Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Timothy Goolding, 7 December 1765

From Timothy Goolding8

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Brewer Street Decemr 7th 1765


Having been from home all day on Business prevented my waiting on you, been since inform’d that an Account of the Curtains were Immediately wanted, have therefore inclos’d it, I beg the favour of you Sir to Convey my respectful Compliments to the Governour and his Lady.9 With thanks for their kind Remembrance of Me, and please to mention that if the Curtains are a Little Longer then the Dimentions Given me, it is alowing for shrinkings, which these damasks are very Apt to do, if these do not ’tis Easy to turn up a little at bottom. Have likewise Sent two Cloke pins more then are Necessary incase any should be broke. Am Sir Your most Obedient and very humble Servant

T Goolding

Addressed: To / —— Franklin Esqr / in Craven Street / Strand

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8In several letters during 1763–65 WF had asked Strahan to get Timothy Goolding (WF spelled it “Golding”), an upholsterer of Brewer Street near Golden Square, to make up three sets of yellow silk and worsted damask window curtains to go with some yellow damask chairs in his dining room and had given the desired dimensions. WF’s wife had asked that Goolding do the work as he, “having formerly work’d for Mrs. Franklin and her brothers family would perhaps make them more reasonably than others.” PMHB, XXXV (1911), 432–3, 435, 436, 440–1.

9On Dec. 14, 1765, BF drew on Smith, Wright & Gray for £18 18s. in payment to Goolding and charged this amount to WF’s account. Journal, 1764–1776, p. 6; Ledger, 1764–1776, pp. 6, 9. Goolding’s bill rendered has not been found.

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