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Results 52651-52680 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
C’est dans le plus grand embarras, n’aiant recu sur quatre de mes lettres a Votre Excellence aucune reponse , que je m’adresse encore a Elle pour la prier de ne pas me refuser son Assistance et ses bons Conseilles— C’est sur Sa lettre encourageante de l’anné 1798 que non seulement je me suis entierement reposé, m’aiant assuré que lorsqu’il serait tems Elle remettrait mes Affaires entre les...
I forwarded some days since the remainder of the nail rod , & the hoop-iron, received some time ago. I likewise forwarded by C. Becks’s boat 31 packages lately received from George Town & Alexandria, together with a Hhd of Molasses & the 3 Casks Cyder. I could not conveniently get the Molasses caskd, and therefore sent it without, supposing Becks to be perfectly honest, and very careful. I...
Mr. Lewis A. Terascon, an enterprising citizen of Pennsylvania, having built and loaded two vessels at Pittsburg and intending to dispatch them for Europe, apprehends that the present or future restraints of our rights in the Mississippi may render your good offices useful to him in their passage out of the river. One of the vessels is a schooner called the Amity of 105 tons, commanded by...
I recd. on saturday yr. letters of the first inst. wh. were put in the mail on that day, with a copy of the laws of the UStates, and I recd. this morning my instructions, with the letters to our ministers abroad and other documents that were forwarded with them. The ship had clear’d at the custom house on saturday, my baggage was on board, and every preparatory measure was taken for sailing...
7 March 1803, New York. Refers to his letters of 28 Nov. 1802 and 4 Jan. 1803 . “Circumstances now urge me, to acquaint you Sir, that pressed by my affairs, have determined taking my passage for Gibraltar, on the Brig Alexander, to sail on the 24th. Instant, altho’ compelled to leave my family to follow me, owing to Mrs. Baker’s Situation.” Hopes this will excuse his soliciting the president’s...
7 March 1803, Bremen. Last wrote on 2 July 1802 . On 1 Dec. received a 26 Aug. circular regarding expenditures for seamen Encloses a list of American arrivals and departures during the last six months of 1802 [not found]. Notes that the report lists fewer ships than formerly as the major part of the trade between the U.S. and Bremen is carried on in native ships, which are able “to navigate at...
Permit me Respectfully to make known to you, I had this honor on the 28th. November 1802 and the 4th. January Ultimo. Circumstances now urge me to acquaint you Sir, that pressed by my affairs, I have determined taking my passage for Gibraltar, on the Brig Alexander, to sail on the 24th. Instant, altho’ compelled to leave my family to follow me, owing to Mrs. Baker’s Situation, which will I...
I beg leave of referring you to my last respects of the 2nd. July, wherewith I had the honor of transmitting you the semi-annual report of 1802. Since that time nothing has occurred at this city, which in my opinion deserved an immediate communication to the US. Under the 1st. December I have been favored again, with a circular letter from your Department, signed by M. Dan: Brent, under date...
I recd. yours of the 25. ulto. with one to Mr. de Cepede , this morning, when I also recd. my instructions from the department of State , with all the other documents connected with my mission to France & Spn. The ship, Richmond , of abt. 400. tons burden whose cabbin I have taken, cleared at the custom house on saturday , my baggage was put on board, in expectation of sailing yesterday as Mr....
On further enquiry & consideration I find it will be better to employ what is called here foundation stone, rather than brick: consequently that little brick will be wanting. your advertisement therefore may be that there will be wanting large quantities of freestone, foundation stone & lime, and some brick. be so good as to mention this to mr Latrobe should he come. Accept my best wishes &...
I came over this morning to submit to you the propriety of procuring Carronades for the Small Vessels we are about building. All practical men prefer them to Cannon. But the Cost of them not being Comprehended in my Estimate they cannot be Obtained but under the appropriation in Brackenridge’s Bill .—I wish to have your Opinion upon this Subject Respectfully [ Note by TJ :] I should approve of...
Qu’il m’est peinible d’avoir à vous apprendre par Cette lettre, Monsieur le Général, que je N’ai plus l’éspoire de revoir mes Amis de l’Amérique comme je m’en flattois pour ce Printems; Vous qui avez été témoins de mes regrets en les quittant, Vous jugerez aisement de mon Chagrin d’être obligée de renoncer au doux espoire de ma réunion avec eux, je ne Croyois pas pouvoir le Sentir aussi...
I wrote you a few lines yesterday, and sent you some water melon seeds & musk melon seeds by the brig Charleston packett Samuel Wasson master which sails this morning. I intend sending you some more by the Sloop Industry Capt: Mattocks who will sail on tuesday next. I formerly sent some to Mrs: Washington at Mount Vernon; but she told me they did not answer so well as some she got in the...
Knowing your wishes to serve your fellow Citizens, whereever you can do it with propriety I take the liberty to request your interposing your good Offices, with the Marquis D Yrujo, to procure for a friend of mine, & of the present Administration, a line of recommendation from him, to the Governor of East Florida. The case is this, Mr Thomas Collier of Louisville Georgia, recently appointed...
