52701To James Madison from Isaac Cox Barnet, 12 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I profit of the first direct conveyance since our Navigation is open to transmit copy of my...
52702To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 12 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Since my last I have learned from the Secretary of the Province Dn. Andres Lopez Armesto that the...
52703To Thomas Jefferson from Lewis Harvie, before 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I take the earliest opportunity of answering your favour of the 28th of February. The experience...
52704To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Barbier, 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Le Citoyen Serraire habitant de Cette ville de Digne me charge de Vous prier de donner des Ordres...
52705I. Recipient’s Copy (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed replying to your friendly letter by Madame Brougniart in the hope of having...
52706II. Recipient’s Copy (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed answering your friendly letter by madame Brogniard in the hope of having some...
52707III. Extract, after 18 May 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed replying to your friendly letter by Madam Brougniart, in the hope of having...
52708Petition from the Mississippi Territory House of Representatives, 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The memorial and petition of the House of Representatives of the Missisippi Territory....
52709To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Rush, 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The Solicitude I felt upon the account of your health , excited by your letter of last summer, is...
52710To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 12 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
In consequence of the Conversation I had with you some days since respecting the Compensation to...
52711To James Madison from Robert R. Livingston, 11 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I have a few days since written to you transmitting you a letter which I addressed to the first...
52712To James Madison from Louis-André Pichon, 11 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Mr. Pichon presents his respects to Mr. Madison and begs that he will inclose in the dispatches...
52713From James Madison to William C. C. Claiborne, 11 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 March 1803, Department of State. “Your letter of Feby. 3d. inclosing the despatches from New...
52714From James Madison to William C. C. Claiborne, 11 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 March 1803, Department of State. “In addition to the despatches from the Spanish Minister here...
52715To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 11 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 March 1803, New York. Wrote on 7 Mar. of his intention to sail for Gibraltar on 24 Mar....
52716To James Madison from Robert Montgomery, 11 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 March 1803, Alicante. Has received nothing from JM since he last wrote on “the 2d Current,”...
52717To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 11 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I had this honor on the 7th. Current, making known to you my intention to Sail for Gibraltar, on...
52718To James Madison from Robert Montgomery, 11 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Since I had the honor of addressing you under the 2d Current, I have not received any of your...
52719To Thomas Jefferson from John Willard, 11 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
By a letter from Mr Israel Smith received on the 7th inst I understand that complaint has been...
52720Thomas Boylston Adams to Abigail Adams, 10 March 1803 (Adams Papers)
I have received your favors of the 18 th: ult: and 2 d: instant, the latter enclosing a valuable...
52721From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
The answers from the Govr. & Intendant at N. Orleans to the Spanish Ministers letter were recd....
52722From James Madison to Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 10 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
The latest information from New Orleans makes it certain that altho’ your letters to the Governor...
52723To James Madison from Elias Vander Horst, 10 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
10 March 1803, Bristol. Transmits duplicates of his dispatches of 7 and 13 Feb., sent via New...
52724To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 10 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
10 March 1803, Washington. When JM informed him last November that the port of New Orleans had...
52725To James Madison from Elias Vanderhorst, 10 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
The Preceding are duplicates of my las t respects of the 7h. & 13h. Ulto. ⅌ the New York Packett,...
52726To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The answers from the Govr. & Intendant at N. Orleans to the Spanish Ministers letter were recd....
52727To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Savage, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
your favour of the 4th. is Just Come to hand. the miscarriage of Several Papers appears very...
52728To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
New York, 10 Mch. 1803 . Replying to TJ’s letter of 3 Mch. , he asks that TJ bring the bundle of...
52729To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Tiffin, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of feby —has been duly received, in which you request with as little delay as possable to...
52730Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Adams, 9 March 1803 (Adams Papers)
I hear by Dr Tufts that our Medford Farm will be greatly injured by the middlesex Canal being cut...
52731To James Madison from Rufus King, 9 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I lose no Time in sending you the important Message from the King that was last Evening delivered...
52732To James Madison from Richard Dinmore, 9 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
9 March 1803, Alexandria. Cannot suppose that the appended abstract of a friend’s letter will...
52733From James Madison to Charles Pinckney, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
My last letter was of January 18. Yours since received are of the 6th and 28th of November. Our...
52734To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 8 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 March 1803, New Orleans. “I arrived here from Europe on the night of the 25th. ulto. and was...
52735To James Madison from George Davis, 8 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 March 1803, Tunis. In consequence of Eaton’s departure from Tunis by order of the bey, “the...
52736To James Madison from John Gavino, 8 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 March 1803, Gibraltar. No. 116. Refers to his last dispatch, no. 115 of 27 Feb. Swedish consul...
52737To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 8 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 March 1803, Havana. Reports that “the vessel by which this goes, having been detained a few...
52738To James Madison from E. Belden & Company, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Letter not found. 8 March 1803, New York. Acknowledged in Brent to E. Belden & Company, 17 Mar....
52739To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I arrived here from Europe on the night of the 25th. ulto. and was sensibly hurt tho’ by no means...
52740To James Madison from George Davis, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
In Consequence of the departure of Mr. Eaton from this Regency by Order of the Bey, the...
52741To James Madison from John Gavino, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
My last which I had the honour of adressing you was No. 115 under 27th. Ulto. Consul Wyk arrived...
52742To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 8 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
The vessel by which this goes, having been detained a few minutes longer than was expected, gave...
52743To Thomas Jefferson from Baron von Geismar, 8 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
C’est dans le plus grand embarras, n’aiant recu sur quatre de mes lettres a Votre Excellence...
52744To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 8 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I forwarded some days since the remainder of the nail rod , & the hoop-iron, received some time...
52745From James Madison to William E. Hũlings, 7 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Mr. Lewis A. Terascon, an enterprising citizen of Pennsylvania, having built and loaded two...
52746To James Madison from James Monroe, 7 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I recd. on saturday yr. letters of the first inst. wh. were put in the mail on that day, with a...
52747To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 7 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
7 March 1803, New York. Refers to his letters of 28 Nov. 1802 and 4 Jan. 1803 . “Circumstances...
52748To James Madison from Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen, 7 March 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
7 March 1803, Bremen. Last wrote on 2 July 1802 . On 1 Dec. received a 26 Aug. circular regarding...
52749To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 7 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
Permit me Respectfully to make known to you, I had this honor on the 28th. November 1802 and the...
52750To James Madison from Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen, 7 March 1803 (Madison Papers)
I beg leave of referring you to my last respects of the 2nd. July, wherewith I had the honor of...