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Results 52701-52750 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The intelligence gain’d by a Miss Myer, respecting a Certain John Robinson who has undertaken Secretly to conduct a body of Tories from this part of the Country to Genl Howe, has been sent me by the Board of War, with a request to endeavour to take him &c. Robinson is but little known to the Whigs in these parts; I have however Sent out an Officer with instructions which may probably have...
I recieved last night your favor of the 19th. and with it the pamphlet of Naval architecture for which I thank you. it may be of use in our navy office where I shall deposit it. I am extremely glad to hear that the infection from the vaccine matter I sent has succeeded. but my great anxiety now is to know whether it prevents the small pox: and my anxiety arises not from any doubt that it would...
I had the honnor of writing to you fully the 5th instant, to which I beg leave to refer you. Mr. Amiel having granted to the people who were the occasion of his Journey to Dunkirk, as much time as they required to employ all their ressources to Execute the project they laid before you, and their endeavours proving fruitless, he at last determined to deliver me your much respected favour of 26....
I select the inclosed papers relating the ship N. Jersey from a mass of which this is but a certain portion. They will enable you to decide on the question to which alone the case is reduced. This is whether in the claims under the French Convention Insurers stand in the shoes of the insured. The printed memoire by DuPont (de Nemours) deserves to be read as a Chef d’oeuvre of the kind....
52705[September 1784] (Adams Papers)
Dined at Dr. Franklin’s. Thursday morning went into Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Mather, and Mrs. Hay dined with us. Went to the French Comedy and saw le mariage de Figaro. Samuel Mather and his wife, Margarette (Gerrish) Mather; he was the son of the Rev. Samuel Mather. Young Samuel had been chief clerk of the Boston customs office until he fled to England with the loyalists, but he returned to...
52706Cash Accounts, October 1760 (Washington Papers)
Cash Octr 2— To Cash of Mr Robt Brent in Excha. for Bills £ 8. 5. 0 To Cards at Sundry times 7.12. 6 15— To Cash of Mr Joseph Valentine 149. 0. 1 Contra Octr 2— By two Bushels of Oats 3/6—Gave Servants 7/6 0.11. 0 By Ferriage & Ferrymen at Fredericksburg 0. 7. 6 4— By Expences at Caroline Court House 0. 8. 6 By Ditto at Hubbards 27/10.  Ferriages &ca at Danzies 12/ 1.19.10
The Inclosed Letter was Intercepted about Ten Days ago, and as it contains something that may Lead to a farther Discovery have sent it down to you for your Direction how to Act in Regard to the Major Colden mentioned in it, in the fourth and Sixth Line the Cypherd word is Governor, and in the Seventeenth, Boston—the name of the Signature Robert Hamilton a person Known, but not now in this...
Being desirous of making a collection of the best gazettes which have been published at the seats of the present general government I take the liberty of troubling you to make up for me a collection of your’s of the years 1789. and 1790. either unbound or half-bound. The stages will furnish the best method of conveying them to me, the price of which conveyance shall be paid here, and that of...
I have the honour of transmitting to you the copy of a letter, which His Majesty’s Consul at Norfolk has received from Captain Douglas relative to the affair of the French Ship Anne of Bordeaux, and I lay it before you without extenuation, because although he expresses himself with some warmth on the improper language made use of by the French Consul at Norfolk, and which neither the occasion...
When I last took the liberty of addressing you, I was engaged I believe in the examination of Reuben Kemper and John Callier. Col. Kennedy of the conventional army had been arrested and held to bail, and had thereupon applied to me for a writ of habeas corpus , to bring up the recognizance ; in consequence of which I stand charged before the public of denying to a freeman the sacred writ of...
I am proud to learn by your Letter of 13. April that I am so rich at the University. If Thomas gets in, I shall be still happier. The Expence will be considerable, and your Draughts shall be honoured for the necessary. A Year will soon be about, and what are We to do then with John? What Lawyer shall We desire to take him, in Town or Country? and what Sum must be given with him? and what will...
