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Results 52591-52620 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the honor of transmitting to you sundry documents which relate to the detention of the American Ship Young Eagle Henry Fanning Master at the Port of Leith. I am the more inclined to lay these papers before you as they will serve to justify the appointment that I made on the 2d. Inst. to wit, John Cassels Es qr., native of Georgetown So. Carolina, Agent & Vice Consul of the United States...
The family is all well and Lives tranquil Sir. Stable jacks master is now here from the Easternshore. He proposes. the following terms to sell his Servant he will furnish me with a copy of his Uncles will who is Dead About four years & four months. jack was borne a slave under him and at his Death was to serve this Wm. Legg his present Master twelve years. At the Expiration of which time he is...
You will receive herewith an official representation dated the 5th instt., submitting the propriety of removing the collectors of Brunswick Georgia, Plymouth Mass., & Fort Adams, Mississ.; The Commissions for their three successors Turner of Georgia, Henry Warren & Mr Trist have already been received from the Secretary of State & transmitted to them. I had understood that a commission of...
It has been mentioned to me, that expectations of the removal of the Surveyor at Saybrook in this State, from office, are generally entertained. Should such an event take place, permit me to name Mr. George Wolcott as a candidate for the appointment. He is a Gentleman of fair and unblemished moral character, whose integrity, amidst the conflicts of party, I believe, has never been questioned;...
You will find in the gazette of this morning the letter from d’Yrujo, which he wished to be printed, and which will I hope do good. Pichon has also written a strong letter to the Govr. of Louisiana, summoning him on his responsibility, to see that the cession of that province to France be not effected, nor the amicable relations of the Republic to the U. States, be endangered by a perseverance...
I recd., on the 10th Instant, the Letter which you did me the honor to write from Colo Wrens on the 7th—We are proceeding with diligence in our operations on Pennsylvania Avenue according to your directions. It seems to be a very general opinion here that without the trees are boxed, or otherwise protected from the horses and cattle a great many, if not all of them will be bark’d and...
We have the honor, to hand you herewith, a statement of the Expences, on two Casks Wine received for you by the Ship Adelaide from Lisbon, & forwarded by us this day, agreeably to your desire, to Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond—Mr Jarvis , by whom the Wine was addressed to us, has neither mentioned, nor authorised us to receive, the Cost of the Wine— We have the honor to be Sir Your...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s Letter of Febry last —covering a Report of a Committee relative to the Militia Institution of the UStates,—and shall take care to have them placed before the Legislature of this State, at their approaching Session in May next— With high respect & regard I have the Honor to be Sir Your Obet Servant RC ( PHi ); at foot of text: “President of the...
I take the liberty to enclose for your perusal a number of the “Federal Ark,” a paper lately removed from Dover to this place. It is generally believed that no paragraph of a low political nature, more particularly, is ever inserted in it without the approbation of the Collector of this port ; this number may serve as a specimen of the manner in which this paper is conducted;—perhaps none on...
Captain Church, My Dear Betsy, has just arrived & brings me favourable accounts of your journey hitherto and prospects. It is a great comfort to me and I hope will not be marred by bad weather; so that you may all speedily arrive and without too much fatigue to sooth and console your affected Father. Now you are all gone and I have no effort to make to keep up your spirits, my distress on his...
[ New York, March 13, 1803. On March 13, 1803, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I write your father by this opportunity.” Letter not found. ]
With the inclosed from Col. Monroe, I have recd. a list of his furniture at Richmond, from which, by an arrangement between us I am to take such articles as I may chuse. As I infer from his communications to me, that they are to be selected, packed & forwarded under your care, I take the liberty of furnishing you the inclosed memorandum for the purpose, and of requesting that those marked, to...
The inclosed decree has been rendered upon some few of the points, on which I have been consulted by you. I have sent a copy to Mr. Wm. Madison. Mr. Rose has commenced a suit, in which he employs a great scope of demand. I have yet received no information from Mr. Wm. M. concerning it; tho’ it will be time enough, when the bill is filed. I am dear sir always Yr. friend RC ( DLC ). Docketed by...
I received your favor of the 6th with the most grateful sentiments. It did not reach me till the 11th. I cannot better express the sense I have of your kindness, than by setting off for Washington as soon as I can leave my business with convenience, & safety. This will be in 2 or 3 days at furthest. I have already made my principal arrangements.—The failure of my partners Messrs. Bollmann ,...
In July 1801—I was hon’d with the Consular appointment for the British Territories In the East Indies—as soon after as Convenience wou’d admit of, I visited the Court of St. James’s for the purpose of obtaining my Exequator, this I did from an opinion which I had previously form’d; that without being Acknowledged by the General Government, I shou’d be subject to the Caprice of the Colonial...
