52621To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Trout and Richard Davis, 22 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society We hope you will pardon the Liberty we take in sending you these few lines, was it not on Account of your general good Character, and the Distress we labour under we assure you we should not be so bold; but thinking our Situation very hard and more than ever our true Countrymen met with since the Commencement of the present Hostilities, encourages us to be...
52622To Benjamin Franklin from Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart, 23 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai L’honneur d’Envoyer a Monsieur franclin deux Nouvelles Epreveuves de la medaille, en observant que La tete n’est pas encore au point de perfection ou elle doit etre, que Les Serpens que tient L’enfant Seront plus grands et plus Caracterisés; en outre Le graveur a mis intans , au lieu d’ infans et qu’il Corrigera Ce deffaut d’Ortographe— J’ai L’honneur...
52623To Benjamin Franklin from the Marquis de Saint-Auban, with Franklin’s Note for a Reply, 23 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous etes au comble de la gloire, veullie le ciel que vous jouissies long tems de votre triomphe, les dieux vous ont bien privilegié en vous acordant autant de superiorité de genie, puisque vous vous etes aquis la plus haute celebrité dans les sciences sublimes, et que vous les avès apliquées a la conservation de lhumanité; vos vues se sont ensuite tournées...
52624To Benjamin Franklin from Sarah Bache: Two Letters, with a Note from Richard Bache, 24 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society Coll Cambray, who we shall miss very much, is the bearer of this, he will tell you how all the Family do, I paraded all the Children to day on purpose for him to tell you how they look’d, and if he does not say they are fine and handsome, I know not were he will find his beauties—the news papers that came since Major Franks’ paket was made up I...
52625To Benjamin Franklin from James Hutton, 24 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You may remember my Tears of Jan. 20. 1778. They are wiped off. They were made an Article of Scoffing in a Lr. to Lord Chatham published by Almon. My Congratulations on Peace attend you. I thank you again & again for your very kind & ready granting my Request of a Passport for our Labradore Ship. & for sending my Lr. to America wrote in your Room at Passy...
52626To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte de La Touche, 24 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Lespoir que jai eu jusqua ce moment que ma Sante me permetterait davoir lhonneur de vous presenter mon hommage respectueux et vous faire agreer mon compliment Sur la paix et la recconnaissance de lindépendance des etats unis ma empéché de vous remettre La lettre cy jointe qui ma été remise a londres par chr Sargeant votre ami. Me trouvant for incomodé et...
52627To Benjamin Franklin from Antoine-Laurent and Marie-Anne-Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier, [24 January 1783] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. et Mde. Lavoisier sont passés mercredy au soir ches M. francklin pour le feliciter Sur la grande revolution que son genie avoit preparée et qui vient d’etre affermie par la signature de la Paix. Ils Se proposoient de l’engager a venir diner avec eux lundi prochain 27 a l’arsenal. Ils auront un peu de musique apres diner et ils seroient bien flattés...
52628To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Perrault and Other Applicants for Emigration, 24 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The number of people applying to Franklin for help in emigrating to America increases markedly during the months following the signing of the preliminary peace treaty. Those letters for which no responses have been located are summarized here, with Perrault’s letter published as a sample. Johann Philipp Breidenstein writes in Latin from Giessen on February...
52629Three Draft Replies to Applicants for Emigration, [between 24 January 1783 and 9 March 1784] (Franklin Papers)
(I) AL (incomplete draft): Library of Congress; (II) and (III) AL (incomplete draft): American Philosophical Society Following the signing of the preliminary peace treaty, Franklin was inundated with requests for assistance from people all over Europe who wanted to emigrate to America. More than 30 are summarized in the headnote to Perrault’s letter of January 24, above; they represent only...
52630To Benjamin Franklin from Jacob Smith, 24 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Sur I take This Opurtunety to inform You Of the Onhapy Setuation of Our People Now in this Prison. I Must inform You that thay Are Entering Out of Prison Averry Day for the Wont of Close and Vitels for thare Are Sum of them that Have Ben Hear this Aight Monts And Have Not Had the Lest Asistance from Any Body. And thare is the french and Duch and Spanish...