This will be handed you by Mr. John Jordan, one of the most respectable merchants of this town, who has been very much engaged in the exporting trade from this Country, he also expects to make arrangements while at Philadelphia to encrease the business, unless the situation of the trade of the Mississippi frobids [ sic ] it—any information you may receive from him may be strictly relied on, and...
Mr. Scott, writer of the inclosed, is engaged in the life of Genl. Washington. it is not in my power to answer the questions he asks relative to his family, and I suppose the family would not do it for him , because Marshal’s is to be their favorite history. I have thought it possible that your knolege of the family, and your means of making the enquiries, would enable you to procure for me...
Your agreeable favour of the 26th . Ult has been duly received, and the contents noted.—I shall be very happy to see Captn. Lewis, and will with pleasure give him all the information, and instruction, in my power.—The necessary apparatus for his intended, and very interesting expedition, you will find mentioned in the last paragraph of the 42d. page of my printed observations made in our...
Congress have appropriated a sum of money (50,000. D) to be applied to the public buildings under my direction. this falls of course under the immediate business of the Superintendant, mr Monroe, whose office is substituted for that of the board of Commissioners. the former post of Surveyor of the public buildings , which mr Hoben held till the dissolution of the board at 1700. Doll. a year...
The letter in which this is inclosed being a public one, and to be produced whenever necessary as a voucher, I have thought it would be useful to add a word in one of a private & friendly nature. from the sum of 50,000 D. we shall take between 5, & 10,000. for covering the North wing of the Capitol & the President’s house. the residue of 40. to 45,000. D. will be employed in building the South...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Feb. 25 . it is not in my power to answer your queries relative to Genl. Washington’s family: but I have put your letter into the hands of Colo. Danl. C. Brent, who will be able to give me the information either of his own knolege or from enquiry which he has good means of making, & shall be forwarded to you. Accept assurances of my esteem & respect. PrC (...
Could you do me the favor to come a quarter or half an hour before the company, say at three a clock & bring with you the plans of the Capitol , on which & the avenue I wish to consult you? RC ( DLC : William Thornton Papers); partially dated; addressed: “Doctr. Thornton.” Although William Thornton’s original plans of the capitol had been modified, he continued to discuss the construction of...
[ Charleston, South Carolina, March 5, 1803. On March 6, 1803, Pinckney wrote to Hamilton : “I wrote you a few lines yesterday.” Letter not found. ]
5 March 1803, Department of State. Requests a warrant for $2,000 in favor of John Davidson, who is holding a bill drawn on JM by Simpson at Tangier. The warrant is to be charged to the appropriation for Simpson’s salary. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
5 March 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Encloses a letter from Hũlings communicating the latest intelligence from New Orleans. “The Western Boats are arriving daily at Natchez; our Markets are low but there is no difficulty in exporting Produce from hence to the Atlantic States or to Europe. There are many Vessels yet lying opposite to Orleans, waiting for return cargoes, & there are several now on...
5 March 1803, Tunis. “Continuation of letter of 4. March. ” Commodore Morris left the American house “yesterday morning about nine oclock” to board the Chesapeake . Because of “some altercations” between Morris and the bey’s commercial agent [Hajj Unis ben Unis], “who had three times come to and as often fallen from an agreement relative to the reclamations for the prize in question,” Morris...
Yesterday morning about nine o clock Commodore Morris left the American house to go on board. Some altercations between him and the bey’s commercial agent, who had three times come to and as often fallen from an agreement relative to the reclamations for the prize in question with this regency, had determined him to depart without making a visit of congee to the bey. He was met at the marine...
I have something to propose to you much to your advantage: but it is necessary I should see you; & as I leave this the day after tomorrow, I have only tomorrow for an interview. I send the bearer express, to see if you could come here tomorrow (Sunday)   Accept my best wishes. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Mr. Isaac Briggs”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. something to propose : TJ offered...
Sensible how much it is your Excellencies desire, as president of the United States of America, to maintain Harmony; and a reciprocity of Interests, between Your and the British Nation; upon a just Understanding—I do not hesitate, to take the liberty of communicating directly to your Excellency, an occurrence, which however trivial in itself , has produced a difficulty; which left...
In my letter of Feb 28 I informed you I had drawn on you in favor of Craven Peyton for a thousand dollars payable the 10th. instant, and that that sum should be remitted you from hence on this day. accordingly I now inclose you 18. bills of 50. D cash, and one of 100. making the sum of 1000. D branch bank of this place. About the beginning of October, I left a box of at Monticello to be...
New York, March 4, 1803. “The foregoing are Copies of our letters to Meeker Denman & Co on the subject of Insurance.…” AL , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Lawrence and Dayton were partners in a mercantile firm at 94 Greenwich Street, New York City. Copies, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. This letter and its enclosures, which concern the case of Lawrence and Dayton v Columbian...