12 March 1803, Antwerp. Takes advantage of the first direct conveyance since the opening of navigation to send a copy of his November dispatch and the articles mentioned in it. Received JM’s 12 Nov. letter on 24 Jan. and answered immediately. Is anxious to learn if his reply arrived in time. Compares the benefits and disadvantages of the consulates at Antwerp and Le Havre. Sales at Antwerp do...
12 March 1803, New Orleans. “I have learned from the Secretary of the Province Dn Andres Lopez Armesto that the Letters received by the Schooner Cordelia from Monsr. Pichon contained a very strong recommendation to place matters respecting the Deposit on the former footing, but no alteration will be made, till advices are received from Court, as it is always the Custom here when any measure is...
Letter not found. 12 March 1803, Philadelphia. Acknowledged in Wagner to Jones & Clark, 19 Mar. 1803 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as including an account totaling $921.21 due them by the U.S. In his reply, Wagner conveyed JM’s request “to sell the articles on hand at public sale.”
I profit of the first direct conveyance since our Navigation is open to transmit copy of my respects of November and forward the articles therein mentioned which I hope will be acceptable. Your kind Letter of the 12 November, which reached me on the 24 January, I had the honour of answering immediately, and forwarded several copies by the way of England, Havre and Bordeaux. I shall be anxious...
Since my last I have learned from the Secretary of the Province Dn. Andres Lopez Armesto that the Letters received by the Schooner Cordelia from Monsr. Pichon contained a very strong recommendation to place matters respecting the Deposit on the former footing, but no alteration will be made, till advices are received from Court, as it is always the Custom here when any measure is adopted and...
I take the earliest opportunity of answering your favour of the 28th of February. The experience which my visit to Monticello gave me of the mingled benefit and pleasure resulting from a residence in your house induced me to offer my services as Secretary, when the wishes of the American people were gratified by your accession to the Presidential chair. Although my situation has been since...
Le Citoyen Serraire habitant de Cette ville de Digne me charge de Vous prier de donner des Ordres pour qu’il soit pris des renseignemens Sur françois Serraire son fils qui a été emmené de Marseilles par le Capitaine de Navire Michel qui l’a conduit à Philadelphie il y a environ six ans; Depuis cette Epoque le Pere n’a aucune nouvelle de Son Enfant, il attend de votre Bienveillance que Vous...
52613I. Recipient’s Copy (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed replying to your friendly letter by Madame Brougniart in the hope of having something important to communicate, but in the mean time have been so full in my letter to the Secretary of State that I have left myself little to say on the Subject of our publick affairs—I can only tell you generally that we have been gaining ground here for sometime past & some propositions I had an...
52614II. Recipient’s Copy (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed answering your friendly letter by madame Brogniard in the hope of having some thing important to communicate but in the mean time have been so full in my letters to the secretary of State that I have left myself little to say on the subject of our publick affairs. I can only tell you generally that I have been gaining ground for some time past & some propositions I had an...
52615III. Extract, after 18 May 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed replying to your friendly letter by Madam Brougniart, in the hope of having something important to communicate; but, in the mean time, have been so full in my letter to the Secretary of State that I have left myself little to say on the subject of my public affairs. I can only tell you, generally, that we have been gaining ground here for some time past; and altho some...
The memorial and petition of the House of Representatives of the Missisippi Territory. Respectfully Sheweth. That a considerable portion of the Inhabitants of this Territory are situated upon lands of the greatest fertility, watered by navigable Rivers, which have no communication with the Bay of Mexico, but through the dominions of his Catholic Majesty. The principal of those settlements...
The Solicitude I felt upon the account of your health , excited by your letter of last summer, is in a great measure removed by the history you have given me of your disease in your favor of the 28th. of February. Chronic diseases even in persons in the decline of life, are far from being incurable, and I have great pleasure in assuring you that complaints of the bowels such as you have...
In consequence of the Conversation I had with you some days since respecting the Compensation to be allowed to Capt Tingey I have Offered to him the same pay & emoluments which he would have been entitled to receive, if he had remained a Captain of the Navy. This he does not consider sufficient. Herewith you will receive Copies of my Letter & his answer. I find that in the hurry of your...
I have a few days since written to you transmitting you a letter which I addressed to the first Consul for tho I had got various Notes and observations under his eye, in an informal way—Yet I had reason to fear that what I wrote to the Minister particularly on the subject of the debt had not reached him, besides that I believed that he could not pass over a more direct address to him...
Mr. Pichon presents his respects to Mr. Madison and begs that he will inclose in the dispatches which Marquis d’yrujo informed him this morning are preparing to day for Neworleans the inclosed letter. Mr. Pichon leaves it open for Mr. Madison’s inspection. Mr. P. would have conversed on the contents of this letter with Mr. Madison in the forenoon, had he not met with Marquis d’Yrujo who...