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Results 52701-52750 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
You will receive with this Duplicates of two letters which contain a general Statement of our...
3 March 1803, Department of State. Requests a warrant for $150 in favor of Meeker, Denman, and...
3 March 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Has received JM’s 17 Jan. letter enclosing one from the Spanish...
3 March 1803, Washington. Encloses a consular act relative to the capture of the schooner Good...
3 March 1803. “I find by a Conversation I have Just had with Mr. Leonard that he will accept of...
3 March 1803, Richmond. “In the high Court of Chancery for the Richmond District Between James...
In pursueance of an act regulating the grants of land, and provideing for the disposal of the...
J Bacon presents his respectful regards to the President of the United States—wishes him a long,...
Your favor of the 5th. of Jan. has been duly recieved, and I have to return you thanks for the...
Je vous remercie, comme Philosophe pacifique, comme Français, et comme ami très chaud des Etats...
The motives Which induce me at this time to take the Liberty to present to you the two enclosed...
I recvd. the draft on Mesrs. Gibson & Jefferson for One Thousand Dollars . which answerd my...
As you talked of coming on here in the month of February I have been expecting you, without...
Permit me to request your Excellency to examine the enclosed letters—the one addressed to...
You will herewith receive a Commission and letters of Credence, one of you as Minister...
You will herewith receive two Commissions, with the Correspondent Instructions, in which you are...
You will be herewith furnished with a joint Commission to treat with His Catholic Majesty, and...
I wrote you a few days since & now do so again to inclose you Duplicates of some of my public...
2 March 1803. “The Danish claim is referrd to Morris, Tracy and Jackson, and I suspect will be...
2 March 1803, Havana. “A few days past” a report, “to which some credit was attached,” circulated...
In consequence of the circulation of a report a few days past, to which some credit was attached,...
I received last night your letter of February 1803, to the Governor of Virginia, written in...
I am now able to inform you, tho’ I must do it confidentially, that we are at length likely to...
The President of the United States—} To Rapine, Conrad & Co. 1802 May 4 To 1 Aitkin’s Letters $ 1...
I enclose Warrants for Laurence Keene Francis Hall Lewis Hunt Walter G Anderson Francis Mitchell...
Since you left us we have no further intelligence from N. Orleans, except a letter dated Jany 20...
The inclosed came under cover of one to me from Mr. Coleman. The final communications to you will...
1 March 1803, Falmouth. Encloses a list of American shipping arriving at Plymouth during the last...
Ca. 1 March 1803. “My connections & standing in commercial business rendering such an appointment...
I take the freedom to send thee annex’d a List of the American Shipping arrived at Plymouth the 6...
Agreeably to your request I have consulted my colleague and the Representatives respecting...
Agreeably to my promise , I have investigated thy Problem for finding the longitude by lunar...
I communicated your manuscript catalogue to the member of Congress charged with the purchase of...
J’ai fait mettre à bord du Sloop Harmony Cap. Ellwood , une Caisse à votre adresse, contenant les...
52735Invoice for Books, 1 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Thos. Jefferson. President of the U. S.    To N. Gouin Dufief— Dr. To Philosophie d’Epicure par...
C. Ellery intended to have conversed, this morning, with the President, on the subject of the...
According to the request stated in your resolution of December 20th. I communicated to you such...
The name of the gentleman about whom I convers’d with you is John Harrison —Permit me to suggest,...
Commissions to be issued to the following persons under the bankrupt law. John Mussey at Portland...
You recommended to me some time ago mr Thos. Rodney of Delaware for an appointment. nothing has...
Your favor of the 19th. inst. was recieved by General Winn and I feel with due sensibility the...
I nominate Bartholomew D. Armistead now a 2d. Lieutent of Infantry in the 2d. regiment to be 1st....
I here transmit for your acceptance, a copy of my Treatise on the Kine Pock, which, though dated...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to General Winn and asks the favor of him to take the...
Nothing could tempt me to intrude on your important moments but imperious circumstances, of which...
Inclosed herewith is the Cypher you are to carry with you. I send it apart from the despatches,...
I have, in conformity with your request, considered the several modes in which the Ministers of...
My private letter of the 28h January from the port of Carthagena will have informed You of my...
28 February 1803, Washington. “Mr. Monroe is to have no outfit: His expenses in getting to Paris...
28 February 1803, Department of State, Washington. “James Monroe Esqr … is authorized to receive...