Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from the Crew of the Drake, 24 May 1779

From the Crew of the Drake

ALS or L:7 American Philosophical Society

Fougere May 24. 1779—

The Humble Petition of the remaining part of the Drake Sloop of War’s Crew, Sheweth—

That whereas your Honour truly Sensable of the Miseries attending the said Ships Company at there being taken and during their Imprisonment, did Vouchafe of your Goodness to Order them Cloths and other Necessaries in Order to proceed in a Carteel to England which Order was punctually executed except to such as were sick & wounded then in Brest Hospital.—8 Hope your Honour will take it into Consideration and Extend your Humanity to those few who are in a Miserable Necessitous Condition not having wherewithal to Cover there Nakedness or keep them from the Inclemency of the weather—and shou’d We be so happy as to Experience this Act of your Clemency shall Jointly be bound ever to Pray for your Health & Preservation—

James Pinkerton
Ephraim Creaton
John Rickets
Richard Cross—
John Wright
William Bailey
William Chirton
Adam Mc. Adam
Andrew Mc. Comb
James Letow—
Thomas Ralph—

P.S. Your Honr. will be pleased to favour us with an answer as soon as Convenient.

N.B. Charles Arthur acting gunner woud be Glad if your Honour wou’d be pleased to order him out on Perole, as the Master at arms has had his Enlargement.

To the Honourable Dr. Franklin—

Addressed: The Honourable—/ Dr. Benjn. Franklin / Commissioner for the Americans / in Passy. / France—

Notation: vu Bon a [torn] fougere le 26 may 1779 Macé Chirurgien interprete

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7The letter and all signatures are in the same hand.

8For BF’s orders about providing the prisoners with clothing see his March 19 letter to Schweighauser.

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