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Results 52611-52620 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Bourdot the Admiralty Interpreter here for the English came to me yesterday, to show me a Letter he just received from Mr. Mumford to inquire & let him know, whether Captn. Jos: Conckling with his Brigg The Whim was gone from here, when, and wether loaded for account of his owner (mr. Jos: Packwood of New London) or was oblig’d to take freight, I can...
52612General Orders, 30 June 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Major General Parsons Lieutenant Colonel Sherman Major Oliver Inspector 2d Massachusetts brigade The General expects the pleasure of forming a junction with the French Army in the course of two days and as it is his Wish to have the American Line as full and as respectable as it is in the power of our number to make it, he desires that no officer will be absent from Camp...
Jai recû la Lettre que votre Excellence ma fait L’honneur de m’ecrire, en datte du 24 de ce mois. Je pense ainsi que vous que la nouvelle concernant L’arrivée d’une nombreûse flotte a la baye de Chesapeak est sans fondement J’attend L’arrivée du convoi qui vient de Boston ici, et qui est parti depuis 7 Jours. J’ai L’honneur de prevenir votre Excellence que sur les nouvelles que Jai eû que Deux...
In fullest confidence I inform you that I intend to make an attempt by surprise upon the enemy’s posts on the North End of York Island on Monday Night. Should we be happy enough to succeed and be able to hold our conquest, the advantages will be greater than can be well imagined: But I cannot flatter myself that the Enemy will permit the latter, unless I am suddenly and considerably...
I am favored with your Letters of the 27th and 28th Inst. and am pleased with the account you give of the perfect readiness in which the Troops are kept for a movement. On the receipt of this, you will instantly put the three Regts of Continental Troops, under your command, in motion for West Point—You will be pleased to have a sufficient number of Vessels for transports immediately procured...
The inclosed Letter to the Count de Rochambeau is of very great Importance, & requires the utmost Secrecy in its Comunication—this Idea you will convey to the Count before its delivery—to eff e ct when you will first converse with the Chevalr Chattalux on the Mode of its Comunication—Its Object is to inform the Count, that I have in Contemplation A very sudden Surprize of some Post of the...
I was at Count Rochambeau’s this evening when I receiv’d your Excellency’s dispatches; Genll Chatteleaux was immediately sent for, and the Heads of Departments consulted on the new intended rout of the Army—The Count inquire’d whether your Excellency was acquainted with the removal of the Yaugers and some other Troops from Long Island to New York; I assur’d him that your Excellency was...
Imediately on the Receipt of this you will be pleased to collect all the Troops of your Brigade (except the Compy at Wyoming) & put up them in motion on their March towards Kingsbridge. As the Operations of the Campaign are on the Point of Comencing, you will use your utmost Diligence that the Troops come on with Dispatch. It will be v ery inconvenient (to say no more) to be loaded with...
In my last I acquainted your Excellency with the return of the enemy from Monmouth—On monday night a party consisting of one hundred men landed in Rahway and carried off near fifty head of cattle, about the same number of sheep with fifteen of the inhabitants prisoners, and on thursday night they landed eighty men, three miles south of Elizth Town, which took off with them thirty cattle. They...
Le chr dela luzerne suplie le general Whasington de vouloir bien faire passer a mr le comte de rochambeau la lettre cy jointe, il a ainsi l’honneur de lui addresser un bultein qui lui est envoÿe par des personnes dignes de luÿ, il saisit avec empressement cette occasion de renouveller a son excellence les assurances de son respect. DLC : Papers of George Washington. The News brought by the...