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Results 52601-52630 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
L : American Philosophical Society Votre reponse du douze aoust 1781 dont vous avez honoré M Epidorge faisoit beaucoup ésperer aux pauvres infortunés du corsaire La revange commandé par le capitaine coningham d’une prompte recette de leurs dû, mais dépuis n’en ayant recu aucune nouvelle cela leur fait perdre toute esperance. Il est bien douloureux pour des pauvres gens qui ne possedent au...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was much obliged by the honour of your Excellency’s favour of the 25th: of last Month which did not arrive until the 9th. Currant. I feel myself much indebted to you My Dr: Sir for the kind interest you have taken in my affairs in No: Carolina: I fancy nothing will now be done until a Peace is made, which is not far off. On this Account I now beg...
Two copies and draft: Public Record Office; copies: Library of Congress, William L. Clements Library As Mr. Strachey is going from hence to Paris with some particulars for Mr Oswald, which were not to be easily explained in Writing, I take the liberty of introducing him to your acquaintance, though I am not sure, that he is not already a little known to you. The confidential Situation in which...
Partial AL : Library of Congress … [sous] les yeux de M. le Cte. de Vergennes. Je desirerois fort, Monsieur, davoir un entretien avec vous et M. Jay, et vous m’obligeriez si vous vouliez me recevoir et me donner à diner avec lui jeudy prochain. J’attendrai votre réponse. J’ai l’honneur dêtre avec un On Oct. 24, a Thursday, Jay dined with BF at Passy and was surprised to find Rayneval there....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Not being honour’d with any of yr. Excellency’s Letters since the 1st. of July when we dated our last respects to you, the Subject of the present will be only on 4 small Continental bills remitted us here by our friend Wm. Foster Esqr. of Boston and Wch our Banker Sir John Lambert return’d us for want of their being endorss’d by R R Livingston Esqr. to...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Two days ago I troubled your Excellency with my proposals abt. the Copper thro: the hands of Mr Hamilton requesting that they might be forwarded by the first good opportunity since which I have consulted with a friend who advises that they lay by in your hands before they are sent as being premature and if taken may lead the proposers into difficulties....
ALS : American Philosophical Society The other day Sally and myself had the pleasure of writing you per packet— I have only to add that we continue in good Health, and in the enjoyment of many Blessings—you have our best Love & Affections, & constant Wishes & Prayers for your health & Happiness— I am ever Dear Sir Your dutiful & Affectionate Son Addressed: His Excellency / Dr. Benjamin...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library It is with much concern that we find ourselves reduced to the necessity of beging leave to lay before your Excellency the real state of our situation; which is that of being private Citizens and subjects of Great Britain, taken prisoners at Sea on Board the Snow Industery John Brown master, on our passage from the Island of Antigua to Britain, by the...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Sometime since by request of Capt: William Gray late of the Amazon, a prisoner of mine, I wrote Mr: Barclay to Know whether Capt: Gray could have his parole to go to England. Mr: Barclay Returned me for answer that it lay with your Excellency, but he did not doubt that it would be effected by writing to you. If your Excellency would be Kind as to permit...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The restriction I was subjected to by my parole,—not go to France—, determined me not even to write to any person in that kingdom, till I should be exchanged. The officiousness however of some persons in London, in converting me into a Messenger of peace from Congress, inclined me, for very obvious reasons, to break through the restraint I had imposed...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Yale University Library, American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I do myself the Honor to enclose the Copy of a Paper transmitted to me by the Governor of Virginia. The Cloathing there mentioned is a Part of those Supplies for the State of Virginia which the Court of France have charged to the United States. You will recollect the...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Sometime to morrow Morning I expect to set off for Nantes, and will have the pleasure to wait on your Excellency for any dispatches you may wish to Have forwarded— There is a Schooner at that place ready for Sea with the first wind, bound to Virginia— I am most respectfully Your Excellency’s Obedt. Hhble. Servt. A Philadelphia merchant who was a...
