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Results 52651-52700 of 184,431 sorted by author
Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Jefferson of the county of Albemarle do hereby sell...
The Subscribers Citizens of the United States residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts beg...
In the event of the “Bill for the more convenient Organization of the Courts of the United...
Claverack [ New York ] June 12, 1797 . “Scarcity of Money (at this time) is such that I cannot...
The Office of Collector of the Port of New Haven in the State of Connecticut having become vacant...
§ From Elizur Goodrich. 14 April 1806, New Haven. “I have the honor to inclose, at the request of...
Having inclosed to the Secretary of the Treasury, a petition, addressed to your Excellency...
The office of ⟨ mutilated ⟩ in ⟨ mutilated ⟩ being vacant by the death of ⟨ mutilated ⟩ Esquire I...
I have this day had the honour to signify to the proper Officer, my Acceptance of a Commission,...
I have been confined to a small Room upwards of two months which has much Impaired my health....
Letter not found : from William Goodrich, 30 June 1779. GW wrote Goodrich on 4 July: “I have...
Would Make Bold to trouble your Exellency With a line Just to acquaint your Exelleny that there...
Being now indulged with leisure to investigate any subject, a privilege which you did not once...
After a long silence your unknown friend begs leave once more to address you, on a subject of the...
The conversations of Mr Allston who has lately returned from the northward, & of Mr Charles...
The Undersigned beg leave to recommend to your Excellency’s particular notice and favor Mr....
Pownalborough [District of Maine] Sir February 10th 1790 there is A Great Crye for bread in...
Pownalborough, District of Maine, 25 Nov. 1789. Suggests that a lighthouse be established on the...
According to your Excellencys Verbal orders by Collo. Bennedeck Arnold I supplyd him with A Plan...
Pownalborough: on Kennebeck river in the County of Lincoln and State of Masschusets Sir November...
Letter not found. 7 September 1791. Calendared on a list probably kept by Peter Force (DLC:...
26 June 1812, House of Representatives. “We beg leave to recommend … for a field appointment in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having been from home all day on Business prevented my...
Mr Thomas Jefferson to Alx Gordon Dr. 1805 July 3. 3 Dayes Board for servt @ 4/6 .13. 6 . 3 Dayes...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Leaving London the 5th. Instant I was taken ill of a Fever...
52676A Proposition, [18 March 1780] (Hamilton Papers)
That the Exchange of the first Division of the Troops of Convention according to the proposed...
31 December 1803, Madeira. “We beg leave to refer you to the annexed Circular from our friends...
I hope Your Excellency will permit an American Lady to inform you that I am the Widow of the late...
Having been your Excellencys Fellow Soldier in some Campaignes of a difficult and dangerous...
Having been appointed by Samuel Evans Esqr, Commander of the United States Frigate the...
Since I had the pleasure of writing you yesterday, I have learnt that a Swedish vessel will sail...
It has been said by some persons, with a view to make many believe it, “that His Excellency John...
The peace lately concluded between the United States & Great Britain so honorable to our Country,...
The office of Consul at the port of Palermo in the Island of Sicily, having become vacant in...
I congratulate you, my illustrious friend the President, and all your family on the safe arrival...
The office of Collector of Direct taxes & Internal duties for the County of Rockingham in this...
As you were so kind as to favour me with your name to a recommendation in my behalf, some time...
The President of the United States, having given me the Office of Collector of Direct Taxes &...
I do myself the pleasure to enclose for your perusal, a letter which I recd from the Hon Mr...
It having been the will of divine providence that I should be visited with a severe fit of...
Having had business lately at Portsmouth I call’d on and spent an afternoon & Evening with the...
I have the honor to enclose you a hand bill containing a more particular account of the late...
I had the honor to address you some time since, and took the liberty to ask for the office of...
You having honored me with your name to a letter of recommendation addresed to the President of...
Encouraged by your friendly disposition towards me, I now take the liberty to ask of you, in the...
The interest you have taken in the manufactures of our Country, has induced me to offer for your...
Capt Nyers who went from here in a Brig belonging to Mr Gray, & was captured on her way to France...
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me the 14th inst. Immediately after I...
It is with astonishment I read a Letter from your Excellency, dated 18th May, directed to...
[ Le Havre, 8 Aug. 1785. Entry in SJL for 10 Aug. reads: “Received Jas. Gordon’s. Havre. Aug. 8....