From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 30 June 1781
Head Quarters Peekskill 30th June 1781
Imediately on the Receipt of this you [will] be pleased to collect all the Troops of your Brigade (except the Compy at Wyoming) & put up them in motion [on] their March towards Kingsbridge. As the Operations of the Campaign are on the Point of Comencing, you will use your utmost Diligence that the Troops come on with Dispatch.
It will be v[ery] inconvenient (to say no more) to be loaded with Baggage; you will therefore move on as Light as possib[le] giving me Notice of your Movements & Approach; [that] I may be able to give you any further Orders; [as] they may be found necessary. I am sir Your most Obedt Servan[t]
Go: Washington