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Results 52591-52620 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
52591 Goldsborough, Charles W. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles W. Goldsborough, 20 … 1808-08-20 Since my letter to you of the 15th. ins. we have received official information of the seizure of...
52592 Goldsborough, Charles W. Madison, James To James Madison from Charles W. Goldsborough, 12 May … 1809-05-12 12 May 1809, Navy Department. James Owen, “lately appointed a surgeon’s mate in the navy,” has...
52593 Goldsborough, Charles W. Jefferson, Thomas Charles W. Goldsborough to Thomas Jefferson, 22 May … 1822-05-22 Entertaining for you, as I do, the most unfeigned respect & esteem—feeling, in common with the...
52594 Goldsborough, Charles W. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles W. Goldsborough, 17 … 1806-02-17 I wrote to Mr. Smith on Friday last, agreeably to your request, on the subject of the extract...
52595 Goldsborough, Charles W. Madison, James To James Madison from Charles W. Goldsborough, 14 … 1809-08-14 14 August 1809, Navy Department. The chief clerk transmits copies of a letter from Capt. David...
52596 Goldsborough, Charles W. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles W. Goldsborough, 16 … 1808-08-16 By letter just received mr Smith has required me to send to you from time to time “a summary of...
52597 Goldsborough, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from “The Author” [Robert … 1787-06-01 If I had the honour of an Acquaintance with your Excellency, I wou’d respectfully subscribe my...
52598 Goldsborough, Robert Washington, George Enclosure, 1 June 1787 1787-06-01 America is like a distempered Patient, whose recovery depends upon the skill of the Physician:...
52599 Goldsborough, Robert H. Madison, James Robert H. Goldsborough to James Madison, 15 December … 1835-12-15 Since my arrival here I received from Mr Charles Vaughan of Hallowell, State of Maine, a paper of...
52600 Goldsborough, Samuel Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel Goldsborough, 15 July 1808 1808-07-15 I take the liberty of adressing you on a subject of but little importance to many but of material...
52601 Goldsmith, David Madison, James To James Madison from David Goldsmith, 13 June 1809 1809-06-13 You will exus a Deutchmen his bath writing I never wont undertainin it both in the misre of been...
52602 Goldsmith, Lewis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lewis Goldsmith, 20 May 1801 1801-05-20 The great & important Situation in which you are plac’d induces me to take the Liberty to address...
52603 Goldsmith, M. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from M. Goldsmith, 20 April 1807 1807-04-20 As from the most remote parts of the Globe one dares adress his wishes to that being which...
52604 Goldsmith, Wilham Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Goldsmith, 4 March 1788 1788-03-04 Lyons, 4 Mch. 1788 . Has returned a small volume, “ La Suite de L’ami d’enfans ,” which belongs...
52605 Washington, George Indenture with Peter Gollatt, 19 March 1770 1770-03-19 This Indenture made the Nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven...
52606 Golling, Johann Paul Washington, George To George Washington from Johann Paul Golling, 4 … 1794-02-04 Translation. Sir. Nueremberg [Germany] Febr. 4. 1794 At the pressing Instance of my Son-in-Law...
52607 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin, 2 … 1781-02-02 AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous remercie un million de fois, mon cher et bon Papa,...
52608 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin … 1782-11-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai une grace à vous demander, mon Papa, j’ai demain Jeudi...
52609 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin … 1780-01-01 (I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society; (III), (IV), and (V) AL : American...
52610 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin … 1781-11-20 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. le Baron de Blome arive chez moi, mon bon Papa, et...
52611 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin: Two … 1783-10-24 (I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne suis arriveè à Paris, mon cher et bon...
52612 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin … 1781-08-08 AL : American Philosophical Society Je reçois enfin, mon cher Papa la reponse de la personne que...
52613 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin, 7 … 1781-03-07 AL : American Philosophical Society Il y à des Siècles que je ne vous ai vû—je trouve ce tems...
52614 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin, [c. … 1781-08-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous souhaite le bon jour, mon cher Papa, et vous...
52615 Golowkin, Wilhelmina von Mosheim, comtesse de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse de Golowkin … 1781-04-12 AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous souhaite un tendre bonjour mon cher Papa, et vous...
52616 Goltz, Bernhard Wilhelm, Baron von der Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Goltz, 2 January 1787 1787-01-02 Le Cte. de Goltz reçoit tout à l’heure les exemplaires de l’Acte de La Virginie, que Monsieur...
52617 Golz, G. Louis de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from G. Louis de Golz, 15 September … 1802-09-15 Pardon my boldness in sending this letter as an humble suitor in my behalf, to entreat Your kind...
52618 Gomez, Isaac Adams, John To John Adams from Isaac Gomez, 17 April 1820 1820-04-17 I was made happy in having the honour of receivg: Your polite and much esteemed favour of the...
52619 Gomez, Isaac Jefferson, Thomas Isaac Gomez to Thomas Jefferson, 28 March 1820 1820-03-28 Pardon the liberty I take in addressing you, a Gen tn with whome I have not the honour of a...
52620 Gomez, Isaac Adams, John To John Adams from Isaac Gomez, 28 March 1820 1820-03-28 Pardon the liberty I take in addressing You a Gentn. with whome I have not the honour of a...