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Results 52651-52700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
52651 Butler, Zebulon Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Zebulon … 1777-05-29 Persuent to Orders reced from your Exelency by the Hand of Majr Genl Lincoln I have Marched with...
52652 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 27 June 1779 1779-06-27 It gives me infinite pain, that the circumstances of the service oblige me to trouble Congress...
52653 Lovell, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Lovell, 1 November 1779 1779-11-01 Your Favor of Octr. 17th. came this day to hand by the Post and contains such flattering...
52654 Hand, Jason Washington, George To George Washington from Jason Hand, 27 October 1797 1797-10-27 You will doubtless remember an address which I wrote to you dated the 28th of December 1797 (if...
52655 Yrujo, Carlos Fernando Martínez de Madison, James To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 14 … 1805-10-14 § From Carlos Martínez de Yrujo. 14 October 1805, Philadelphia. Has the honor to send JM the...
52656 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Mary From Thomas Jefferson to Mary Jefferson, 15 December … 1793-12-15 I should have written to you the last Sunday in turn, but business required my allotting your...
52657 Pettit, Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Pettit, 2 June 1804 … 1804-06-02 2 June 1804, Insurance Office of North America, Philadelphia. “I do myself the honour to transmit...
52658 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 15 October 1797 1797-10-15 I thank you for your Letter from worcester since that I have heard by the papers you have arriv’d...
52659 Fenner, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Fenner, 3 August 1812 1812-08-03 I am informed that Judge Barnes of this District, in consequence of a severe malady under which...
52660 Wheelock, Eleazar Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Eleazar Wheelock, 8 February … 1808-02-08 I fear to intrude upon the Great, &, nothing but imperious necessity can apologize for this...
52661 Jefferson, Thomas Munford, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Munford, 6 September … 1824-09-06 I have duly recieved your favor of the 28 th ult. and lose no time in acknoleging the honor you...
52662 Jefferson, Thomas Gelone, Jean Louis Fernagus De Thomas Jefferson to Fernagus De Gelone, 3 November 1819 … 1819-11-03 [ Monticello , 3 Nov. 1819 . SJL entry reads “2. cop. Blount’s Naut. Alman. 1820.” Letter not...
52663 Adams, John Smith, Isaac Sr. John Adams to Isaac Smith Sr., 20 March 1777 1777-03-20 In an Hand Bill printed at Baltimore the 17th instant is as well made a Lye as ever I read. It is...
52664 Franklin, Benjamin Fleury, François-Louis Teissèdre de From Benjamin Franklin to François-Louis Teissèdre de … 1783-08-15 Reprinted from Courier de l’Europe , XIV (November 4, 1783), 290. This letter has puzzled editors...
52665 Smith, William Stephens Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William S. Smith, 28 October … 1799-10-28 I have digested and put on paper a plan for the Hutting of the 12th. 11th. & 13th. Regt. and am...
52666 Jefferson, Thomas Shore, Thomas [From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Shore, 29 January … 1785-01-29 [ Paris, 29 Jan. 1785 . Entry in SJL reads: “Thos. Shore. Information that powers are given to...
52667 Blagrove, Charles Jefferson, Thomas Charles Blagrove to Thomas Jefferson, 23 June 1812 1812-06-23 I have examined the Record of patents from the years 1772 to 1783 and can find nothing of the one...
52668 Adams, John [1780 January 14. Fryday.] 1780-01-14 1780 January 14. Fryday. We rode from Ezpexo to Orduña, four Leagues. The Road had been made by...
52669 Adams, John Smith, John Adams From John Adams to John Adams Smith, 12 December 1812 1812-12-12 Your ideas are accurate. The conduct of the faction now styling themselves Federalists, has in...
52670 Adams, John Vaughan, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Vaughan, [ante 2 April … 1787-04-01 I am very much mortified to loose the Pleasure and Advantage of an Excursion to Windsor, to see M...
52671 Jefferson, Thomas Cutbush, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Cutbush, 9 October 1822 1822-10-09 Th: Jefferson has recieved from D r Cutbush the communication of the prospectus of his system of...
52672 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 15 September … 1802-09-15 I am duly favor’d with yours of the 8th., and shall endeavour to dispose of your Tobo. to the...
52673 Adams, John Gardoqui, Joseph, & Sons (business) From John Adams to Joseph Gardoqui & Sons, 1 March 1780 1780-03-01 I have but this Moment received, yours of 19 of Feb. and am very glad to learn that you have...
52674 Adams, John Quincy Sunday 24th. 1780-09-24 This morning I went to Pappa’s to go to meeting with him. We Went first to Mr. Dana’s but he...