52712[Diary entry: 29 August 1785] (Washington Papers)
Monday 29th. Mercury at 74 in the Morning—74 at Noon and 73 at Night. Wind Southerly, with Showers in the Morning, and Clouds all day, with appearances of Rain but none fell after noon. Doctr. Craik after visiting John Alton before breakfast, went after it to see Lund Washingtons child who had been siezed with fits & the family alarmed by it. Lund and Elizabeth Foote Washington had at least...
Richmond, 1 Nov. 1789 . He thinks it probable that TJ has heard through Short “of the almost unparalleled misfortunes, which through an act of Providence in one instance and the bankruptcy of a man in another, are likely to deprive me of a handsome Competence … made by prudence and industry.” An “evil of no less magnitude” is that he is likely to “be thrown out of all Connexions in business.”...
It was my intention to have called on you this evening, and to have presented in person M r Goodwyn, who will have the pleasure to deliver to you this letter, but have been prevented by the rain. He is a son, of M r P. Goodwyn, a member of Congress, I believe, during your service, in the gov t , as well as mine. Having purchased a part of my land here, he will become your neighbour, and I am...
Your favor of June 23. is recieved. I had not before learned that a life of Dr. Priestly had been published or I should certainly have procured it; for no man living had a more affectionate respect for him. In religion, in politics, in physics no man has rendered more service. I had always expected that when the republicans should have put down all things under their feet, they would...
Enclosed I transmit you a letter from Major Rivardi dated Niagara March the 4th and one from Ensign Andrew M Lusk dated Fredericksburg March 24th. the former of whom has been directed to correspond with you in future. I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Sir, your most Obd Hb St ( LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing John J. U. Rivardi to McHenry, March 4, 1799 (...
If Congress have not yet left Philadelphia, they ought to do it immediately without fail, for the enemy have the means of throwing a party this night into the city. I just now crossed the valleyford, in doing which a party of the enemy came down & fired upon us in the boat by which means I lost my horse. One man was killed and another wounded. The boats were abandon’d & will fall into their...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 4 Dec. 1762. On 26 April 1763 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “I have your favours of the . . . 30th of Octor & 4th of Decr now lying before me.”
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of June 11. per Capt. Tiffin, with the Books, &c. all in good Order. Mr. Parks, who drew the Bill on Guidart & Sons, is surpriz’d at their Protesting it, they having, as he says, large Effects of his in their Hands: He will speedily renew that Bill. Enclos’d I send you a Bill on Xr. Kilby Esqr, for £19.7.1½ Sterling, which I hope will...
Your Favor of this date was received this Evening & agreable to your request have sent Doctor Wilson to take charge of the Wounded Officers & Men of the Army under my command who have fallen into your hands at Howels Tavern & the neighbouring Houses. The Doctor has directions to give a receipt for All that are delivered him, and they will be considered as Your prisoners. I am Sir with due...
Your friendly letter of the 20th. of april in answer to the one I had the honour to address to you at the time I forwarded the strawberry vine & cutings came duly to hand. I assure you I shall think my self amply paid for the trouble of forwarding them if they should flourish & you should deem them worthy of your acceptance. It gave me great pleasure to hare [ sic ] by my friend Genl Sandford...
Your favor of the 3d is this moment put into my hands, and as the post does not usually stay here above an hour, it leaves me time to scribble a few lines only, scarcely admitting them to be prefaced with an acknowlegement of the pleasure it will give me to be permitted to communicate with you occasionnally. we received dispatches from Europe yesterday, by Capt. Barney. there is no news but in...
December 11th. Went into Georgetown to see Mrs Otis, was not admitted Called on Mrs Smith and Mrs Frye both very well returned home to dinner Dr Forsythe from South America called in the evening, He too was soliciting a place to which a deaf ear was turned. 12th—Not well and could not go to church; the day cold and disagreeable Mary much better. Evening alone. 13th—Went out and paid visits and...
The Quarter Master General of the Army has represented to me that notwithstanding he has offered 2/ ⅌ Foot for Fire Wood—2/1½ ⅌ Bushel for Oats—3/4 ⅌ Ct for Hay he cannot procure those Articles for the Use of the Army. From the Information I have received I have great Reason to believe that this is an artificial Scarcity partly created by some Persons who are monopolizing those Articles in...
