Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Alexander Gillon or John Joyner, 28 June 1781

To Alexander Gillon or John Joyner6

Copy and partial AL (draft):7 Library of Congress

Passy, June 28. 1781


The essential Interests of the United States making it absolutely necessary to retain the Money which had been ordered to America by the Conveance of your Ship, I am obliged hereby to desire that you would return the same, if already shipt to Messieurs Fizeaux Grand & Co., for which this shall be your Order and Justification. I have the honour to be &c

Commodore Gillon or his Absence to Capt. Joyner.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6Joyner commanded the South Carolina in Gillon’s absence; see JA to BF, May 25. Gillon by now had rejoined the ship; Gillon to Jean de Neufville & fils, June 3 and June 30, 1781 (National Archives).

7We print from the copy; see our annotation of the preceding document.

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