52631From Benjamin Franklin to the Comte de Vergennes, 25 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter your Excellency did me the honour of writing to me the 31st. of the last Month, relative to the fresh pecuniary Aid which the King was dispos’d to grant to the Congress.— I received also a second Letter on the same Subject, dated the 16th Instant. I am extremely sensible of his Majesty’s Goodness in according a new Loan to the...
52632To Benjamin Franklin from Sally Beckwith, 25 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Encouraged by the assurances of my Dear Friend Mrs. Bache that you will not think my writing a peice of presumption I take this method at once of assuring you of my gratitude for past favors & to beg that when you shall hear that your Friends here have so very far outdone your utmost intention of serving me it may not so much be atributed to any art I have...
52633To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, [25 January? 1783] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Tout le monde veut ici Mon Illustre Docteur que votre Excellence ait fait un discours au Roi et tout le monde me le demande et que je le traduise. Un mot un Seul mot mon Illustre confrere pour Savoir ce qui en est ou Si ce Sera pour Mardy Ou envoyez moi confiez le moi pour que je le traduise. Je ferai tous mes efforts pour y faire passer cet esprit de...
52634To Benjamin Franklin from L. Martineau aîné and Other Offerers of Goods and Schemes, 25 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Once the general peace was declared, merchant firms and individuals all over Europe wanted to form connections with the United States. For many of them, writing to Franklin was the first step. The letters we summarize in this headnote did not, to the best of our knowledge, receive responses. The earliest letter, published below, seeks a generous advance...
52635To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr.: Two Letters, 25 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
(I) ALS : American Philosophical Society; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library The present Serves to hand you some Letters brought by my Father who is in my house in perfect Health. When I have arranged my Business so as to be able to leave it I shall wait on you with him & bring home Mrs W in return. I thank you for your Note to Lord Shelburne which I hope...
52636To Benjamin Franklin from John Bondfield, 26 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society An Express arrivd yesterday proclaimd Peace permit me to renew my Compliments of Congratulation. Mr Barclay wrote me some posts past from Lorient to have the returns of the prisoners at this City which I have transmitted and expect his further instructions by return of Post. I took the liberty to request a protection for two small Brigs I have which will...
52637To Benjamin Franklin from Alleyne Fitzherbert, 26 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
AL : Library of Congress M. Fitz-Herbert est venu pour avoir l’honneur de faire part qu’il a eu Mardi 21 de ce mois ses premiéres audiences du Roi, de la Reine, et de la famille Royale en qualité de Ministre Plenipotentiaire de Sa Majesté Britannique. Fitzherbert had been appointed minister plenipotentiary the preceding summer ( XXXVII , 685n), but was received by the royal family only when...
52638To Benjamin Franklin from William Hodgson, 26 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have Rec’d your favor of the 14th per Mr Oswald & am much obliged to you for your friendly Intentions, I have the Satisfaction to inform you that after all the Alarms & Apprehensions the upshot was tolerable, much better than I expected. I without delay waited upon the Secretary of State with the discharges of the Officers you sent me & he readily...
52639To Benjamin Franklin from John Jay, 26 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS (draft) and AL (draft): Columbia University Library; copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society, New-York Historical Society It having been suspected that I concurred in the appointment of your Grandson to the Place of Secretary to the american Commission for peace, at your Instance, I think it right thus unsollicited to put it in your power to correct that...
52640To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Sr., 26 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty to Inform you that after a passage of twenty days I have ariv’d hear in Nantes hope the pleasure of Seing you Soon, I Left all our friends Well in America. I most hartly Congratelate you On the good News of Peace thanks to God. Belive me ever your most Dutyfull Nephew & Hble Servant Notation: Jona. Williams Jany. 26. 1782. He had been...