The inclosed is subjoined, by way of appendix to the 1st vol of an American edition of Adams’s Philosophy, the proof sheets of which I examined, making a few occasional notes & corrections. As the Author frequently alludes to the principles of modern chemistry, but without sufficiently explaining them, this outline , it was presumed, would not be unacceptable to the reader. My aim has been to...
31 December 1801, Lancaster. Since writing the enclosed, has given the map to Duane who will deliver it. Examination of it will require reference to the manuscript sent the president. RC ( NHi : Gallatin Papers). 1 p. Cover marked by Ellicott: “Captn. William Duane.” Ellicott to JM, 29 Dec. 1801 . See Ellicott to JM, 24 Nov. 1801 , and n. 1.
Feb. 1. Dr. Rush tells me that he had it from Asa Green that when the clergy addressed Genl. Washington on his departure from the govmt, it was observed in their consultation that he had never on any occasion said a word to the public which shewed a belief in the Xn. religion and he thot they should so pen their address as to force him at length to declare publicly whether he was a Christian...
52728[Diary entry: 30 July 1799] (Washington Papers)
30. Morning perfectly clear and calm. Mer. at 78—at highest & 85 at Night—a breeze from So. Wt. latter part of the day. A Major Riddle (a British Officer) Colo. Fitzgerald, & Mr. James Patton—and Mr. B. Bassett came to Dinner. The first three went away afterwds. James Patton (Patten) took an oath of citizenship and was licensed as a merchant in Alexandria in 1791 ( Fairfax Index Edith Moore...
It was not in my power to write the letter for Mr. Van der Kemp the evening before I left Paris; and it is not till I arrive here that I have found one moment of leisure. Not knowing in what state of our Union he may chuse to settle I am not able to know to what persons he may be usefully and directly addressed. I give him therefore a letter to Mr. Madison, my most particular friend, now a...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of the additional Instructions, you were pleased to direct, to be issued to the Commanders of the Public Armed Vessels, in consequence of the outrage committed on the Ship Baltimore, Capt Phillips. In Justice to the general conduct of the officers of the British navy, I take the liberty to observe, that in every instance but the one in question, they have...
The Enemy have I am afraid Surprised this Post; They have taken Major Eccleson, several other Officers, and a Number of the Detachment, burnt the meeting House. Town House, and the House at D. Harts, Point and retired immediately. They came to this Place about 12.OClock, and as I am inform’d, did not stay more than an Hour at most—I have seen Fires at or about Newark, from which I judge they...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 8, 1779 . Discusses plans for Major General Benedict Arnold’s trial. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Je n’ai point voulu partir pour Suivre Mr de la fayette dans l’Expedition, que votre excellence a projette contre le gal arnold Sans obtenir d’elle la permission d’etre temoin des Succès, que Son courage, et Son zele peut nous donner lieu d’Esperer. Mon attachement pour la cause commune, et L’amitiée, que Mr de la fayette veut bien avoir pour moi m’engagent à lui demander de Servir comme...
52734[Diary entry: 20 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
20. Lowering and very warm with the Wind fresh from the So. West.
52735General Orders, 6 October 1781 (Washington Papers)
Officers of the day Tomorrow Brigadier General Clinton Colonel Vose Major Olney B. M. Fullerton. Lieutenant Colonel Dabneys regiment, the Delaware Detachment now doing duty with the third Maryland Regiment, and one hundred and sixty men which his Excellency Governor Nellson is requested to have selected from the Militia for the purpose, are to assist the Artillery during the present...
Chancellor Tucker, Mr. Barbour, Judge Carr, as you know had declined accepting the law chair of the University, and yesterday I received a letter from Judge Dade finally declining also. Mr. Gilmer, our first choice had declined on account of his health, very much deranged by his voyage to Europe. that is now in a great degree reestablished, and he is willing to accept. what shall we do? shall...
In the early part of this month, I went up to Difficult-run to examine with more accuracy than I had ever done before, the small tract of Land you were so obliging (many years ago) to accomodate me with, for a Stage for my Waggons whilst I had plantations in Berkeley County; to see if it would now (having many years since removed my people from those Lands) answer for a small Farm; those...
