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Results 52651-52700 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
C’est dans le plus grand embarras, n’aiant recu sur quatre de mes lettres a Votre Excellence...
I forwarded some days since the remainder of the nail rod , & the hoop-iron, received some time...
Mr. Lewis A. Terascon, an enterprising citizen of Pennsylvania, having built and loaded two...
I recd. on saturday yr. letters of the first inst. wh. were put in the mail on that day, with a...
7 March 1803, New York. Refers to his letters of 28 Nov. 1802 and 4 Jan. 1803 . “Circumstances...
7 March 1803, Bremen. Last wrote on 2 July 1802 . On 1 Dec. received a 26 Aug. circular regarding...
Permit me Respectfully to make known to you, I had this honor on the 28th. November 1802 and the...
I beg leave of referring you to my last respects of the 2nd. July, wherewith I had the honor of...
I recd. yours of the 25. ulto. with one to Mr. de Cepede , this morning, when I also recd. my...
On further enquiry & consideration I find it will be better to employ what is called here...
I came over this morning to submit to you the propriety of procuring Carronades for the Small...
Qu’il m’est peinible d’avoir à vous apprendre par Cette lettre, Monsieur le Général, que je N’ai...
I wrote you a few lines yesterday, and sent you some water melon seeds & musk melon seeds by the...
Knowing your wishes to serve your fellow Citizens, whereever you can do it with propriety I take...
This will be handed you by Mr. John Jordan, one of the most respectable merchants of this town,...
Mr. Scott, writer of the inclosed, is engaged in the life of Genl. Washington. it is not in my...
Your agreeable favour of the 26th . Ult has been duly received, and the contents noted.—I shall...
Congress have appropriated a sum of money (50,000. D) to be applied to the public buildings under...
The letter in which this is inclosed being a public one, and to be produced whenever necessary as...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Feb. 25 . it is not in my power to answer your queries...
Could you do me the favor to come a quarter or half an hour before the company, say at three a...
[ Charleston, South Carolina, March 5, 1803. On March 6, 1803, Pinckney wrote to Hamilton : “I...
5 March 1803, Department of State. Requests a warrant for $2,000 in favor of John Davidson, who...
5 March 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Encloses a letter from Hũlings communicating the latest...
5 March 1803, Tunis. “Continuation of letter of 4. March. ” Commodore Morris left the American...
Yesterday morning about nine o clock Commodore Morris left the American house to go on board....
I have something to propose to you much to your advantage: but it is necessary I should see you;...
Sensible how much it is your Excellencies desire, as president of the United States of America,...
In my letter of Feb 28 I informed you I had drawn on you in favor of Craven Peyton for a thousand...
New York, March 4, 1803. “The foregoing are Copies of our letters to Meeker Denman & Co on the...
I believe the ship is almost ready to sail, but that her detention to sunday will not expose me...
4 March 1803, Bordeaux. Encloses a list of entries and clearances between 1 July and 31 Dec. 1802...
4 March 1803, Tunis. Commodore Morris in the Chesapeake , with the John Adams and the New York ,...
By the desire of Mr. Lee I take the liberty to enclose you a list of the Entrances & Clearances...
On the 22d. ult. 8 oclock a.m. Commodore Morris in the UStates frigate Chesapeak, with the...
In my letter of yesterday , I express’d an intention of waiting on you this morning—but as you...
I have this moment recieved your favor of this morning, but as I suppose from it that you were...
Your favor of Feb. 28. is recieved, and if the box of the wine of the quality I selected, is not...
I have reason to believe that you think favourably of Captain Barney —an intimate acquaintance...
Walker K. Armistead , a Cadet in the Corps of Engineers, having on examination, received...
On the reciept of your favor of Feb. 26 . I had enquiry made at the clerk’s office of the Supreme...
The Act disposing of the lands of the United States South of Tenessee, having required the...
Your favor of Feb. 16. is recieved, and according to the permission therein given me, I will ask...
In addition to the enclosed I can only repeat that tis my wish to continue Secretary of the...
Mr. Pichon with his respects incloses herewith the Passport which the President of the United...
Your favor of Feb. 7. is recieved. you mention having enclosed in it one of your proposals for...
The Enclosed is submitted to your Consideration—I will have some Conversation with you upon the...
I have the honor to enclose Eight blank Commissions, & Twelve Warrants—to which I request your...
Doctr. Carmichael , the Collector at Fort Adams, having absented himself from his post great part...
The senate having struck out the provision I contemplated in my late observations to the...