52675 Hill, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Hill, 30 August 1772 1772-08-30 I recd your Letter from the Post office dated August 3d & it did not Come to me in Several days...
52676 Abercrombie, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Abercrombie, 25 May … 1798-05-25 Tho’ conscious that the Sermon which accompanies this, is in no degree worthy of your acceptance,...
52677 Jefferson, Thomas XIV. Reading Copy of Second Inaugural Address, 4 March … 1805-03-04 Proceedg. f. c. to yt qualfcn ′ wch ye Constn reqres. befre. my entrnce. on ye charge agn....
52678 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Martha (Martha Jefferson Randolph) From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 31 … 1795-07-31 We have had no letter from you since your arrival at the Warmsprings, but are told you are gone...
52679 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 5 … 1804-10-05 5 October 1804, New Orleans. “Your Letter dated ‘Virginia August 28th.,’ reached me on the...
52680 Gray, William F. Madison, James To James Madison from William F. Gray, 27 August 1825 1825-08-27 Your favour of the 24th. and the Books returned by you, came to hand together. I showed your...
52681 Jefferson, Thomas Trist, Hore Browse From Thomas Jefferson to Hore Browse Trist, 4 March … 1803-03-04 Doctr. Carmichael , the Collector at Fort Adams, having absented himself from his post great part...
52682 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 12 February 1795 1795-02-12 Since the date of my last Letter, (December 25: 1794.) a revolution has taken place, the...
52683 Patton, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Patton, 15 October 1808 1808-10-15 After having had three good tryals of the Grey horses, I mentioned in my former letter, & finding...
52684 Crew of the “Drake” Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Crew of the Drake, 24 May … 1779-05-24 ALS or L : American Philosophical Society The Humble Petition of the remaining part of the Drake...
52685 Esmangart, Charles-François-Hyacinthe Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Charles-François-Hyacinthe … 1783-11-06 LS : American Philosophical Society Ce n’est que depuis peu de jours que la lettre que vous...
52686 Eppes, Francis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Eppes, 7 December 1792 1792-12-07 I have for some time past intended writing to inform you that the Injunction fild by Cary’s...
52687 Madison, James Claiborne, William C. C. From James Madison to William C. C. Claiborne, 11 March … 1803-03-11 11 March 1803, Department of State. “In addition to the despatches from the Spanish Minister here...
52688 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 23 December 1820 1820-12-23 The question as to the admission of Missouri into the union, which is still depending, will...
52689 Lambert, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Lambert, 19 February 1810 1810-02-19 I have the honor to inclose for your perusal, the last letter I have received from bishop...
52690 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 July 1771] 1771-07-18 18. Dined and Supped at Mrs. Campbell’s.
52691 Jones, John Paul Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Paul Jones, 29 November … 1779-11-29 ALS : American Philosophical Society; two copies and transcript: National Archives Previous to...
52692 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, John Wayles Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 6 February 1818 1818-02-06 I recieved a letter of Dec. 28. from Francis to which I had deferred an answer until I could...
52693 Jefferson, Thomas Dinsmore, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Dinsmore, 25 October … 1807-10-25 Your’s of the 16th. was recieved by last post. I should certainly prefer Walnut for the Bedford...
52694 Jefferson, Thomas Muter, George [From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 5 February … 1781-02-05 [ In Council, 5 Feb. 1781. War Office Journal (Vi) has the following entry under 5 Feb.: “Sent in...
52695 Craven, John H. Thomas Jefferson’s Account with John H. Craven, [after … 1810-05-09 John H. Craven in acc t with Th:J. 1809. To rent for this year 350– 0– 0 To amount of appraisem t...
52696 Estaing, Charles-Hector Théodat, comte d’ Washington, George To George Washington from Vice Admiral d’Estaing, 26 … 1778-10-26 I received at the same time the two letters that Your Excellency did me the honor to write me the...
52697 Hamtramck, John F. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John F. Hamtramck, 30 July … 1799-07-30 Captn Hyde arriv’d here on the 26th Instant from Loftus’s Heights, on the Mississipi, with...
52698 Hamilton, Alexander Breeze, Samuel From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Breese, William … 1787-04-01 [ New York, April, 1787 ] “Mrs. Bayard Widow of Mr Samuel Bayard deceased has applied to me to...
52699 Jefferson, Thomas Brown, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Brown, 23 February 1805 1805-02-23 Mr. Dufour called on me yesterday , with the wine. his object seems to be to get my own opinion &...
52700 Adams, John Adams, John From John Adams to John Adams, 28 November 1824 1824-11-28 Your letter, of the 21st. sprightly and entertaining like all the rest, has been recieved. I...