you my Sister know much...
52731To James Madison from Rufus King, 9 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I lose no Time in sending you the important Message from the King that was last Evening delivered to the two houses of Parliament. Peace has not had the happy Effect of restoring harmony and confidence between England and France, and the Exposition of the Affairs of the latter which the first Consul lately delivered to the Legislature has not failed to produce its natural Effect upon this...
52732To James Madison from Richard Dinmore, 9 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
9 March 1803, Alexandria. Cannot suppose that the appended abstract of a friend’s letter will afford JM any information, but hopes the possibility that it may will excuse “this obtrusion.” The facts are such as he does not feel warranted in publishing in the Expositor , but he very much wishes them to be known by the proper government officers. As it has been his “desire rather to allay than...
52733From James Madison to Charles Pinckney, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
My last letter was of January 18. Yours since received are of the 6th and 28th of November. Our latest authentic information from New Orleans is of January 20. At that date, the Edict of the Intendant against our right of deposit had not been revoked, altho’ the letters to him and the Governor from the Spanish Minister here had been previously received. And it appears that the first outrage...
52734To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 8 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 March 1803, New Orleans. “I arrived here from Europe on the night of the 25th. ulto. and was sensibly hurt tho’ by no means surprised at the Steps taken by the Intendant in my absence, and which cause an incalculable injury to the Trade of the Western Country. In the last Letter I had the Honor of writing to you from hence I pointed out what he had then done in violation of the Treaty, his...
52735To James Madison from George Davis, 8 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 March 1803, Tunis. In consequence of Eaton’s departure from Tunis by order of the bey, “the particulars of which will be made known to you,” Commodore Morris has appointed Davis chargé d’affaires until the government’s pleasure is known. “While I am sensible of the consequence of such an appointment, particularly at such a period, I also feel bold in the Opinion, that … a uniformity of...
52736To James Madison from John Gavino, 8 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 March 1803, Gibraltar. No. 116. Refers to his last dispatch, no. 115 of 27 Feb. Swedish consul Wyk received an eleven-gun salute on his arrival at Tangier. “The King of Sweden has made him a Nobleman of the order of Wasaw [Vasa], and the Swedish Adl. has orders to go to Tangier to Enstal him.” Crews expected from Tetuán for the ship at Gibraltar have not yet arrived. Encloses a copy of a...
52737To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 8 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 March 1803, Havana. Reports that “the vessel by which this goes, having been detained a few minutes longer than was expected,” he took the opportunity to call at the post office where, with the arrival of the packet, he received confirmation of his earlier reports. He also learned that the governor had received orders to transfer Louisiana to France immediately and that Casa Calvo was to...
52738To James Madison from E. Belden & Company, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Letter not found. 8 March 1803, New York. Acknowledged in Brent to E. Belden & Company, 17 Mar. 1803 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as an inquiry about their charge against the government for printing the laws in the N.Y. Commercial Advertiser. Brent stated that the U.S. treasurer would remit payment to Samuel Latham Mitchill in New York.
52739To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I arrived here from Europe on the night of the 25th. ulto. and was sensibly hurt tho’ by no means surprised at the Steps taken by the Intendant in my absence, and which cause an incalculable injury to the Trade of the Western Country. In the last Letter I had the Honor of writing to you from hence. I pointed out what he had then done in violation of the Treaty, his ideas of what he was...
52740To James Madison from George Davis, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
In Consequence of the departure of Mr. Eaton from this Regency by Order of the Bey, the particulars of which will be made known to you, Commodore Morris has been pleased to honor me with the appointment as Chargé d’Affaires for the United States until the pleasure of the Government shall be known. While I am sensible of the consequence of such an appointment, particularly at such a period, I...
52741To James Madison from John Gavino, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
My last which I had the honour of adressing you was No. 115 under 27th. Ulto. Consul Wyk arrived at Tanger was Saluted with 11 Guns. The King of Sweden has made him a Nobleman of the order of Wasaw, and the Swedish Adl. has orders to go to Tangier to Enstal him. The Expected for the ship here from Tetuan not yet arrived. I inclose you Copy of a Letter received Yesterday from Consul OBrion...
52742To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
The vessel by which this goes, having been detained a few minutes longer than was expected, gave me an oppertunity of calling at the General Post O ffice to make some enquiries r especting the mails due, and the arrival of the Packet, w hen was confirmed what I h ave before Stated, and I th en was further informed that the Governor had recd. as Cap General or ders to give up Louisiana to the...
52743To Thomas Jefferson from Baron von Geismar, 8 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
C’est dans le plus grand embarras, n’aiant recu sur quatre de mes lettres a Votre Excellence aucune reponse , que je m’adresse encore a Elle pour la prier de ne pas me refuser son Assistance et ses bons Conseilles— C’est sur Sa lettre encourageante de l’anné 1798 que non seulement je me suis entierement reposé, m’aiant assuré que lorsqu’il serait tems Elle remettrait mes Affaires entre les...
52744To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 8 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I forwarded some days since the remainder of the nail rod , & the hoop-iron, received some time ago. I likewise forwarded by C. Becks’s boat 31 packages lately received from George Town & Alexandria, together with a Hhd of Molasses & the 3 Casks Cyder. I could not conveniently get the Molasses caskd, and therefore sent it without, supposing Becks to be perfectly honest, and very careful. I...
52745From James Madison to William E. Hũlings, 7 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Mr. Lewis A. Terascon, an enterprising citizen of Pennsylvania, having built and loaded two vessels at Pittsburg and intending to dispatch them for Europe, apprehends that the present or future restraints of our rights in the Mississippi may render your good offices useful to him in their passage out of the river. One of the vessels is a schooner called the Amity of 105 tons, commanded by...
52746To James Madison from James Monroe, 7 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I recd. on saturday yr. letters of the first inst. wh. were put in the mail on that day, with a copy of the laws of the UStates, and I recd. this morning my instructions, with the letters to our ministers abroad and other documents that were forwarded with them. The ship had clear’d at the custom house on saturday, my baggage was on board, and every preparatory measure was taken for sailing...
52747To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 7 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
7 March 1803, New York. Refers to his letters of 28 Nov. 1802 and 4 Jan. 1803 . “Circumstances now urge me, to acquaint you Sir, that pressed by my affairs, have determined taking my passage for Gibraltar, on the Brig Alexander, to sail on the 24th. Instant, altho’ compelled to leave my family to follow me, owing to Mrs. Baker’s Situation.” Hopes this will excuse his soliciting the president’s...
52748To James Madison from Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen, 7 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
7 March 1803, Bremen. Last wrote on 2 July 1802 . On 1 Dec. received a 26 Aug. circular regarding expenditures for seamen Encloses a list of American arrivals and departures during the last six months of 1802 [not found]. Notes that the report lists fewer ships than formerly as the major part of the trade between the U.S. and Bremen is carried on in native ships, which are able “to navigate at...
52749To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 7 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Permit me Respectfully to make known to you, I had this honor on the 28th. November 1802 and the 4th. January Ultimo. Circumstances now urge me to acquaint you Sir, that pressed by my affairs, I have determined taking my passage for Gibraltar, on the Brig Alexander, to sail on the 24th. Instant, altho’ compelled to leave my family to follow me, owing to Mrs. Baker’s Situation, which will I...
52750To James Madison from Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen, 7 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I beg leave of referring you to my last respects of the 2nd. July, wherewith I had the honor of transmitting you the semi-annual report of 1802. Since that time nothing has occurred at this city, which in my opinion deserved an immediate communication to the US. Under the 1st. December I have been favored again, with a circular letter from your Department, signed by M. Dan: Brent, under date...