ALS : Library of Congress I am very sorry to hear of your illness, but I hope that one of your Complaints the Gout will after you have paid off the Score give you a renewed lease of health and strength. As to the Gravel I presume you know very well that the Sope boiler’s ley (wch must be nearly the same in all Countries) is a specific. It is so likewise for the Stone but that is a very...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I call’d on Mrs Stevenson and Mrs. Hewson at Kensington this Day— Mrs. Stevenson is in so poor a way that they dont think she will live long. Mrs. Hewson informed me that you had been so kind as to enquire after me in the last letter that she received from you— I am very sorry to send you the melancholy news of my Dear Wife’s Death. She died 22 Oct 1781 and...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress Having nothing to Communicate to your Excellency of any consequence but my Arrival here, and that Mr. Barclay promised me he would anounce— I therefore thought it would be only Troubling your Excellency to write, as I was at that time in Expectation of being to Sea before an Answer Could Come from Paris— some Necessaries being...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having formerly the honour to be a little known to you, I presume to address you in the Cause of Humanity.— The eldest Son & Heir of the late Mr. Pollhill Member for Southwark, who had the honour to be known to you, is with His Lady now in this Hotel, on His way to Nice, for the recovery of His Health, which the Climate of Paris seems very unfavourable...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society John Adams arrived in Paris on the evening of Saturday, October 26, after a ten-day journey from The Hague. The first person he sought out the following morning was Matthew Ridley. Ridley gave him general information on the state of the negotiations, and filled him in on Franklin’s health: the Doctor was still weak and had ceased his custom of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We are honour’d with your Letter of 26th. October Covering Mr. Hodgsons Letter and Captn. Houstons Bill on us for Ten Guineas.— We shall procure the information Mr. Hodgson desires, for the next post.— We return you Captn. Houstons Bill accepted by us payable at Mr. Vincens Banquer in Paris.— Captns. Cain and Josiah are out of Town but shall deliver your...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I arrived here last evening, with Mrs Williams, she is not well enough to be left immediately or I should have paid my Duty to you in Person. I beg Billy will let me know by a Line how you are, & I hope in a few days to be able to see you, in the mean time I remain as ever Your dutifull & affectionate Kinsman Addressed: A monsieur / Monsieur Franklin /...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania What I am going to mention to your Excellencies will, I hope, apologize for the liberty I take of addressing myself to you. In January 79. I was appointed by the Government of Virginia to go to Europe to transact there some business of importance for the State. I was taken prisoner in coming, & did not recover my liberty ’till Novr. the same year. I...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society As it may be proper you shou’d be acquainted with the contents of the enclosed letter to Mr: Morris, I take the liberty to send it to you open, and to request you, after you have read it, to close it and to forward it by the earliest opportunity. I am, Sir, with much respect and esteem, your most obedient humble Servant A letterbook copy in Dana’s hand....
D and copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; two D and copy: Public Record Office; transcript: National Archives As new American and British negotiators were converging on Paris, Franklin’s isolation in Passy posed certain inconveniences. John Adams arrived on October 26 but, as he initially refused to call on Franklin, the latter was evidently unaware of his arrival until Matthew Ridley...
ALS : Public Record Office; copies: Library of Congress (three), Public Record Office (three), William L. Clements Library, Massachusetts Historical Society I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me by Mr Strachey, and am much pleas’d with the Opportunity it has given me of renewing and encreasing my Acquaintance with a Gentleman of so amiable and deserving a Character. I...
ALS and five copies: Public Record Office; LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: William L. Clements Library (two), Library of Congress, National Archives (two), North Carolina State Division of Archives and History; press copy of copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives You may remember that from the very beginning of our Negotiation for Settling a Peace between Great...
ALS (draft) and three copies: Public Record Office; copies: William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society (two) Knowing the Expectation of the King’s Ministers, that a full Indemnity shall be provided for the whole Body of Refugees, either by a Restitution of their Property, or by some stipulated Compensation for their Losses, and being confident, as...
AL : Library of Congress M de Ségur a L’honneur de faire à Monsieur franklin ses Remerciments du soin quil a bien voulu prendre de Lui faire adresser Les depeches de L’amerique septle. qui lui sont parvenues pour Lui; il le prie en même tems dagréer ses sinceres Compliments./. These had been brought by Capt. Joshua Barney of the packet General Washington; he arrived in Paris on Nov. 5: Barney...
ALS : Library of Congress I find that I can go off with convenience very early on Thursday morning; and therefore if agreeable, should wish you to give me your letter for Mr: T: T: tomorrow evening , as it may furnish with me with a probable occasion of speaking to that gentleman about certain affairs. Mr: H:’s letter may come under cover to me by a courier.— The very moment a certain event...
LS and three copies: Public Record Office; copies: National Archives (three), Library of Congress (three), Massachusetts Historical Society, William L. Clements Library; transcript: National Archives We have been honoured with your Favor of the 5th. Instant, and as our Answer to a Letter We recieved from Mr. Oswald on the same subject contains our unanimous Sentiments respecting it, We take...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Library of Congress I wonder much that your Excellency has received no Letters by our Packet Boat. There were some for M. De Castries & M. de Segur. I enclose what News I have which is not in the News papers. Those will have informed you of the Unhappy Loss of the Eagle, and saving of the Money &ca. I am with great Respect Sir,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Capn. Barney has the honor of assuring his Excelly. Doctr. Franklin of his most respectfull Comps. & wth. pleasure accepts his polite invitation to dinner on Saturday next Addressed: A Son Excellence / Monsieur Le Doctr. Franklin / ministre Plenipotentiare / des Etats Units de / L’Amerique en / son hotel / a Passy The day after Barney arrived in Paris with...