52641From Benjamin Franklin to Mary Hewson, 27 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Yale University Library; press copy of ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress The Departure of my dearest Friend, which I learn from your last Letter, greatly affects me. To meet with her once more in this Life, was one of the principal Motives of my proposing to visit England again before my Return to America. The last Year carried off my Friends...
52642From Benjamin Franklin to John Sargent, 27 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Press copy of ALS : American Philosophical Society I received and read the Letter you were so kind as to write to me the 3d Instant, with a great deal of Pleasure, as it inform’d me of the Welfare of a Family whom I have so long esteem’d and lov’d and to whom I am under so many Obligations, which I shall ever remember. Our Correspondence has been interrupted by that abominable War: I neither...
52643To Benjamin Franklin from Nathaniel Fanning, 27 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society That having wrote your Excellency several Petitions in justification of my Conduct, during my last Cruise on Board of the Eclipse, which has made such a Noise in this Part of the World relative to my Crew having Plundered a certain danish Vessel which has been transacted without my Knowledge, or consent, as appears by my Interogation as well as those of my...
52644To Benjamin Franklin from the Chevalier de Kéralio, with a Note by the Duchesse de Deux-Ponts, 27 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons appris aujourd’hui, mon Respectable ami, que les préliminaires de la paix avoient êté signés le 20e entre les puissances belligérantes, et sur le champ la Dame du chateau a ordonné à son secrétaire intime de mettre son tendre hommage aux pieds du libérateur de l’amérique, du Vengeur du droit des Nations, en attendant qu’elle puisse l’embrasser de...
52645To Benjamin Franklin from Jacob Duché, Jr., 28 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the earliest Opportunity, since the Signing of the Provisional & Preliminary Articles of a General Peace, of expressing my sincere Congratulations to your Excellency on that happy Event, and at the same Time of communicating to you my most ardent Desire of returning to my Native City; earnestly requesting you to honour me with your Opinion &...
52646To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Pitot Duhellés and Other Consulship Seekers, 28 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Once the preliminary peace treaties were signed, applications for American consulships came streaming into Passy from all over Europe. Most of the applicants expected their home ports would soon begin a vigorous trade with America and that Congress would appoint consuls immediately. Franklin, on the other hand, believed that the United States could not...
52647To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte de Grasse, 28 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society Permettez, Monsieur, que J’ay l’honneur De faire a Votre Execellence mon sincere Compliment Sur la Signature des preliminaires De la Paix & Sur l’Independance Reconnue & Definitive Des Etats unis De l’amerique. J’ose me flatter que Votre Execelence Sera plus Convaincüe De la sastifaction que J’ay Ressentie De Ce grand Evenemement que Je ne puis La luy...
52648To Benjamin Franklin from Jan Ingenhousz, 28 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I expected every day to hear that peace was actualy made, I postponed to write to you, fearing to interrupt your attention now engaged in more whighty affaires than the Content of my lettres. I hope you have put the wire inclosed in my last to the test in a phial filled with fine dephlogisticated air. If you have, I am Sure you will have been pleased...
52649To Benjamin Franklin from John Sargent, 28 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Charettier, the Bearer hereof, who had the Honour of paying His respects to You two Years agoe being about to set for Paris again, in a few Hours, to give an account of a Trust He hath executed for that Court, as Commissary for Their Prisoners of War, with great Credit, I beg Leave to recommend Him to Your Favour, & Protection, as a very honest...
52650To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 28 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library As It is proper for every prudent Man to know on what Ground he proceeds before he engages too far, and as now we have a general Peace there can no longer be a Reason for keeping the Terms of it Secret, I beg you will kindly resolve the following Questions. 1 Does the Prohibition of English Goods in America cease, on Britains...
52651To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Barclay, 29 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honour of receiving the Letter which your Excellency was so kind as to Write me the 21st. instant and I very heartily and sincerely Congratulate you on your having seen such Important Events take place as the Independence of America, and General Peace of Europe. There are now in this port several American Vessels ready to push to Sea, and if there...
