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Results 52651-52700 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
In this moment, I have received your Excellency’s Letter of this day in the morning. The Duke de...
I arrived here on the 29h ult. and was in hopes to have found the directions I sent from...
Agreable to the memorandum given yesterday to Colo. Jameson directing the March of the Troops...
You will perceive by the after orders of yesterday that the Army are to draw four days provision...
I am obliged again to trouble your Excellency with the Distress we are in for Want of Provisions...
I wrote you Yesterday pr Capt. Buckley—directg you to march with all the Troops you can collect...
I received your Excellency’s Letter of the 30th of June and would inform your Excellency that the...
I Have Been Honoured with your favor of the 14th and while I am to thank you for the pains You...
52659[July 1781] (Washington Papers)
July 2d. Genl. Lincoln’s detachment embarked last Night after dark, at or near Tellers point; and...
52660[July 1781] (Adams Papers)
Expences of a Journey from Amsterdam to Paris. Sat off the 2d of July from Amsterdam, passed by...
52661[Accounts, July 1781.] (Adams Papers)
Expences of a Journey from Amsterdam to Paris. Sat off the 2d of July from Amsterdam, passed by...
52662Monday July the 2d 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning Major Jackson came here; I went to Mr. Crajenschot’s for the Politique Hollandois....
The Gentleman by whom I meant to send the inclosed was obliged unexpectedly to return to...
(I) ALS and transcript: National Archives; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society, National...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le 26 May dernier, il passa chez Moy un Jeune officier...
52666[Diary entry: 2 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
July 2d. Genl. Lincoln’s detachment embarked last Night after dark, at or near Tellers point; and...
52667General Orders, 2 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day Tomorrow Brigadier General Huntington Lieutenant Colonel Badlam Major Trescott....
J’ai recû la lettre que votre Excellence m’a fait L’honneur de m’ecrire en datte du 27 Juin,...
In my last I had the honor to inform yr Excelly that your letter which came enclosed to me...
You will take the Command of the detachment which is intended to Surprise the Enemy’s Pos ts on...
A disagreable report hath prevaild here that the prisoners lately taken at pensacola were to be...
I have recd your favor of the 29th ulto. The arrangement which you have made for the periods of...
I came to this place to day to take your Excellency’s ultimate directions when the Park should...
We arrived and landed our troops here between three & four this morning immediately our boats...
I have this moment received your favor, and have only to express my wish that you will cross as...
I inform you in full confidence that an attempt is to be made this night by surprise upon the...
I am honoured with yours of the 28th ulto and am happy to have contributed to your relief in any...
I have this morning received your Excellencys Favor of last Evening. I think it may be very well...
Though I have nothing Important to write your Excellency at This moment I take the Liberty by his...
I have the honr to transmit to your Excellency an exact Copy of a Letter, Sent to the Board of...
When Congress were pleased to order me to Spain, with the Commission of which I have had the...
I have the Honor of transmitting to your Ex y herewith enclosed a copy of a Letter I have this...
52683Tuesday July the 3d 1781. (Adams Papers)
Din’d at home, after dinner Mr. Searle and Major Jackson came here. At about nine o’clock a...
J’ai été mortifié dernierement, de vous trouver justement parti lorsque je passai à votre...
I was mortified to find that you had just left your inn, when I came to call on you after having...
In consequence of the conversation, which the writer of this had the honour to have with your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I shall be glad to return to Lile in the Diligence which...
52688[Diary entry: 3 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
3d. The length of Duke Lauzens March & the fatiegue of his Corps, prevented his coming to the...
52689General Orders, 3 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Major General Lord Stirling Lieutenant Colonel Gray Major Gibbs Inspector...
The Board have been honoured with your Excellency’s letter of the 28 Ultimo and particular...
I have the Honour to enclose for your Excellency’s perusal No. 1 my General Return of Provisions...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s Dispatches of the 16th, 21st, 24th, & 28th Ulto. Have...
Such has been the situation of Virginia for some time past we have had but little and that very...
We have the Honour to transmitt a Copy of a Memorial relative to the Promotions in the...
The Count Ferchin will do me the Favor to deliver this to your Excellency—The Operations of this...
Yesterday I was honored with your Excellencys favor of the 30th ulto, covering a letter for...
Although the Troops were served with provisions for thursday next, yet it may happen, by accident...
General Clinton advised to sending two Regiments of Militia to Do b se s F erry & Tarry-Town, I...
52699Wednesday July the 4th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This day being the Anniversary of American Independance, all the Americans din’d together, at a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When the revenge Cutter fitted out of Dunkirk Mr. William...