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Results 52601-52650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
We had the honor of receiving your Favour of the 20 th: Inst, and are persuaded that the Communication of the Friendly Disposition of his Prussian Majesty made to you by the Baron de Thuilemeyer will give great Pleasure to Congress. The Respect with which the Reputation of that great Prince has impress’d the United States, early induced them to consider his Friendship as a desirable Object;...
The Council of Safety understanding that our Army is in want of Liquor have sent forward twenty Hogsheads of Rum as a present Supply. It is to be forwarded to Bristol and delivered to the Commanding Officer at Burlington, if there be any at that place—Your Excellency will take the proper measures to have it brought to your Camp. It goes by Captain Watkins of our Armed Boats who is directed to...
I had the honour of receiveing your letter of the 2d Current—By which, I saw that the former remittance which I made you, at Docr Stewart’s desire, had got safe to hand, I now beg leave to trouble you with a further remittance of 306 65/90 th of a dollar, at the request of same Gentleman, which I hope will also reach you. I am with undissembled respect—Sir your mo: obt Sert ALS , DLC:GW . See...
Your last Letter my Dear John was indeed filled with grievous news and I sincerely pity the afflicted family who are left in a situation so melancholy—The shock must no doubt have been severe to your Grandfather although it was expected; but the strongest minds insensibly repel the idea of death until the inevitable doom is sealed, and we cannot fly from conviction by its sad and solemn...
A Vessel from New Orleans—putting in here in distress having some Shrubs & curiosities on board for you, on application of the Capt. I have taken them & now forward them by Capt Willis’s Packet, they are, images dug up very high on the Missisipi & I hope will tend to some discoveries of the original settlement of this Country. the charges on them I have paid as below. it gives me pleasure to...
Cadiz, 14 April 1778. RC ( PPAmP : Franklin Papers). This letter, addressed to Franklin, Deane, and Lee, was docketed by JA : “Memoire Mr. Daudibert Caille. to be sent to the Emperor of Morocco.” D’Audibert Caille proposed that he be authorized to conclude an agreement with the Emperor of Morocco “aux mêmes conditions que plusieurs autres Puissances l’ont faitte avec ce Souverain” to protect...
Since my letters of the 19th. & 20th. of July 1804. I have recieved your favors of Oct. 6. Nov. 14. 25. Dec. 3. 1804. & May 15. 1805. as also some articles of fruits Etc. for which I pray you to accept my acknolegements. the pipe of Arruda wine came also safely to hand, and is indeed of very superior quality. I should be glad to recieve always of exactly the same quality, adhering to the rule...
52608Orderly Book, 31 October 1758 (Washington Papers)
Loyal Hannon Tuesday Octr 31 1758 G. O. Parole Dorset Field Officer for to morrow Lt C. Hamilton. Adjutant for to morrow 1st B. Pensilvanians. The R. Americans is to have a Guard of 1 Lt 1 Serjt & 25 Rank & file for the Genl when the Genl enters the Camp, the Soldiers are to turn out of their Tents without Arms the Officers of each Corps in the Center. The Officers to mount Guard in their...
Having left the City before the receipt of Mr. Chambers’ letter to me, containing the inclosed papers, I beg leave to transmit them to you. Mr. Chambers, like all other Projectors, appears quite captivated with his discovery. Whether any thing, or what ought to be done with his letter to the President of the National Convention of France, I submit to you as better able to judge. I am, Sir,...
25 June 1803, Le Havre . Since he closed his letter of this date, the ship George has landed and reports having been boarded by British frigates in the Channel and having been “treated perfectly Polite by all the Captains.” The captain of the brig Peggy complains of the treatment he received from the captain of the British frigate Ranger , “who took three men from Him all of whom appear on the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have had the pleasure of seeing at my friend Mr. Marat’s experiments, a man Whom I admir’d a long While ago. I Would not speak to you, not to be indiscreet, about my Litterarys enterprises & the prospectus of my philosophical Biblioteck on the penal Laws, Which I sent to you a fortnight ago, With a Letter unanswer’d, for what I was much disappointed. The...
