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Results 52591-52600 of 184,431 sorted by author
Since my letter to you of the 15th. ins. we have received official information of the seizure of the following vessels for attempting to evade the Embargo Laws viz. Brig Hiram } seized by commre. Decatur off New Port R.I. Brig William Sloop Neptune Ship John These vessels were all sailing under special permission. I received a letter from Doct. Bullus this day of which the following is an...
12 May 1809, Navy Department. James Owen, “lately appointed a surgeon’s mate in the navy,” has arrived in Washington too late to join the frigate United States before her departure. An extract of a letter from Commodore John Rodgers to Goldsborough, critical of Owen, is enclosed. “With your approbation I will dismiss him, allowing him his expences back to his home.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG...
Entertaining for you, as I do, the most unfeigned respect & esteem—feeling, in common with the virtuous part, at least, of the American family, & with those who desire the perpetuity of our republican institutions, gratitude to you for the many important services you have rendered to our republic, & the wise political maxims which you have inculcated by precept & by example: I should do...
I wrote to Mr. Smith on Friday last, agreeably to your request, on the subject of the extract from Comnde Preble’s letter to him—& I this morning received his answer of which the following is a copy. “Not having Commre Preble’s private letter here, I cant send to the President the proposed extract. And as it contains much confidential matter and is besides among all my private letters I cant...
14 August 1809, Navy Department. The chief clerk transmits copies of a letter from Capt. David Porter and Goldsborough’s reply. Goldsborough has submitted Porter’s letter to the secretaries of state and of the treasury, who have approved his reply. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 45, Letters to the President). 2 pp. Enclosures not found.
By letter just received mr Smith has required me to send to you from time to time “a summary of the progress of the gun boats at their different places of construction”. I therefore herewith transmit to you the enclosed paper A, which is an exhibit of the present state of the gun boats, built & building under the act of last session, as far as it can be ascertained by the reports received. I...
If I had the honour of an Acquaintance with your Excellency, I wou’d respectfully subscribe my name to this address: But in communicating the sentiments which appear in the paper inclosed, I am not governed by a Motive of vanity in personally claiming your attention, but by a warm desire to see our political Union more perfectly established. Whether the ideas it contains can have any tendency...
52598Enclosure, 1 June 1787 (Washington Papers)
America is like a distempered Patient, whose recovery depends upon the skill of the Physician: Her situation is not desperate; but the nicest applications will be necessary to effect her cure; The remedy is certainly in the power of the present Convention; and it is sanguinely expected that their united Wisdom will find out the healing balm and restore her to health and happiness. It is the...
Since my arrival here I received from Mr Charles Vaughan of Hallowell, State of Maine, a paper of the finest kind of Cuba Tobacco Seed, which has been recently sent to him by a friend at the Havanna—and he desired me to distribute it in any way that I thought it could be most gratifying and useful—enjoining it upon me at the same time, that I should first present a portion of it to You as a...
I take the liberty of adressing you on a subject of but little importance to many but of material to me. I hope you wil Excuse the boldness which I have asumed in venturing to write you on this small subject but I have done it by the advice of Mr. Stevenson a Notary of this town wherein I enclose a letter writen for me by the Vice consul at Leghorn concerning the manner which I was treated by...