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Results 52651-52660 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
C’est dans le plus grand embarras, n’aiant recu sur quatre de mes lettres a Votre Excellence aucune reponse , que je m’adresse encore a Elle pour la prier de ne pas me refuser son Assistance et ses bons Conseilles— C’est sur Sa lettre encourageante de l’anné 1798 que non seulement je me suis entierement reposé, m’aiant assuré que lorsqu’il serait tems Elle remettrait mes Affaires entre les...
I forwarded some days since the remainder of the nail rod , & the hoop-iron, received some time ago. I likewise forwarded by C. Becks’s boat 31 packages lately received from George Town & Alexandria, together with a Hhd of Molasses & the 3 Casks Cyder. I could not conveniently get the Molasses caskd, and therefore sent it without, supposing Becks to be perfectly honest, and very careful. I...
Mr. Lewis A. Terascon, an enterprising citizen of Pennsylvania, having built and loaded two vessels at Pittsburg and intending to dispatch them for Europe, apprehends that the present or future restraints of our rights in the Mississippi may render your good offices useful to him in their passage out of the river. One of the vessels is a schooner called the Amity of 105 tons, commanded by...
I recd. on saturday yr. letters of the first inst. wh. were put in the mail on that day, with a copy of the laws of the UStates, and I recd. this morning my instructions, with the letters to our ministers abroad and other documents that were forwarded with them. The ship had clear’d at the custom house on saturday, my baggage was on board, and every preparatory measure was taken for sailing...
7 March 1803, New York. Refers to his letters of 28 Nov. 1802 and 4 Jan. 1803 . “Circumstances now urge me, to acquaint you Sir, that pressed by my affairs, have determined taking my passage for Gibraltar, on the Brig Alexander, to sail on the 24th. Instant, altho’ compelled to leave my family to follow me, owing to Mrs. Baker’s Situation.” Hopes this will excuse his soliciting the president’s...
7 March 1803, Bremen. Last wrote on 2 July 1802 . On 1 Dec. received a 26 Aug. circular regarding expenditures for seamen Encloses a list of American arrivals and departures during the last six months of 1802 [not found]. Notes that the report lists fewer ships than formerly as the major part of the trade between the U.S. and Bremen is carried on in native ships, which are able “to navigate at...
Permit me Respectfully to make known to you, I had this honor on the 28th. November 1802 and the 4th. January Ultimo. Circumstances now urge me to acquaint you Sir, that pressed by my affairs, I have determined taking my passage for Gibraltar, on the Brig Alexander, to sail on the 24th. Instant, altho’ compelled to leave my family to follow me, owing to Mrs. Baker’s Situation, which will I...
I beg leave of referring you to my last respects of the 2nd. July, wherewith I had the honor of transmitting you the semi-annual report of 1802. Since that time nothing has occurred at this city, which in my opinion deserved an immediate communication to the US. Under the 1st. December I have been favored again, with a circular letter from your Department, signed by M. Dan: Brent, under date...
I recd. yours of the 25. ulto. with one to Mr. de Cepede , this morning, when I also recd. my instructions from the department of State , with all the other documents connected with my mission to France & Spn. The ship, Richmond , of abt. 400. tons burden whose cabbin I have taken, cleared at the custom house on saturday , my baggage was put on board, in expectation of sailing yesterday as Mr....
On further enquiry & consideration I find it will be better to employ what is called here foundation stone, rather than brick: consequently that little brick will be wanting. your advertisement therefore may be that there will be wanting large quantities of freestone, foundation stone & lime, and some brick. be so good as to mention this to mr Latrobe should he come. Accept my best wishes &...