James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 7 March 1803

From John Martin Baker, 7 March 1803

New York William Street No. 225 March 7th. 1803.


Permit me Respectfully to make known to you, I had this honor on the 28th. November 1802 and the 4th. January Ultimo.

Circumstances now urge me to acquaint you Sir, that pressed by my affairs, ⟨I⟩ have determined taking my passage for Gibraltar, on the Brig Alexander, to sail on the 24th. Instant, altho’ compelled to leave my family to follow me, owing to Mrs. Baker’s Situation, which will I hope plead for your goodness to excuse my proving importunate in soliciting on my departure, the honor of the Presidents pleasure, and determination to my application for a Consular appointment. Permit me Sir, to add that in consequence of friends and prospects in Gibraltar, if it should meet with your approbation the Vice Consulship, of that Place, would be [. . .] to my interest, than the Consulship of Minorc⟨a,⟩ Majorca, and Yvica: the event of whic⟨h⟩ Sir, I beg leave to submit to Your Goodness Friendship, and Protection. I hope, and flatter myself to be honored with Your kind answer, and Commands, to avail myself of this opportunity: With Great Respect have the honor to be, Sir Your Most obedient humble Servan⟨t⟩

John Martin Baker

I beg leave Sir, to mention that I received my Certificate of Naturalization from the Pennsylvania District Court on the 4th February 1803.

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