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Results 52601-52610 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
We had the honor of receiving your Favour of the 20 th: Inst, and are persuaded that the Communication of the Friendly Disposition of his Prussian Majesty made to you by the Baron de Thuilemeyer will give great Pleasure to Congress. The Respect with which the Reputation of that great Prince has impress’d the United States, early induced them to consider his Friendship as a desirable Object;...
The Council of Safety understanding that our Army is in want of Liquor have sent forward twenty Hogsheads of Rum as a present Supply. It is to be forwarded to Bristol and delivered to the Commanding Officer at Burlington, if there be any at that place—Your Excellency will take the proper measures to have it brought to your Camp. It goes by Captain Watkins of our Armed Boats who is directed to...
I had the honour of receiveing your letter of the 2d Current—By which, I saw that the former remittance which I made you, at Docr Stewart’s desire, had got safe to hand, I now beg leave to trouble you with a further remittance of 306 65/90 th of a dollar, at the request of same Gentleman, which I hope will also reach you. I am with undissembled respect—Sir your mo: obt Sert ALS , DLC:GW . See...
Your last Letter my Dear John was indeed filled with grievous news and I sincerely pity the afflicted family who are left in a situation so melancholy—The shock must no doubt have been severe to your Grandfather although it was expected; but the strongest minds insensibly repel the idea of death until the inevitable doom is sealed, and we cannot fly from conviction by its sad and solemn...
A Vessel from New Orleans—putting in here in distress having some Shrubs & curiosities on board for you, on application of the Capt. I have taken them & now forward them by Capt Willis’s Packet, they are, images dug up very high on the Missisipi & I hope will tend to some discoveries of the original settlement of this Country. the charges on them I have paid as below. it gives me pleasure to...
Cadiz, 14 April 1778. RC ( PPAmP : Franklin Papers). This letter, addressed to Franklin, Deane, and Lee, was docketed by JA : “Memoire Mr. Daudibert Caille. to be sent to the Emperor of Morocco.” D’Audibert Caille proposed that he be authorized to conclude an agreement with the Emperor of Morocco “aux mêmes conditions que plusieurs autres Puissances l’ont faitte avec ce Souverain” to protect...
Since my letters of the 19th. & 20th. of July 1804. I have recieved your favors of Oct. 6. Nov. 14. 25. Dec. 3. 1804. & May 15. 1805. as also some articles of fruits Etc. for which I pray you to accept my acknolegements. the pipe of Arruda wine came also safely to hand, and is indeed of very superior quality. I should be glad to recieve always of exactly the same quality, adhering to the rule...
52608Orderly Book, 31 October 1758 (Washington Papers)
Loyal Hannon Tuesday Octr 31 1758 G. O. Parole Dorset Field Officer for to morrow Lt C. Hamilton. Adjutant for to morrow 1st B. Pensilvanians. The R. Americans is to have a Guard of 1 Lt 1 Serjt & 25 Rank & file for the Genl when the Genl enters the Camp, the Soldiers are to turn out of their Tents without Arms the Officers of each Corps in the Center. The Officers to mount Guard in their...
Having left the City before the receipt of Mr. Chambers’ letter to me, containing the inclosed papers, I beg leave to transmit them to you. Mr. Chambers, like all other Projectors, appears quite captivated with his discovery. Whether any thing, or what ought to be done with his letter to the President of the National Convention of France, I submit to you as better able to judge. I am, Sir,...
25 June 1803, Le Havre . Since he closed his letter of this date, the ship George has landed and reports having been boarded by British frigates in the Channel and having been “treated perfectly Polite by all the Captains.” The captain of the brig Peggy complains of the treatment he received from the captain of the British frigate Ranger , “who took three men from Him all of whom appear on the...