52652To Benjamin Franklin from Maxwell Garthshore, 29 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Dr. Garthshore returns His respl. Compts. & Thanks to Dr. Franklin, it is with infinite regret He finds Himself oblidged to leave Paris this day, where He has only staid a very few & without having it once in His power to wait on Dr. Franklin but that single time on His return from Versailles, which He was conscious was an improper Hour, but was owing to His...
52653To Benjamin Franklin from John Jay, 29 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Two Days ago I requested the favor of Mr. W. Franklin to mention to you the Case of Mr. Johnsons Bills, and to inform me whether it would be convenient to You to provide for their paymt. & when, in Case I accepted them. Mr Johnson is anxious to know my Determination, and offers to be the Bearer of this note— I am Dr. Sir your obliged & obt Servt Addressed:...
52654To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Cooper Johonnot, 29 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Your kind Favour of the 7th Inst. came to hand safe the 16th.— Please to accept my sincere & hearty thanks for your good Advice, & the many Obligations I am under to so good a Benefactor, & permit me also, to congratulate You upon the Peace lately concluded, which gives me the greatest Joy as a Patriot & by the Hopes I have that it will ease You of a...
52655To Benjamin Franklin from François-Félix Nogaret, 29 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Aimable Docteur! homme utile! Votre santé est-elle retablie? Personne ne le desire plus que vos respectueux amis de versailles homme et femme f. nogaret. Je vous prierai d’agréer, pour vos etrennes, Le portrait de notre archevêque de Paris, qui paraîtra dans les premiers jours de janvier, et qu’on vous portera. Menagés une Santé precieuse à tout le monde,...
52656To Benjamin Franklin from Charles Pettit, 29 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Presuming on some Degree of personal Acquaintance and the Respect I have long entertained for your Character, I take the Liberty of recommending to your Notice my Son, Andrew Pettit, who will have the Honor to present this Letter. As a Citizen of the United States I doubt not he would receive your Countenance and Protection, and I flatter myself that...
52657To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Vaughan and Samuel Vaughan, Jr., 29 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Messrs: Vaughan have the honor to present their respects to Dr: Franklin. A prior engagement obliges them with the most extreme regret to decline the pleasure of waiting upon him on sunday, agreeable to his kind invitation. Mr: Vaughan has the honor to inclose a list of some books sold by the same bookseller who furnished Mr V with the copy of the Politique...
52658To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Franklin Bache, 30 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I Reciv’d your Letter dated the 7 January the 18 of the same month. I wrote your Letter a little in a hurry because the night was coming on and that I wanted to put the letter to the Post office that made me forget the date but I will try to forget it no more. I have not receiv’d the parsel of Books you mentioned me in your letter that you had sent to...
52659To Benjamin Franklin from Angélique-Michèle-Rosalie Jogues de Martinville Lafreté, 30 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society Mr. et Madme. La Vicomtesse de la héréria prennent le plus grand intêrét, mon cher Docteur a Mr. De La barre, ancien Receveur des Tailles de Villefranche, qui vous remettra cette lettre. Il désireroit passer en amérique, honnoré de Votre protection. Vous nous obligeriéz infiniment si vous daignéz l’accorder a un homme honnête et malheureux. Je ne vous dis...
52660To Benjamin Franklin from the Marquis de La Salle, [30 January 1783] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society La R∴ L∴ des IX Soeurs qui a eû L’avantage de vous avoir pour Son Vénerable, Enchantée d’une paix qui rendant Le repos au monde assurre l’indépendance de votre patrie qui doit bien vous nomer son père, Dèsireroit faire passer jusqu’à vous l’expression de Sa joyë. Elle a nomée une députation pour aller vous feliciter Sur cet heurreux évenement; & j’ai la...