The United states in Congress assembled receive with emotions too affecting for utterance this solemn resignation of the authorities, under which you have led their troops with success through a perilous and a doubtful war. Called upon by your country to defend its invaded rights you accepted the sacred charge before it had found alliances and whilst it was without funds or a government to...
Your letter inclosing the Pamphlet, came very safe to hand. I thank you, for your kindness. The Mails between this City and Philadelphia are very safe and secure. I have never heard of any accident happening to anything sent by this conveyance. Many of the communications published in this pamphlet have already appeared in our papers You know Sir that it is an idea cherished by many that a...
I have the pleasure to inform you that money is now deposited in the hands of Messieurs Grand & co. for paying the arrears of interest to the beginning of the present year to the foreign officers who served in the American army. Neither Congress nor their servants have ceased one moment to feel the justice due to those gentlemen, but this is the first moment that their efforts to command such...
52615[Diary entry: 28 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. Wind at No. West & very cold.
ALS and copy: Library of Congress; AL (draft) and copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: National Archives <Passy, May 25, 1778: We congratulate you on your success and safe return. Until we hear about an exchange of prisoners we advise you to keep yours securely confined. If we can get an equal number of American seamen to man the Drake she will add to your strength, whereas sending...
The unexpected departure of the Brig. Free Ocean Capt: Bartholomew , this day for Phil a together with many avocations for the Squadron of Com o Stewart now here, allows me only the time to say, that I have shipp’d on board the above mention’d vessel, two Cases cont’g 84 bottles of montepulciano wine, which exactly balances, what you term the “ atom ,” after paying mad me mazzei .— It is...
Mrs. Barry now of New York, a Lady of the most amiable Character, has met with severe afflections since she left this City, in the Death of her Husband and her Daughter. Her only remaining one is pronounced to be in a decline. Her Husband, before his Death, had been recommended to take a Voyage to Madeira, for the benefit of his own and his Daughters Health, and had actually made a contract, I...
I INCLOSE you by express, three acts of the last session of Assembly for ascertaining the number of militia in the state; exempting artificers employed at iron works from militia duty, and remedying the inconveniencies arising from the interruption of the draught and the procuring clothes, provisions, and waggons for the army. WE expect to send a vessel shortly with a flag, from this place to...
Yours of the 3d. is safely recieved, and the 350. D. therein inclosed. you say all my shipwrecked articles are recieved except 1. box & 3. casks. can you give me the Nos. of those recieved? because I shall then know the contents of those missing, and be able to supply them exactly. I would ask it by the 1st. post because it is high time I was sending off my supplies. you will recieve in about...
The very great pleasure which I should enjoy, in paying my respects, in person, to Mr. Jefferson, as President of the United States, it is not probable that I shall have very soon, unless you shall give us the honor of a visit to the northward. My son John Langdon Sullivan , who is in the mercantile line, is making a tour to the seat of government; I have requested some of my friends there, to...
I stand indebted to you for your several favors of the 7th of March, and 12th & 19th of April. Believe me, Sir, the first was not productive of more surprize than real concern. The acct of your failure was as much regretted, as it was unexpected by me; and I feel for the causes of it—and for your present situation. You are sensible that my Commissions have been more troublesome than profitable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay Lhonneur de repondre a vos ordres aiant celuy de Vous observer quil faut pour L’Execution Suivant Votre Model de tres grand papier pour Remplir L’infolio et pour Le grand in 4to il faut prendre de L’infolio Reduit par Les bouts pour former la Largeur. Je joins a la presente 2 feuilles du papier quil faut prendre Pour Suivre Votre model. D’après Votre...
About the midle of this month it was your request to have the ornaments for Bedford House , as well as the ornaments for the University they are all, in great fordwardness and will be redy for shipment on the Last of this month, no time has been Lost sincs I have been at home or have I applyed a single hour to any other Employ ment so verry Laboreous & difficult has been this undertaking. but...