Hh. Holmes returns his respects to President Jefferson and acknowledges with gratitude the reciept of the Parliamentary Manual which the Presdt. was so good as to enclose to him p. post. for his friendly salutations Hh H begs the Prest. to accept his sincere thanks & the compliments of Season RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 31 Dec. and so recorded in SJL . manual : see TJ to Holmes, 22 Dec.
The Eastern Mail brought your letter of the 23 d: this morning. The business part of it stands thus. D r: Woodhouse has been in the habit of putting up chemical equipage at various prices, and when our friend Quincy wrote for one, last year I communicated the order to the D r: Professor himself, who promised to attend to it. This promise no doubt escaped his memory, as he has since been twice...
Blocks and Iron work were under his entire direction with ample means of procuring. In Com. C. letter of the 8th July he mentions some little Iron work wanting for the Mohawk but does not intimate any detention on that account. The only cause of delay which then appeard arose from the necessity of changing the Officers and crews on account of Captain Smiths absence. This with some final...
I embrace the opportunity presented by Mr. Erwing with great Satisfaction. The receipt of your Letter inclosing one to Uriah McGregory gave me much pleasure—The Letter to Gregory I yet hold. I have not been able to satisfy myself respecting his Character. In the present state of things it appeared to me most prudent to retain the Letter untill I could be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt of...
Your favor of the 4 th is now at hand, and I this day write to Col o Peyton , my correspondent in Richmond to remit you the sum of 15. D 91 C amount of duties and charges on my books from Paris , which will be done with no other delay than may be necessary to procure a bill. he has not yet advised me of the arrival of the books, but have no doubt he will recieve them by the first conveyance. I...
No Letter from you, yet. I believe I shall Set off Tomorrow or next day, for the Hague, and Shall bring John with me back to Paris in about 3 Weeks. There will be an Interval, before the Signature of the definitive Treaty, and Several publick Concerns oblige me to go to the Hague for a Short time. When I get my Son with me, I shall be ready to go to any Place, where I may embark for home, as...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Mis. de chabert chef d’Escadre a l’honneur de prévenir Monsieur Franklin qu’avant de donner à l’impression pour le volume de l’histoire de l’académie des sciences de 1783 un mémoire dans lequel un objet qui l’interesse se trouve traité, il a à coeur de le ui lire; il prie pour cela Monsieur Franklin de vouloir bien lui mander si, sans le derranger, il...
I must beg you to excuse my freedoms: it is with a good intention that I am led to mention that the idea of 6 Cents pr Gallon on Mollasses excites a considerable degree of uneasiness here—not that any objcect [ sic ] to that duty on what is consumed in the Country—but only as it will injure the distillery & consequently the Fishery. The answer that a suitable draw back upon Rum will be...
The English doctrine of Allegiance, is so mysterious, fabulous, & enigmatical, that it is difficult to decompose the Elements Of which it is compounded. The Priests under the Hebrew Economy, especially the Sovereign Pontiff were anointed with consecrated Oil, which was poured upon their heads in such profusion, that it ran down their beards, & they were thence called “The Lords Anointed” When...
Your Mother who was Sick, all Winter, is recovered and restored to her characteristic Vivacity, Activity Witt Sense and benevolence. Of Consequence She must take upon herself the Duties of her Granddaughter Neice, Maids Husband and all. She must be always writing to You and all her Grandchildren which is as dangerous to her health as her domestic Exertions. I say She must because She Will....
I have communicated to the President what passed between us the other day on the subject of the paiments made to France by the United States in the assignats of that country, since they have lost their par with gold and silver: and after conferences, by his instruction, with the Secretary of the Treasury, I am authorised to assure you that the government of the United States have no idea of...
I presented to Doctor Brockenborough who return’d the day before yesterday, M r John Harvie ’s note enclosed in yours of the 21 st Ult o , he regrets that it was not sooner forwarded, as just before leaving town he remitted to M r Harvie , all the funds he had in his hands about £1000. he informs me that he is not certain of receiving any money on M r H
RC ( LC : Rives Collection of Madison Papers). I have to acknowledge your favour of the 8th. mentioning the reports from the West Indies. Notwithstanding our Bay is so closely watched by the Enemy’s private armed Vessels we have had some arrivals, and they give us reason to believe Jamaica is invested by the combined Fleets. If it is, I must suppose so great an Armament will find little...