52661To Benjamin Franklin from the Chevalier de Meyronnet de Saint-Marc, 30 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai L’honneur de vous prevenir, que j’ai reçû il y a quelques jours une Lettre du Vice Consul de françe à L’Isle de Fayal; dans la qu’elle cet officier me donne Avis; qu’ayant reçû du Consul Anglois cinq Americains pris par le Corsaire la Hornett de Bristol Sur le Brigantin la Betsey de Boston . Il Les embarquera sur un des Vaisseaux qu’on expedie de Fayal...
52662To Benjamin Franklin from the Chamber of Commerce of Aunis and Others Concerning the Selection of Free Ports, 31 January … (Franklin Papers)
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Article 32 of the 1778 Franco-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce promised that the king of France would provide one or more free ports in Europe for American produce and merchandise. During the war all French ports were open to American ships, the choice of free ports being left until the peace. Once France reached peace terms with Britain, various...
52663To Benjamin Franklin from Brongniart, 31 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Brongniart a L’honneur de presenter Son Respect a Monsieur franklin et Le prie de Lui faire Sçavoir Si on lui a remis Vendredi de L’autre Semaine, deux Nouvelles Epreuves de la Medaille, et entre autres Celle de la tete de la libertè. Monsieur franklin oublie apparemment d’envoyer a Mr Brongniart Ce qu’il desire faire mettre au Bas de la Medaille de...
52664To Benjamin Franklin from ——— de Illens, 31 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society J’ay bien reçu en son tems la Lettre dont vous m’avez honoré en datte du 6. aoust 1780. Elle me donnoit bon espoir pour la rentrée des fonds considerables qui me sont dus par le Tresor de la Caroline du Sud. Aujourd’huy qu’une paix avantageuse & honorable pour votre nation, la reconoit independante & libre, j’espere qu’elle se fera un devoir de...
52665To Benjamin Franklin from Mathurin Roze de Chantoiseau, 31 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Oserois-je vous offrir Le fruit de plusieurs années d’un travail assidu et reflechi, dont le resumé n’exige pas un quart d’heure de Lecture, et dont le resultat seroit d’operer, d’une maniere simple et peu dispendieuse, la Liquidation de la majeure partie des Dettes d’un Etat, Sans en alterer les fonds, et Sans en diminuer les revenus, ny en aggraver...
52666To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Vaughan, 31 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), I , 59–63. When I had read over your sheets of minutes of the principal incidents of your life, recovered for you by your Quaker acquaintance; I told you I would send you a letter expressing my reasons why I thought it would be useful to complete and publish it...
52667To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 31 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer is the Honble. John Wheelock President of Dartmouth College, who has come to Europe with a Deputation from the Trustees, supported by strong Recommendations from the first Characters in America, in order to obtain Donations for an Institution for the propagation of Knowledge & Virtue. The respectable Recommendations Mr. Wheelock has with him make...
52668To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Sr., 31 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer is the Honble. President Wheelock (in Company with his Brother) he is on a Benevolint Design & has the Best Recommendations, he wishes to Lay the Plan & his Credentials before you, for your Opinion or Advice. I take the Liberty to Recommend the above Gentm. to your Civilities as strangers in your City, which will ad to the many Obligations all...
52669To Benjamin Franklin from Antoinette-Cécile Clavel, dite Mademoiselle Saint-Huberti, and Christian Karl Hartmann … (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Votre Excellence est invitée d’honorer de Sa présence le Concert des Amateurs qui Se donnera le 1er. février 1783, dans la Salle du Contrat Social, Rue Coqhéron de la part de Madelle. St. huberti et de Mr. hartman Directeur dudit Concert./. Son Excellence voudra bien accepter les deux Billets d’Entrée ci-joints./. The celebrated soprano Saint-Huberti...
52670Franklin’s Passport for British Ships, 1 February 1783 (Franklin Papers)
DS : Massachusetts Historical Society, American Philosophical Society Exchanging ships’ passports was the first official act between the former belligerent nations, whose vessels needed protection until the news of the armistice was generally known, and whose merchants were anxious to race their cargo to newly opened ports. But were those ports truly open? Franklin maintained that until the...