§ From William Lee. 21 August 1806, Bordeaux. “I have the honor to transmit you herewith a duplicate of my returns of American vessels which have entered and cleared at this port from the 1st. of January to the 30th of June [not found]. “Since my last respects of the 30th of last month the public mind has been kept in continual agitation by the negotiations that are now going on in Paris; at...
Letter not found: from Robert McKenzie, 3 Aug. 1756. On 5 Aug. 1756 GW wrote to McKenzie: “I wrote you yesterday; since which I have received yours of the 3d instant.”
Your sudden silence after the affectionate and unremitted attention you shewed during your dear Grandmothers illness and the total want of information since on the subject of the family in general has occasioned both your father and myself much uneasiness and we are counting the mails every day to meet fresh disappointment Your Fathers Messenger has just been and I flew down in the hope of...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives (two), University of Virginia Library <Passy, August 31, 1778, in French: We send by Mr. Whitall a book of promissory notes and interest coupons, for 205,000 florins payable on January 1, 1788. You will fill in the blanks in each with the number and date of delivery, likewise the counterfoils, and keep an exact record. Sell the notes...
Pursuant to your Excellency’s Orders I herein Render an Account of such necessarys as will be wanting to Compleat One hundred Whale Boats for the Service—As Also for keeping Said Boats in good repair. Wanted for Manning the Boats, 601 Men exclusive of Officers Necessarys for the Boats N.B. A Clerk of Stores & Provissions will be necessary. LS , DLC:GW . Joshua Davis, a ship captain from...
The letter you forwarded , my dear Martha, desiring me to attend the Buckingham court of this month, requires an impossibility because that is tomorrow. I Know also that the trial of the question cannot be at the Same court at which the two wills are presented. Time must be given to Summon witnesses, and I Suppose I shall be Served with a Summons notifying the day I must appear.— We have had a...
Conformable to request, I herewith recite a conversation which past between us (at some time I cannot recollect) neither do I think it important on the present occasion, relative to Genl. Lee. I do this the more willingly (as I think) I have a perfect recollection of the conversation, which was this. after some cursory observations respecting Genl Lee, either by you or myself, which I cannot...
A letter has been received at this Office from the Governor of the Indiana Territory, stating that the following documents are necessary to guide him in the decisions he is authorized to make upon the claims for lands lying in that Territory; but which are now in the Office of the Secretary of the North Western Territory. “A Book in which all the land claims of the former territory were...
I have written so largely to you by Mr. Storer who goes in the same vessel, that I should not have taken up my pen again, but in compliance with the request of a Friend whose partner is going abroad, and desires a Letter to you as an introduction. Of Mr. Dexter the Bearer I know nothing but his Name. I have inclosed the Letter which I received from his partner who you know is a valuable...
By the Carrosse which goes from hence to Havre I have forwarded a package of rough rice addressed to you. I am in hopes it may arrive in time to go with the inclosed letter by the Juno, capt. Jenkins. I will beg the favour of you to put on it this address ‘For Mr. William Drayton, Charleston: to the care of the Delegates of S. Carolina in Congress,’ and to pay the freight for me. Should Capt....
I have recieved two letters from your son, mr George Ticknor , dated Mar. 15. and Apr. 23. from which I learn with pleasure that he enjoys health and is so much satisfied with his situation at Gottingen that he has concluded to prolong his residence there a year. the account he gives me of the German literature is very interesting, and such as I had not been before apprised of. it seems well...
I return you the Commissions for William Hunter Cavendish of Virginia and Cornelius Howard of Maryland signed, and have the Honor to be, Sir your most &c Also are inclosed letters from James Brackenbridge Esqr Robert Gorsuch & Daniel Rowley. CtHi : Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers.
52637[Diary entry: 11 March 1785] (Washington Papers)
Friday 11th. Mercury at 30 in the Morning, 34 at Noon and 41 at Night. Left Colo. Masons about 12 oclock. Dined with Mr. Martin Cockburn, & came home in the afternoon. Planted the Hemlock Scions which were brought home yesterday, 28 in Number in the Shrubbs—2 poplar trees wch. had been omitted (by an oversight) in my Serpentine Walks before; and 13 Weeping and 13 Yellow Willow trees...
