James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Charles W. Goldsborough, 7 January 1813

From Charles W. Goldsborough

Nav Dept. 7th Jan. 1813.


Agreeably to directions received from you yesterday, I have the honor of transmitting a paper which exhibits a view of the vessels purchased & built, since the last session of congress, without being previously authorized by Law—with their cost as far as it can be ascertained.1

It is a subject of great regret to me, that owing to the very loose manner in which the Books of money warrants & drafts have been kept, for some time past, the State of the appropriations cannot, in any reasonable time, be prepared. With great respect I have the honor to be sir yr o st

Ch: W: Goldsborough

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Enclosure not found.

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