52638[Diary entry: 25 April 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Went to Muddy hole, Doeg Run & Mill before Dinner, & into the Neck afterwards.
I have heard with the deepe s t regret of your present, or late indisposition, & agreeable to your request, have this day deposited in the post office ½ lb Gum Arabic, to your address, which I hope will reach you safely—Hoping soon to hear of your entire restoration, remain MHi .
Being informed Sometime ago, that a Copy of a letter wrote to you by Doctor Thornton in May last, respecting the division of Some Squares on my ground in this City, with your reply to it, had been read by many in Georgetown, I had the curiosity to procure copies of these letters, with Dr Thornton’s protest on the Same Subject; all of which, are now before me —The whole design of Dr Thorntons...
Inclosed you will find a letter from Mr Munroe which will explain to you his remarks better than I could detail them in my letter With respect to this business Sir, I acted in the most candid manner—I was the first who discovered that the appropriation for the Deficit was short of its object—This circumstance, Sir, I mentioned to you, when you were pleased to remark that the estimate being...
52642Memorandum, 14 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Colo. Stanwix. Send him Colo. Carlyles Letter. Write him abt Lieutt Bakers Success. That the People come in pretending to be from Captn Spotswoods party must be Deserters. That Our Assembly have voted 80,000 for raising 1200 Men &ca. That I shoud be glad to know whether the Officers Servants are allowd Provisions. how the Officers themselves are allowd. that is in regard to the quantity or any...
The Secretary of the Treasury having perused with attention the papers containing the opinions of the Secretary of State and the Attorney General concerning the constitutionality of the Bill for establishing a National Bank, proceeds, according to the order of the President, to submit the reasons which have induced him to entertain a different opinion. It will naturally have been anticipated,...
52644Notes on Appointments, 14 April 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
Louisiana. 2. Otto Shrader of Pensva to be one of the judges of the territory of Orleans Andrew Epple of Penna Indiana.
I should have issued orders for the fatigue parties intended to erect the Signals to assemble tomorrow but I was not certain that the Guides would be ready. Instead therefore of a general Order for the purpose, I would propose that you give directions to the parties from Woodfords and Scotts to erect the Signals at Steels Gap and the Hill upon Baskenridge Road. I will desire Genl Smallwood to...
5264625 [i.e. 26] Monday. (Adams Papers)
The Reflection that I penned Yesterday, appears upon the review to be weak enough. For 1st. we know not that the Inhabitants of other Globes have sinned. Nothing can be argued in this manner, till it is proved at least probable that all those Species of rational Beings have revolted from their rightful Sovereign.—When I examine the little Prospect that lies before me, and find an infinite...
52647Proclamation, 1 January 1795 (Washington Papers)
By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation When we review the calamities which afflict so many other Nations, the present condition of the United States affords much matter of consolation and satisfaction. Our exemption hitherto from foreign war, an increasing prospect of the continuance of that exemption, the great degree of internal tranquillity we have enjoyed, the...
The Secry. of War, respectfully submits the following result of his reflexions, on the questions propounded yesterday by the President. Q. Will it be advisable to present immediately to Congress, the whole of the communications from our ministers in France, with the exception of the names of the persons employed by the minister Talyrand, to exhibit and enforce his requisitions for a bribe,...
The bearer hereof Mr James Rees takes with him the deed for the genesee land which is to be lodged with you for my son Thomas and it may either be lodged with you as an Escrow to secure in the first instance the payment of the bala due to you which is $6002 as ⅌ the accot which is forwarded to Thomas so that you and he may settle and the remainder of the purchase money is to be paid to me but...
I inclose you the copy of a letter received from mr̃ Barclay dated Cadiz May 23. by which you will perceive he was still on this side the Mediterranean. has mr̃ Lamb written to you? I hear nothing from him nor of him, since mr̃ Carmichael’s information of his arrival in Spain. mr̃ Randall gave reason to expect that himself would come on. yet neither himself nor any letters from him arrive....